Awkward Ride (W.M)

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Ethan stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. As the doors slid closed, he leaned back against the wall and sighed. He had a long day ahead of him with several important meetings scheduled.

The elevator began its ascent, stopping on the 5th floor. The doors opened and Ethan's eyes widened in surprise as his ex-girlfriend Jean Grey walked in.

"Oh...Ethan, hi," Jean said awkwardly.

"Jean, wow. I haven't seen you in a while," Ethan replied, shifting uncomfortably.

Jean nodded, pressing herself into the corner of the elevator farthest from Ethan. They dated for a few months the previous year before deciding they were better off as friends. The breakup had been amicable, but there was still some lingering weirdness between them.

They rode in silence for a few floors before the elevator stopped again and opened its doors. This time, Ethan was even more shocked to see his ex Sersi stepping in.

"Ethan! What a surprise," Sersi said smoothly. She gave him a sly smile and a wink as she moved to stand near Jean.

Ethan scratched his head nervously. He and Sersi had an intense but short-lived fling over a year ago. She was a lot to handle and while the physical chemistry was strong, they weren't very compatible.

"Hey...Sersi. Great to see you," Ethan muttered, wondering why of all days both his exes would appear.

Sersi chuckled. "Likewise."

The elevator ascended once more, the awkwardness palpable in the small space. Just as Ethan was hoping to make it through the last few floors without incident, the doors opened again. Emma Frost sauntered in.

"Well, well, Ethan Stark. You're looking well," she purred in her cool voice. Out of all his exes, Emma was the one who blindsided him the most when she ended things. He never saw it coming.

"'re looking as stunning as ever," Ethan said gallantly, while internally cringing. This elevator ride was becoming intolerable.

Emma flashed him her icy smile and leaned casually against the wall, smoothing down her pristine white dress. Ethan sighed and loosened his tie, which suddenly felt overly tight.

The elevator resumed its path upwards when suddenly it stopped once again. Ethan closed his eyes, praying it wasn't another woman from his past. Fate was not on his side as the doors slid open.

"Wanda!" Ethan exclaimed. Out of all his exes, she was the one he regretted losing the most. They had a whirlwind romance that burned bright and fizzled out too soon.

"Ethan." Wanda regarded him cooly, though he noticed a spark in her green eyes. She joined the other women in the elevator, casting a curious glance over them.

An incredibly tense and awkward silence descended on the enclosed space. Ethan kept opening and closing his mouth, trying futilely to ease the tension with some kind of small talk.

Finally, Emma broke the silence. "So, Ethan, what an amusing coincidence running into so many of your ex lovers all in one day."

Ethan gulped, tugging at his collar. "Uh, yeah...pretty crazy coincidence alright."

Sersi let out an exaggerated sigh. "Ah memories. We sure had some fun times, didn't we Ethan?"

Ethan shook his head vigorously. "No! I mean, yes we had good times but-"

Emma laughed, the sound like shards of ice. "Don't worry darling, we all know you have a sordid past."

Wanda's eyes flashed at that comment and Ethan winced. He really didn't need Emma antagonizing her right now.

Wanda/Elizabeth One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora