I still love you (W.M) P.2

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Wanda hurried away from the cafe, emotions churning wildly. She knew she had behaved poorly, fleeing like that and leaving Vision confused. But being so close to Ethan again had stirred up too many conflicted feelings she thought were safely buried.

Rounding a corner, Wanda spotted an empty bench and collapsed onto it, pressing shaking hands against her heated cheeks. She just needed a moment to regain composure before facing Vision again.

Wanda flinched in surprise as a tentative voice spoke up. "Hey, mind if I join you for a sec?"

She looked up to see Ethan hovering uncertainly, hands shoved in his pockets. Wanda hesitated before scooting over in silent invitation. An awkward beat passed before Ethan cleared his throat.

"Listen, I wanna apologize for back there," he started earnestly. "I know things between us ended really messily with the Accords and all. I didn't mean to cause you more pain by turning up unannounced."

Turning to study his regretful face, Wanda was struck by how unfamiliar Ethan seemed now. The beard, the new maturity in his eyes - he had changed in their months apart. They both had.

"Why did you move on so quickly?" The blunt question was out before Wanda could stop it, undercurrents of hurt evident despite her effort at a neutral tone.

Ethan looked startled, clearly not expecting her candidness. He took a moment before answering slowly. "Jean and I just...have a connection, you know? It's not the first time we rekindled things."

Hearing him echo the sentiment from earlier stung more deeply now, making anger and envy churn hotly in Wanda's gut. "So you lied to me then," she accused bitterly. "All those times I confessed feeling insecure around her, but you swore there was nothing between you two still."

Straightening defensively, Ethan replied "Okay, that's not really fair. You were the one who broke up with me first if you recall. I didn't betray any promises."

Wanda knew logically he was right, but emotion roared louder than reason. "I tried reaching out to you so many times after, but you ignored me!" she shot back heatedly.

Ethan ran an agitated hand through his hair. "I know, and I'm sorry about that. But I was in a real dark place back then. Being lost in space for months didn't help." He huffed a humorless laugh.

Shame pricked Wanda then at her unchecked temper. She was the one who had cut Ethan out of her life first when she kissed Vision. Did she just expect Ethan to wait in limbo?

Deflating, Ethan mumbled "Forget it, I just wanted to clear the air, but seems like I made things worse. I'll get out of your hair now." He stood wearily to leave.

"Ethan, wait," Wanda entreated, grabbing his hand. "I'm sorry for snapping at you. I didn't mean to stir up more hurt." She hesitated before adding in a small voice, "Seeing you just brought up a lot of buried feelings."

Ethan's eyes softened with understanding even as he gently extracted his hand from hers. "I get it. But we've both moved on now, right?" His kind tone didn't match the sadness in his eyes.

Guilt swamped Wanda at the implications of his words. She thought of Vision waiting patiently for her even now. But being near Ethan had cracked open the doors of her heart she believed sealed. Could she really just ignore those resurfaced feelings?

Impulsively, Wanda whispered "I still love you."

Ethan stiffened, looking stricken. Silence reigned for endless moments before he seemed to gather himself. "Don't do that, Wanda. Don't complicate things after I finally got some peace." His voice was ragged with restrained emotion.

Chastened, Wanda blinked back sudden tears. "You're right, that wasn't fair. I shouldn't have said anything." She managed a shaky smile. "I really am glad you're happy now. Goodbye, Ethan."

This time when she walked away, Wanda didn't look back. She had gotten carried away in the moment, but recognized it was time to close that chapter for good. What she and Ethan shared was in the past. Her future awaited back inside the cafe.

Steeling herself, Wanda returned to find Vision anxiously scanning the streets for her. The relief on his face at seeing her made Wanda even more convicted she was making the right choice walking away from stirred up old feelings. Vision was her steadfast harbor.

Yet even as she allowed herself to be folded into Vision's comforting embrace, the echo of Ethan's parting words lingered painfully. Wanda knew she owed it to Vision and herself to leave the past where it belonged. But a small treacherous part of her heart whispered that just maybe, someday fate might allow second chances.

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