Race for Romance (W.M)

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Ethan Stark strutted into Avengers headquarters like he owned the place. As Tony Stark's son and proud member of the team, he carried himself with a confident swagger.

"Honey, I'm home!" he called out jokes as he strolled into the kitchen, hoping to find Wanda Maximoff there. Ever since she had joined the Avengers, Ethan had been smitten with the mysterious Scarlet Witch.

But instead he found Vision, peering quizzically into the refrigerator. "Ah Ethan, welcome back," the synthezoid greeted in his formal cadence. "I do not believe Wanda is here presently." 

"Oh hey Viz, yeah I figured she might be out," Ethan said casually, grabbing an apple and leaning against the counter in what he hoped was a cool and casual pose.

Ever since Vision and Wanda had started spending more time together, Ethan had been a little jealous even though he tried to play it off. Sure, Vision might be hyper intelligent and able to phase through walls, but Ethan just knew he could win Wanda over with his down-to-earth charm.

"Wanda and I are preparing Italian food tonight," Vision commented. "She offered to teach me to make homemade pasta. It should be a stimulating culinary experiment."

Ethan tried not to groan out loud. Of course the synthezoid chef would impress Wanda with some elaborate romantic dinner. He'd have to step up his game.

"Well hey, if you guys need a taste tester, I'm happy to help!" Ethan said with a grin. "Can't get enough of Wanda's cooking."

"Yes, I'm sure you can't," Vision murmured knowingly. Ethan thought he detected a hint of smugness in the robot man's tone. Oh, it was on...

Later that week, Ethan bided his time until he saw Wanda head out on a solo mission. Perfect - he could surprise her when she returned!

Putting his rarely utilized kitchen skills to work, Ethan managed to cook up a batch of lopsided but edible cupcakes, Wanda's favorite. He slathered them in pink frosting and stuck little fondant Black Widow emblems on top that he was pretty proud of.

When Wanda walked into the compound several hours later, Ethan greeted her eagerly presenting the treats. "Fresh baked just for you! Thought you could use something sweet after your mission."

"Aww, Ethan this is so thoughtful!" Wanda said, her eyes lighting up. She took a bite and grinned. "Delicious. I didn't know you could bake!"

Ethan rubbed the back of his neck bashfully, thrilled he had impressed her. "Yeah well, you know, just wanted to do something nice for you."

Just then, Vision phased up from the floor holding a stunning bouquet of roses and orchids. "For you Wanda," he said. "Welcome home." 

Wanda smiled graciously taking the flowers. "They're beautiful, thank you Vision."

Ethan tried not to scowl too obviously. Of course the resident super robot could whip up flawless flowers out of thin air. He'd just have to get creative.

The next day when Wanda was gone, Ethan snuck into her room to leave his next surprise - a mixtape he had compiled of all her favorite songs, plus a few romantic ballads carefully picked.

He propped it up prominently on her dresser with a cheesy handmade cover that said "To: Wanda, From: Your Secret Admirer." Subtle, but it would get the point across.

When Wanda returned that evening, her eyes lit up seeing the cassette. She popped it into an old boombox that happened to be a relic from Ethan's dad's heyday.

As the first sensual bluesy notes drifted out, Ethan sauntered into the room. "Hey, I think someone made you a mix," he said casually, grinning when she turned.

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