I still love you (W.M) P.1

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Wanda smiled softly across the cozy cafe table at Vision, enjoying their rare chance to spend a peaceful afternoon together without threat of attack hanging over them. Ever since choosing opposing sides of the Sokovia Accords and being forced into hiding, moments like this felt all the more precious.

London made for a perfect discreet rendezvous spot to reconnect. And Vision's new human disguise allowed them to stroll the bustling streets relatively unnoticed, save for the occasional double take at his strikingly adorable features.

Taking a sip of tea, Wanda let herself fully relax. She owed this welcome bit of normalcy to Vision agreeing to defy Tony's orders, if only for a short time. Running a thumb gently over his knuckles in gratitude, she said "This was an excellent idea."

Vision's eyes crinkled happily. "I am pleased you think so. It is most agreeable having you all to myself again." He lifted her hand to press a soft kiss to her wrist.

Wanda smiled, marveling again at how she had come to fall for this remarkable being who saw her needs even before she realized them herself. With Vision she had finally found peace, a sense of stability missing for so long from her tumultuous world.

Just then, the tinkling bell over the cafe door announced a new arrival. Glancing idly over, Wanda did a double take, nearly choking on her tea. There, chatting casually with the hostess, was none other than Ethan Stark - her ex-boyfriend.

And hanging possessively on his arm was Jean Grey, another former flame of Ethan's with whom he had reconnected after their breakup. Wanda felt an ugly knot of dread and jealousy constrict her chest at the sight. She hadn't laid eyes on Ethan since that final painful exchange at the airport in Germany.

Oblivious as always, Ethan noticed Wanda and Vision and headed over. "Hey guys, fancy meeting you here!" he greeted with typical nonchalance.

Wanda managed a weak smile in return. "Ethan, what a...surprise," she managed, attempting cordiality despite swirling emotions.

"We certainly did not expect to see you, especially in the company of Miss Grey," Vision added, sounding equally perplexed. If he felt any jealousy towards Ethan, it didn't show.

"Jean and I go way back, we reconnected after...everything happened," Ethan explained vaguely, clearly referring to the Avengers civil war. An awkward beat passed at the mention of that painful history.

Mercifully, Jean stepped forward then with a polite smile. "It's nice to see you both. We actually just stopped in for a quick coffee while in town on business."

Wanda simply nodded, not trusting her voice. Part of her was relieved Ethan clearly hadn't sought them out intending to turn them over to Tony after all. But seeing him seeming so content and unaffected after months apart roused a storm of resentment and hurt within her.

Before the stilted reunion could get any more uncomfortable, Vision invited Ethan and Jean to join them. Wanda shot him an incredulous look, but he gave her hand a subtle, reassuring squeeze under the table.

To her dismay, Ethan agreed readily and soon the two couples were seated across from each other over tea and pastries. Wanda avoided looking directly at Ethan, but felt his familiar presence like a phantom ache. God this was torture.

Making polite small talk, Vision inquired more about how Ethan and Jean had crossed paths again. As Jean explained about locating a lost Ethan during her travels and accompanying him for several months after, Wanda felt jealousy flare.

Glancing up, she couldn't stop her gaze from going to Ethan's face like a magnet as he happily scarfed down a pile of treats with his usual zeal. Seeing his characteristic crumbs speckling his scruffy beard made fond memories resurface before Wanda could suppress them.

She noticed Jean tenderly dabbing at Ethan's mouth with a napkin, a gesture so familiar and intimate that it pierced Wanda painfully. That had been her loving duty once. Now watching another woman care for him so gently felt like twisting the knife deeper into barely healed wounds.

Unable to endure the sight a second longer, Wanda stood abruptly, nearly knocking over her chair. Four startled faces looked up at her quizzically.

"My apologies, I just recalled another appointment I'm late for," Wanda lied hastily, already grabbing her purse. "Please, don't let me interrupt your afternoon any further."

Ignoring Vision's concerned frown, she flashed a tight smile at a baffled looking Ethan and Jean before rushing from the cafe without a backwards glance, heart pounding wildly...

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