The Bodyguard's Dilemma (E.O)

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(Ethan POV)

My name is Ethan and I work as a private bodyguard and security specialist. My latest assignment was to protect and escort Elizabeth Olsen during a film premiere event she was attending. As I waited outside her hotel for her to emerge, I have to admit I was quite nervous. Elizabeth is a hugely famous actress and the paparazzi and crowds that follow her can be intense. It's my job to keep her safe from any threats or dangerous situations.

When she came out of the hotel doors, flanked by her own personal assistants, I was momentarily stunned by how beautiful she was in person. Her big green eyes, flawless porcelain skin, and flowing brown hair took my breath away. But I quickly snapped back into professional mode and greeted her.

"Ms. Olsen, I'm Ethan. I'll be your security escort to the premiere tonight," I said.
"Please, call me Elizabeth," she said warmly as she shook my hand. Her smile lit up her whole face.

I led her to the waiting black SUV and held the door as she gracefully slid into the back seat. As we drove to the premiere, waving through hordes of fans and photographers, I kept a watchful eye out through the tinted windows for any potential threats or disturbances in the crowd.

"So Ethan, have you been doing this job long?" Elizabeth asked me, making conversation.
"About five years now," I replied. "I used to be in the Secret Service, guarding diplomats and the like. But this work allows me to still use my skills in protection, but with celebrity clients."

"Do you ever get star struck?" she asked playfully.

"No, I try to remain professional," I said matter-of-factly.

She smiled again. "I'm sure you've guarded much more famous people than me."

"Maybe," I said. "But not more beautiful." The words came out before I could stop them.

Her cheeks flushed pink and she glanced down shyly. We rode the rest of the way in silence. I mentally kicked myself for the unprofessional compliment.

When we arrived at the premiere, there were screams and camera flashes going off everywhere. I immediately went on high alert, scanning the crowd and perimeter for potential threats. I escorted Elizabeth down the red carpet, keeping a hand gently on her back as she waved and smiled for the cameras.

At one point she stumbled on her high heels and instinctively grabbed my arm to steady herself. Our eyes met for a brief moment before she regained her poise and continued down the carpet. My heart raced from her touch and the electricity that seemed to arc between us.

Once inside the venue, I positioned myself against the wall where I had a good vantage point. Elizabeth mingled and laughed, chatting with her co-stars. Watching her smile and have a good time, I felt a surge of protectiveness come over me. I realized that even beyond my professional duties, I felt drawn to keep her safe. There was just something about her that brought out my instinct to shelter and defend.

The premiere went off smoothly with no incidents. As we rode back to the hotel afterward, Elizabeth sighed and slipped off her shoes, rubbing her sore feet.

"These premieres look so glamorous, but they actually involve a lot of discomfort!" she remarked.

"I'm sorry they make you wear such painful shoes," I said. "Your feet deserve better."

She giggled at my unexpected sympathy for her foot pain. Suddenly, her eyes brightened as she seemed to get an idea.

"Hey, would you want to come up to my suite for a bit? We can have a drink and relax without all the noise and crowds. I'd love some non-premiere conversation for a change."

I hesitated. Technically my duties ended once I escorted her safely back to the hotel. But the thought of spending more time with her, seeing her as just Elizabeth rather than "CLIENT" made me throw caution to the wind.

"Sure, I'd like that," I said.

Up in her luxurious suite, Elizabeth kicked off her shoes and poured us both a glass of wine. We sat chatting on the couch like old friends. She was so down-to-earth and funny. I found myself telling her things I hadn't shared with anyone in years. The more we talked and laughed, the more I realized how special she was. This wasn't just a beautiful celebrity I was guarding. She was a real person who deserved happiness and love just like anyone else.

The wine lowered my inhibitions and before I knew it, we were sitting side by side, our faces just inches away. The attraction was palpable, like gravity pulling us together. Her lips parted and she leaned in. My heart pounded wildly as our lips brushed in a soft, exploratory kiss. I was getting lost in the tender kiss when my conscience scolded me.

"Elizabeth, wait," I said breathlessly, pulling back. "As much as I want this, it would be unprofessional of me. You're my client."

Disappointment clouded her eyes. "You're right, I'm sorry. I got carried away."

"Believe me, I want nothing more," I said earnestly. "But your safety and well-being are my priorities. If we crossed that line, it could compromise my ability to protect you. And you deserve someone who can give you 100% of himself. I'm afraid my duties wouldn't allow that."

She considered my words and slowly nodded. "I understand. And I appreciate you looking out for me. But...hypothetically...if you weren't my bodyguard..."

I smiled, knowing what she was hinting at. "Hypothetically, nothing would make me happier than to be free to love you with my full heart. Because you are an amazing woman, Elizabeth."

We regretfully said goodnight. As I rode the elevator down, my heart ached. In another time or place, I could have found true happiness with her. But reality couldn't be ignored. I had my duty, and she had the burdens of fame.

Over the next few weeks, I continued escorting Elizabeth to events. We remained friendly and professional on the surface. But underneath, the powerful attraction and bond between us persisted, like a steady flame that refused to be extinguished.

The torture was wanting to be with her but not being able to. I was trained to face dangerous situations without fear, but nothing prepared me for the risk I now faced - of falling helplessly in love.

One night after an event, we gave in to desire and shared a passionate kiss in the back of the SUV. Holding her in my arms, I knew in my soul I wanted to be with her. Ethics be damned.

"Elizabeth, what are we doing?" I murmured.

"I don't know," she whispered. "But I can't keep pretending there's nothing between us. I've never felt like this about anyone before. Haven't you ever taken a risk and just followed your heart?"

She had a point. What was the purpose of my hyper-vigilant protection if it kept me from truly living?

From that night on, we began secretly dating. Stealing kisses and late night rendezvouses in her hotel room. I took every precaution to keep things discreet so as not to spark a scandal. If my employer found out, I'd surely be fired.

But Elizabeth was worth the risk. Her love brought out a side of me I'd buried years ago - playful, passionate, vulnerable. Together we created a beautiful oasis from the lonely pressures of fame and the burdens of duty.

Eventually though, the secrecy took its toll. Elizabeth hated sneaking around, and I knew it wasn't fair to her to keep our relationship hidden. One night, over a romantic candlelit dinner, I gained the courage to confess what was in my heart.

"Elizabeth, this subterfuge has gone on long enough," I declared. "I want to tell the world you're mine, and be free to share my life with you. If it means giving up my job, so be it. You're more important to me. I'm ready to take that leap if you are."

Her face lit up with joy. "Yes! I want that more than anything."

We kissed passionately. Finally we could be together, without obstacles of career or circumstance keeping us apart. I'd taken the risk and chosen love. And that made all the difference.

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