Trouble Finds Them (W.M)

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Ethan sighed as he slid into the booth across from Wanda. She had her arms crossed and was glaring at him.

"I still don't understand why you wanted to come here," she said, frustration evident in her voice. "You know I don't like bars."

"Come on, it'll be fine," Ethan cajoled. "I promised I'd behave myself, didn't I?"

Wanda rolled her eyes. "You always say that, and then we end up having to make a quick exit when you start a fight."

Ethan put his hands up. "Not this time, I swear. I just want to have a nice, relaxing evening out with my girl."

He reached across the table to take her hand, giving her his most charming smile. She couldn't help but soften a bit.

"Okay, fine. But I'm serious Ethan - no trouble tonight. I'm not in the mood to deal with it."

" Scout's honor," Ethan said, making the gesture.

Wanda shook her head but she was fighting a smile now. It was hard to stay mad at him when he was trying so hard to be sweet.

A waitress came by and they ordered drinks and an appetizer. As they waited, Ethan kept the conversation light, telling funny stories to make Wanda laugh. She slowly started to relax and enjoy herself.

"See, this isn't so bad," Ethan said. "Good drinks, good company - what more could you want?"

"I'll admit, I'm having a nice time," Wanda conceded.

Their drinks arrived and they clinked glasses. Ethan was thrilled he had managed to get her out and turn her opinion around on bars. Though he would never admit it, he could understand her hesitation. More than once their nights out had ended badly when he lost his temper. But he was determined to be on his best behavior tonight.

As he took a sip of his beer, laughing at Wanda's sarcastic commentary on the bartender's mane of facial hair, his eye caught on a familiar figure entering the bar. Emma Frost, his ex-girlfriend. Instantly his muscles tensed. He and Emma did not have a good relationship; she had a knack for pushing all his buttons.

Wanda noticed his change in demeanor. "What's wrong?" She followed his gaze over to Emma, who was now sauntering over to the bar, clearly intending to get a drink. Wanda frowned, turning back to Ethan.

"Don't even look at her," she said sharply. "I'm serious Ethan. We're having a good night and I don't want her coming over here ruining it."

Ethan swallowed hard. "Right, yeah. Don't worry, I'll just ignore her."

But he couldn't help but keep glancing over. Emma was like a train wreck - horrible to behold but impossible to look away from. She had placed her order at the bar and was now leaning on it, casting her gaze around the room. Ethan had a sinking feeling she was looking for him.

He quickly turned back to Wanda. "So uh, you were saying about your brother's new job?"

He tried to focus on her, though his eyes kept flicking back to Emma against his will. She was now walking across the bar, swaying her hips in that exaggerated way she always did. Deliberately trying to garner attention.

Wanda noticed Ethan's distraction. She reached across the table and turned his face toward hers. "Ethan. Eyes here." Her tone allowed no argument.

He swallowed again. "Right, sorry. You have my full attention."

But over Wanda's shoulder, he could see Emma approaching. He braced himself. This was not going to be good.

"Well, well, imagine seeing you two here," Emma purred as she reached their table.

Wanda/Elizabeth One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora