The Girl Next Door (E.O)

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(Ethan POV)

Elizabeth Olsen and I go way back. We met in kindergarten when her family moved into the house next door to mine. We became fast friends, bonding over nosso shared love of Ninja Turtles, kickball, and fantasy adventures. As the years went by, we remained close through elementary and middle school.

By high school, things started to change. Puberty hit and sparked new feelings that made me see Elizabeth differently. Suddenly I realized how beautiful she was, with her emerald green eyes and wavy brown hair. I started getting tongue-tied and shy around her.

I wanted to tell her how I felt, but our easy friendship meant everything to me. If she didn't feel the same way, I risked making things painfully awkward. So I kept my feelings bottled up, comforting myself that we had our whole lives ahead of us.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth blossomed into one of the most popular girls in school. She was outgoing, involved in clubs and theater, and always surrounded by friends. I admired her confidence and the way she lit up any room.

In contrast, I tended to be quiet and focused on athletics. While Elizabeth socialized, I spent hours practicing boxing, my favorite sport since childhood. I eventually became captain of the school boxing team, finding the solo sport suited my reserved nature.

Senior year, it seemed like every guy wanted to date Elizabeth. I watched enviously as she went through a string of boyfriends, although none of them stuck around long. She confided in me that she got bored quickly in relationships, that the guys never lived up to the fantasy she had built up in her head.

"Why can't I find someone who just gets me, you know?" she lamented as we sat in my backyard one night, looking up at the stars. "Someone I can be myself around, who I connect with on a deeper level."

I wanted to shout "I'm right here!" but held my tongue. She saw me as her platonic friend, and I didn't want to jeopardize that.

So I just gave her shoulder a playful nudge. "Don't worry, I just know you're destined for bigger things than this town. You're talented, you're a dreamer. You'll make it big someday."

She smiled gratefully. "I'm glad I'll always have you as my best friend."

Those words stung, even though I knew she meant them kindly. I wished I had the guts to speak up and ask if we could be more than just friends. But the timing never seemed right.

On graduation day, I gave Elizabeth a congratulatory hug, told her to keep in touch. Then we went our separate ways - her to Hollywood to pursue acting, and me to training camp on a boxing scholarship.

Over the years, we messaged periodically to catch up. I followed Elizabeth's career at a distance, proud but not surprised as she landed bigger roles and gained fame. She deserved it; she was a star.

Meanwhile, I climbed the ranks in the boxing world, going pro in my early 20s and racking up an impressive undefeated record. The lonely lifestyle suited me; I poured everything into training and fighting, avoiding entanglements with women or anything that could throw me off my game.

When Elizabeth got cast as Scarlet Witch in a major Marvel franchise, I couldn't resist texting her to say congrats. We started messaging more often, reminiscing about our childhood exploits. It felt good to reconnect with my old friend.

Then one day I got an invite from Elizabeth to attend the premiere of her latest blockbuster in LA. She even offered to fly me out and put me up in a hotel. I hesitated at first, but couldn't resist the chance to see her shining moment up on the big screen.

At the premiere, I was rendered speechless when I saw Elizabeth step out of a limo in a dazzling red gown. She looked like a classic Hollywood starlet. The years had only made her more breathtaking.

"Ethan!" she cried, rushing over. "You're really here!" She threw her arms around me in an ecstatic hug. Having her in my arms again awoke old feelings I thought were long buried.

We spent the whole evening catching up, reminiscing, and simply enjoying being together again. Being around her was as easy and natural as it had always been.

"I missed this, missed you," Elizabeth said softly, her hand resting on mine. She looked at me in a way I'd never seen before, her gaze lingering.

My heart pounded. Was there a chance she saw me as more than her childhood friend? I had to find out.

Throwing caution aside, I took her hands in mine. "Elizabeth, I need to confess something. Back in high school, I had the biggest crush on you. You were everything I ever wanted but didn't think I could have. Seeing you again, those feelings came rushing back. I know it's long overdue but...would you go on a real date with me while I'm here?"

Her eyes lit up with surprise and delight. "Ethan...I can't believe it! I used to dream you'd ask me out. I even tried dropping hints but you never made a move. I eventually convinced myself you just saw me as a friend."

I shook my head in disbelief. "I thought you saw me as just a friend! I never dreamed you felt that way about me."

We both laughed at the absurdity of misunderstandings keeping us apart all those years. But as we gazed into each other's eyes, I knew fate had brought us back together at just the right moment. This was our chance to finally be together.

Our first date quickly led to a romantic relationship. The connection and chemistry between us was undeniable; we couldn't get enough of each other. In Elizabeth, I had found the woman of my dreams. And I knew without a doubt I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

When it came time for me to return home, Elizabeth came with me. She was ready to take a break from the stresses of Hollywood and move our relationship forward.

Of course her celebrity status meant dealing with paparazzi and tabloid rumors once word got out. But we didn't care - we were just two people in love, grateful to have found each other.

These days, I still box professionally while Elizabeth splits her time between acting gigs and supporting my matches. We make a pretty unlikely pair on paper - world famous actress and rugged boxer. But our shared history and emotional bond transcends labels.

Sometimes I still can't believe that the girl next door I secretly pined after is now the woman I get to come home to every night. Our patience and perseverance paid off in the end. We took separate paths, but still found our way back to each other. I'm never letting her go again. Elizabeth is my championship title - the one forever prize I'll cherish.

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