What the hell are you doing?! ( W.M)

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Ethan sat in the infirmary with his girlfriend Wanda Maximoff and his friends Bruce Banner and Natasha Romanoff. They had all gathered here for a very unusual reason - Bruce had asked Ethan to donate his sperm so that he and Natasha could have a child. You see, Bruce was unable to impregnate a human due to his alter ego, the Hulk.

As they waited for the procedure to begin, Natasha asked Wanda to accompany her for some paperwork. As they left, Wanda turned to Ethan and sternly told him to behave. Ethan nodded, giving her a quick kiss before she left.

Now, it was just Ethan and Bruce in the room. Bruce thanked Ethan for agreeing to do this for him and Natasha, to which Ethan simply replied that it was no problem. As they waited, Ethan started to fidget in his seat. Bruce, who was talking about something completely unrelated, suddenly noticed what Ethan was doing.

'What the hell are you doing?' Bruce asked, his eyes widening in shock.

Ethan, who is rubbing his crotch, looked up at Bruce and replied nonchalantly, 'I'm just getting ready,I'm  doing it for you, man. I'm getting ready.'

Bruce couldn't believe what he was hearing. 'Why do you have your hand on your dick?'

Ethan grinned mischievously and said, 'For the donation, of course. I'm trying to get it half heated up so when I go in there, I can just bust it out.'

Bruce's jaw dropped in disbelief. 'You're...you're sitting out here in public, jerking off like you're —- he whispered, trying not to draw attention to them.

Ethan shrugged and said, 'Hey, I'll be quick. No one will even notice.'

But Bruce shook his head, his eyes wide with shock. 'No, no, no. Stop. We are not doing this here in the infirmary. What if someone walks in?' he hissed, feeling a little embarrassed at the thought of getting caught.

Ethan, who was still determined, but Bruce didn't know what to say or make up for this, he then asked Ethan If he had any pot. Ethan looks at him and says " Don't worry I'm clean and your baby will be born healthy."

Bruce sighed and said, ok, sorry..I'm just worried...I just want my kid to be born fine..and can you please stop doing that."

Just then, Wanda and Natasha returned to the room. As Wanda walked in, she saw Ethan with his hand on his pants, rubbing his crotch. She immediately went over to him and smacked him hard on the back of his head.

'What the hell are you doing?!' she whispered-yelled, her eyes blazing with anger.

Ethan winced and rubbed the back of his head, a sheepish look on his face. 'I was just...getting ready,' he mumbled with his usual grin.

Wanda shook her head in disbelief and said, 'Ethan, you got to be fucking me. In public! Are you out of your mind.

Natasha, who was trying not to laugh at the whole situation, sighed and said, 'Can we just get this over with?'

Bruce, who was still sitting next to Ethan, got up, nodded and said, 'Yes, let's just get the over with.

Ethan soon gets pulled by the ear by Wanda as the doctor called Bruce and Nat as the pairs went inside as Ethan was still dragged by the ear. It didn't take long but the procedure went smoothly and quick,  and Ethan was relieved when it was over. He couldn't believe he had gotten caught jerking off in the infirmary by his girlfriend.

As they all left the infirmary, Natasha couldn't help but to ask  Wanda about the incident. 'So, Wanda, do you deal with these sorts of things with Ethan? I mean, I knew Ethan could be bold but I didn't imagine he would do this. she says, causing Wanda to turn red with embarrassment.

Wanda sighs as she tells Nat that this was a first to her, and yes she has dealt with Ethan's shinagians. " I'm sorry you have to see that, Ethan is dumb...very dumb. Thankfully, no one saw him doing it."

But despite the embarrassing and funny situation, Wanda looks at Ethan and smiles. She is just happy that Ethan was able to help their  friends. She knew that Bruce and Natasha would make great parents, and she  was glad to have Ethan  play a small part in bringing their child into the world. Tho, thinking of children she couldn't help but think how their children would look like if she would ever be pregnant.

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