Father Knows Best? The Tale of Ethan's Insistence on a Sixth Child (E.O)

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"Five boys!" I shook my head in disbelief as I looked at my rambunctious sons running wild in the backyard. Don't get me wrong, I love my boys to death, but a man needs a little princess too! Ever since Elizabeth and I started having kids, I've dreamed of having a sweet little girl to dote on. But so far, all we've gotten are these rowdy, dirt-loving, snake-chasing boys.

As I watched my sons play a rather aggressive game of tackle football, I thought to myself, "How can I convince Elizabeth that we need to try for just one more?" I knew she felt done after baby number five, but I wasn't ready to give up on my dream of a daddy's girl.

That night at dinner, as my sons shoveled down their food with their usual lack of table manners, I brought up the idea as casually as I could. "You know, I sure would love a sweet little girl running around here in a frilly dress. Wouldn't that be nice?"

Elizabeth just smiled and shook her head. "Oh Ethan, five is more than enough, don't you think?"

I tried to persuade her further, "But think about how cute it would be to have a little princess! We could put bows in her hair and have tea parties and take her to ballet class. She'd have you wrapped around her little finger!"

"As wonderful as that sounds, I'm feeling done with babies," Elizabeth said. "Let's just be thankful for our five healthy boys."

I knew then it would take some convincing to change her mind. But I was determined to get my little girl, no matter what it took!

The next weekend, I came home with a big bouquet of pink roses for Elizabeth. "Just wanted to bring these home to my beautiful wife," I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"They're lovely, thank you," she said, "but what's the occasion?"

"Oh nothing, can't a man shower his wife with flowers just because?" I said, trying to play it cool.

Over the next few weeks, I kept trying to soften her up. I'd bring home her favorite dessert, give her massages, suggest date nights. I even recruited the boys to make her handmade cards covered in glitter and drawings of our future family, now with a stick-figure sister.

Finally, one night as we relaxed on the couch after the boys were asleep, I made my appeal. "Honey, we have such a nice family, but doesn't it seem incomplete? Like someone is missing?"

Elizabeth laughed. "Ethan, are you still on this? I know you want a girl but I'm just not up for another pregnancy and another mouth to feed."

"But just imagine!" I said. "A sweet princess we could dress up and protect. The boys need a little sister to look after. And she would have them to keep the boys away when she's a teenager!"

I excitedly described my vision for dances, shopping trips, and daddy-daughter dates. Elizabeth smiled but I could tell she still wasn't convinced.

"Tell you what," I bargained. "If we have just one more, and it's not a girl, then I'll happily be done. What do you say? Are you willing to try one more time for the sake of your dear husband's dream?"

I gave her my best pleading puppy dog eyes. She sighed and finally relented. "Alright, one more try. But you better keep your end of the deal mister if it's another boy!"

Success! I joyfully agreed and sealed the deal with a kiss. Now the waiting game began.
Over the next nine months, I was on pins and needles. We decided not to find out the gender ahead of time, though Elizabeth suspected she was having another boy based on how she was carrying.

"Honey, I know you're convinced it's a girl, but I really think you should prep yourself for a sixth son," she said, trying to temper my excitement. But I wouldn't hear of it! I just knew in my gut this would be our little princess.

I took Elizabeth out for date nights as often as we could manage with five kids. We went shopping for frilly dresses and cute hair accessories "for the baby." At home, I painted the spare room a soft pink and filled it with stuffed animals.

Finally, the big day arrived! Elizabeth went into labor early in the morning. After dropping the boys off at my parents' house, I rushed her to the hospital.

Several agonizing hours later, the moment of truth arrived. Our baby entered the world...and it was a girl!! I whooped and cried tears of joy as I held my precious daughter for the first time.

Elizabeth smiled tiredly at me. "I guess you got your little princess after all."

"She's perfect!" I grinned. "Absolutely perfect. My precious Emilia."

Over the next few years, I treasured every moment with Emilia. Her brothers doted on her and dutifully scared away any boys who came sniffing around. We had princess tea parties, daddy-daughter dances, shopping trips, and so many sweet snuggles. My arms were made to hold this precious angel.

One day as I proudly watched Emilia dance recital, Elizabeth leaned over with a knowing look. "Okay, I have to admit, having a daughter is pretty great. But no more babies!"

I laughed and kissed her cheek. "Agreed! Our family is now complete." And it was. With my sons and my precious princess, life was perfect. My quest was finally complete.

(Author Notes) Hey everyone, I just want to let you know thank you for reading this oneshots. I haven't written for a while and I do apologize for some grammars. Anyways thank you☺️

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