I just want a big Family (W.M)

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It was lunchtime at the Avengers compound and the team was all gathered together in the dining hall. Ethan Stark, musclebound son of Tony Stark, was happily chowing down on a mountain of food, as per usual. Beside him, his girlfriend Wanda Maximoff ate at a more reasonable pace, smiling in amusement at her bottomless pit of a boyfriend.

The couple was surrounded by their fellow heroes, all enjoying chatting and eating together between missions. Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes were arguing about the best strategy for taking down enemy brigades, while Sam Wilson egged them on. Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton debated the latest specs on upgraded S.H.I.E.L.D. tech and weaponry. Vision floated serenely nearby, observing the interactions.

Everything was pleasant and low-key until Ethan abruptly stopped shoveling food into his mouth. He turned to Wanda and declared, "I want to have like, 8 kids with you!"

The entire table went dead silent, all chatter and clinking of cutlery stopping instantly. Every head swiveled to gawk at Ethan and Wanda, mouths agape. Wanda flushed a deep red, completely blindsided by her boyfriend's random proclamation.

Ethan just smiled obliviously before returning his attention to his heaping plate without a care. The other Avengers continued to stare in stunned disbelief. Trust Ethan to impulsively blurt out something so intimate and life-altering in front of everyone!

Tony Stark wasn't sure whether to beam proudly at his son's boldness or slap his own forehead in embarrassment. He settled for a resigned sigh, having grown used to Ethan's habit of blurting out whatever crossed his mind, no matter how inappropriate the timing.

The silence dragged on, no one quite sure how to react. Wanda shifted awkwardly, wishing she could disappear under the table. Just as she was debating making a quick escape, Ethan nudged her, his mouth full of food. "Whatcha lookin' so red for, babe? Don't worry about what I said, it's no biggie," he assured her with an oblivious grin.

Before Wanda could formulate a response, Natasha finally leaned across the table and smacked Ethan sharply upside the head. "You don't just announce you want to impregnate your girlfriend eight times to a room full of people, moron!" she scolded.

Ethan winced and rubbed his head, brow furrowing. "Why not? I'm just sayin' what I'm thinkin'! I love Wanda and wanna have a huge family with her, so what's the issue?"

Natasha groaned, realizing it was useless lecturing someone so socially oblivious. "Just...go talk to Wanda privately, okay? You obviously embarrassed her announcing intimate details like that in front of everyone."

"Oh, was that bad?" Ethan asked sheepishly, genuinely not understanding his relationship faux pas. When Natasha facepalmed in exasperation, Ethan decided to take her advice. "My bad guys, I'm just gonna go chat with my lady real quick," he announced before giving Wanda's shoulder a gentle squeeze. "Meet you in our room babe."

Flashing one more oblivious, heart-melting grin, Ethan ambled away in search of Wanda. An awkward silence remained behind at the table. "Well, that was...something," Steve finally said, shaking his head. The others chuckled and gradually resumed their conversations, wondering what was happening between the odd couple now.

Ethan found Wanda laying quietly on their bed, looking contemplative. "Hey babydoll, sorry for embarrassing you like that. I should know better than to blab intimate stuff around everyone," Ethan apologized earnestly, sitting down beside her.

Wanda gave him a small, understanding smile and placed her hand on his cheek fondly. "It's okay, I know you just say whatever pops into that goofy head of yours. But did you really mean it? You want us to have that many babies together someday?"

"Absolutely!" Ethan assured her enthusiastically. "I wanna fill up a whole mansion with tons of little punks running around! We're gonna have an awesome big family, with you as their supersweet mama."

He smiled adoringly at Wanda, his excitement over their potential future family evident. Laughing, Wanda pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss, beyond thrilled at the prospect of raising a small army of Starks with the lovable lug she called hers.

When their lips finally parted, Ethan wiggled his eyebrows flirtatiously. "Soooo, does this mean we can start practicin' making babies right now?" he asked with a playful growl.

Wanda giggled and pushed lightly against his chest. "You have to put a ring on it first, mister! But once you properly propose, we can certainly start...rehearsing," she purred back.

Grinning like he'd won the lottery, Ethan swept Wanda up bridal-style and spun her around joyfully. "Challenge accepted, future Mrs. Maximoff-Stark!" If anyone could handle the chaos of eight mini-them's, it was this unconventional duo. Their epic family would be chaotic, loud, and full of so much love.

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