Restless Night (W.M)

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Wanda sighed softly as she felt the bed shake yet again. Next to her, her boyfriend Ethan Stark flipped over for what must have been the hundredth time that night, grunting in frustration.

"Ethan, sweetie, is everything okay?" Wanda asked gently. "You seem to be having trouble settling down tonight."

"Sorry Wanda, I just can't get comfortable," Ethan huffed. "And now my brain won't stop thinking about random stuff."

Wanda rolled over to face him, propping her head up on one hand. "What kind of random stuff, my love?"
Ethan waved his hands exaggeratedly. "You know, just all sorts of questions popping up. Like, why are pickles called pickles? Who decided on that name? And why do you park on a driveway but drive on a parkway?"
Wanda bit back an amused smile. Only her Ethan's mind would wander to such silly tangents when he was overtired.

"Hmm, those are some very deep questions," she played along. "Though perhaps less suitable ponderings for nearly 3 in the morning when we should be sleeping."

Ethan scowled up at the ceiling. "Well I can't help it, my brain has a mind of its own!"
Wanda chuckled, running a soothing hand up and down his arm. "I know, darling. Here, let me see if I can help you relax."

She started gently massaging Ethan's muscular shoulders and back, kneading away the tension she found there. "Just try to empty your mind and focus on my touch," Wanda murmured.

For a few minutes, her hypnotic massage seemed to be working. But then Ethan suddenly flipped over and blurted, "Oh man, I just thought of something else! What happens if Pinocchio says 'my nose will grow now'?"

Wanda paused her ministrations and gave an indulgent sigh. Ethan's overstimulated mind was clearly spiralling out of control. Time to bring out the big guns.

"Ethan, look at me," she instructed, shifting closer. The second he turned his head, Wanda captured his lips in a slow, deep kiss that left him dazed and blinking when she eventually pulled back.

"Whoa," Ethan breathed, stars in his eyes. "That was nice..." He trailed off dreamily.

Wanda smiled in satisfaction as she saw his eyes starting to drift closed. But a moment later, they popped open again.

"I just remembered another thing! Wouldn't it be weird if—" Wanda firmly placed a finger over his lips before he could get wound up again.

"Ah ah, no more talking now, my love. Just relax," she purred. Wanda proceeded to kiss him passionately again, letting her hands roam teasingly.

Soon Ethan was responding eagerly, matching her fervor. In between searing kisses, breathless laughs and scattered clothing, all random thoughts quickly fled both their minds.

Much later, a thoroughly exhausted and sated Ethan lay wrapped around Wanda, finally drifting off to sleep. As Wanda was about to go to sleep she than felt Ethan crotch poking her from behind. Wanda tries to calm it by messaging his cock softly so it wouldn't bother him. As Wanda feels his thing softening, Ethan turns around facing her, laying his head in her chest as he snuggled to her.

Wanda gently brushed damp hair off his forehead and whispered, "Sweet dreams, my dear."
Ethan gave her a sleepy, dimpled grin. "They definitely will be now. You always know just how to make my mind stop going in crazy circles and....thanks for calming me down again." He pulled her closer and was soon snoring softly.

Wanda smiled contentedly and let her own eyes close. She may not have cured Ethan's tendency for scatterbrained overthinking, but at least she could always find creative ways to help quiet his restless mind. A foolproof method for lulling her dear man to sleep.

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