Vanished (W.M)

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Wanda paced back and forth anxiously in the Avengers living room, wringing her hands. Her boyfriend Ethan had wandered off yesterday morning on some errand and still hadn't returned. At first Wanda thought nothing of his longer than expected absence - Ethan tended to get easily distracted and sidetracked.

But as hours stretched into an entire day and night without any word, she had worked herself into a state of panic. Ethan was notoriously terrible with directions. What if he had gotten himself lost somewhere or injured? Or worse - kidnapped?

Tony watched Wanda wearing a path in the carpet as she fretted. "I'm sure he just lost track of time somewhere," he tried reassuring her. "The knucklehead's probably wandering around searching for his own shadow right now."

But Wanda whirled on him angrily. "This is your fault too! I never should have let you convince me he was fine going off alone. You know Ethan is not like other people - he needs constant watching."

Tony held up his hands placatingly. "You're right, I shouldn't have been so dismissive. But my kid's a tough cookie, he'll turn up eventually."

Wanda frowned, not at all comforted. She couldn't believe she had been so careless, leaving Ethan to his own devices despite knowing how vulnerable he was. What kind of girlfriend abandoned the man she loved when he needed her most? She should have trusted her instincts and gone searching for him right away yesterday. But instead she had doubted herself, and now Ethan was paying the price.

As the hours dragged on, Wanda grew more frantic. She tried unsuccessfully reaching out with her powers to locate Ethan, but only sensed...static. The worst possibilities played through her mind on a torturous loop - Ethan cold, hurt and calling out for her while she sat here, useless.

Natasha and Bruce attempted to soothe Wanda, urging her to take a sedative and get some rest. But she refused stubbornly. What if Ethan returned and needed her? Exhaustion was no excuse for failing him again.

Eventually other Avengers emerged to see what the commotion was about. Wanda tearfully explained the situation, her breath hitching on barely suppressed sobs. How could she call herself Ethan's lover when she didn't protect him?

The team tried to reassure Wanda that Ethan was surely okay, just a bit directionally challenged as usual. But she was inconsolable, blaming herself entirely and imagining only the worst scenarios.

Wanda had nearly worked herself into a panic attack when the front doors suddenly banged open. She gasped sharply at the sight of Ethan stumbling inside, looking roughed up and disheveled but miraculously in one piece.

"ETHAN!" Wanda cried, rushing to him. The prodigal idiot was home!

She slowed as she got close enough to see the full extent of his sorry state - rumpled, stained clothes, a black eye and split lip, reeking of stale beer. Ethan gave her a lopsided grin before his eyes rolled back and he faceplanted directly into her arms, dead weight.

While disturbed by his battered condition, Wanda was just relieved to have him safely back. The rest of team looked torn between sharing her joy and disbelief at this typical Ethan return.

With Steve's help, Wanda managed to haul her large unconscious boyfriend to their bedroom. Gently wiping the crusted blood from his swollen face, she sing-songed affectionate scoldings, overwhelmed with relief. Once satisfied all his cuts and bruises were clean and dressed, Wanda curled up beside Ethan, whispering endearments and occasionally pausing to kiss whatever patch of skin wasn't marked up.

Hours later, Ethan finally stirred, blinking blearily up at the ceiling. Turning his head, he broke into a dopey smile seeing Wanda's concerned face hovering over him.

"Morning sleepyhead," Wanda murmured, caressing his cheek. "You have a lot of explaining to do about this little unannounced vacation of yours." Her scolding tone held no heat though. She was just ecstatic to have him safely home.

Ethan winced, head clearly pounding. "Uhhh yeah...about that. Funny story actually..." he began sheepishly before Wanda shushed him. The details could wait. Right now, she just needed to hold him close and reassure herself this wasn't a dream.

Whatever misadventures had befallen Ethan, they would tackle it together. Wanda silently resolved never again to let him out of her sight. Her lovably wayward boyfriend needed her, and this time she would not fail him.

Wanda/Elizabeth One-ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz