Anything for you (W.M)

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Ethan Stark grinned excitedly as he watched his girlfriend Wanda Maximoff browsing through racks of clothes at her favorite boutique in the mall. He loved any excuse to lavish his best girl with gifts, and had been eagerly anticipating this shopping trip all week.

Wandering over, Ethan wrapped his arms around Wanda from behind as she examined a pretty floral sundress. "See anything you like, babe?" he asked, nuzzling into her hair.

Wanda turned in his arms with a wry smile. "Ethan, you know you don't have to buy me presents every time we go out. I'm really not that much of a shopper."

"What! Nonsense," Ethan scoffed teasingly. "I know my lady deserves the finest things in life. Go ahead, treat yourself!"

Though she appreciated the thought, Wanda hesitated. She had always lived a simple life, never getting accustomed to extravagance. The last thing she wanted was for Ethan to feel obligated to shower her with lavish gifts.

Sensing her reluctance, Ethan took her hands earnestly. "Wanda, you are worth all the money in the world to me. Seriously, go crazy - it's just pocket change." He flashed her a lopsided grin.

Despite his cavalier attitude, Wanda still demurred. "That's very sweet, but you know I'm happy just spending time with you. I don't need anything fancy." She cupped his cheek fondly.

Ethan turned his head to kiss her palm. "You deserve to feel like a queen every day. What kind of man would I be if I didn't provide for my lady?" he insisted gallantly.

Wanda laughed at his exaggerated chivalry. "My noble knight. Really though, please don't feel you have to buy me expensive things. Your love is the only gift I need." She punctuated this with a tender kiss.

"You sure you don't want me to just buy out the whole mall for you?" Ethan asked, only half-joking. "I could have it cleared out so you can shop in peace. Would that make you more comfortable splurging?"

Shaking her head in amusement, Wanda replied "Tempting, but I'd hate to disappoint all the other customers who got kicked out on my behalf."

Ethan heaved a dramatic sigh. "Fiiine, I suppose I can refrain from buying out the whole establishment just for you. But I'm still getting my best girl some new outfits and treats today, no arguments!"

Unable to resist his adorable enthusiasm any longer, Wanda finally relented. "Oh alright, you impossible man. But just a few things, okay?" Ethan's face lit up, making the concession worthwhile. His glee at indulging her never failed to make her heart melt.

Several hours later, Wanda was laden down with over a dozen shopping bags as a beaming Ethan escorted her from store to store. She had to admit, it was rather fun picking out lovely new clothes and accessories. The shop employees all fawned over Ethan's generosity, making Wanda flush but smile with pride at having such a doting partner.

At a chic lingerie boutique, Ethan sneakily purchased several lacy underthings for Wanda while she was distracted, waggling his eyebrows mischievously. Laughing, Wanda swatted his shoulder for the naughty surprise.

They paused for a break at a cafe, Wanda sipping chamomile tea while Ethan noisily slurped an extra thick chocolate milkshake. She grinned watching him devour the treat, with no less gusto than a child. He caught her staring and gave her a frothy, silly grin.

"Having fun?" he asked cheerfully, taking her hand. At her nod, Ethan puffed his chest out proudly. "Good! We still have plenty more stores to hit."

Overwhelmed by his generosity, Wanda leaned over to kiss Ethan's cheek. "Thank you for a wonderful day, my love. But I think I'm all shopped out for now."

Ethan looked ready to protest, but at Wanda's earnest expression he relented. "If you say so. But I'm always down for more mall adventures whenever you want!"

Wanda squeezed his hand gratefully. She was a very lucky woman to have such a loving, giving man in her life. Even if he did get a tad overzealous with the gift-giving at times. She wouldn't change a thing.

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