Lost in Space (W.M) Part 2

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"You lost my only son WHERE?!" Tony Stark bellowed, slamming his fist on the table.

"I'm afraid Ethan's spaceship has gone off radar in the Andromeda system, sir," the NASA rep squeaked out. "He must have wandered off course."

"Of course he did, that boy has no damn sense of direction!" Tony groaned, dropping his head in his hands.

Across the room, Wanda Maximoff was pacing anxiously, sparks flying from her fingers. "I told you he wasn't ready for a solo space flight! But you Starks always have to prove yourself," she snapped.

"Hey hey, let's not panic yet," said Steve Rogers calmly. "Ethan's gotten lost plenty of times before and turned up fine. I'm sure he's..."

"Wandering cluelessly around an uncharted region of space?!" Wanda cut in sharply. The lights flickered with her swirling emotions. She took a breath, regaining some composure.

"We have to find him now," she said determinedly. Steve nodded solemnly.

"You're right, we'll take the quinjet for a search and rescue," he assured her. "Stark, send us whatever tracking data you have on Ethan's last known location."

Still cursing under his breath, Tony forwarded them the information. Within the hour, Steve, Wanda, and Natasha were embarking on their mission.

"Hold tight Ethan, we're coming," Wanda murmured as they streaked into the inky vastness of space. She tried reaching out with her senses, but Ethan was too far. Wanda refused to lose hope though. Her darling fiance had a knack for cheating death. This mishap was just another wild story waiting to be told over late-night popcorn and cuddles...once she rescued his foolish ass.

Meanwhile, millions of miles away, Ethan Stark whooped gleefully as his spaceship spun end over end, systems dead. "Aw man, Dad's gonna kill me if I busted another ship!" he chuckled.

Managing to get control with short blasts from his suit's gauntlets, Ethan scoped out his surroundings. "Hmm don't recognize any of these constellations. Mayyyybe should've paid more attention when they mentioned navigating at the Academy," he muttered.

With no clue where he was or how to get home, Ethan figured he might as well explore. "Off on an adventure! Maybe I'll be the first to discover signs of alien life!" he declared excitedly. Firing his thrusters, Ethan set off toward the nearest planet.

Touching down on the strange new world, Ethan bounced around delightedly taking in the sights. "Woah, everything's so purple!" he exclaimed. The landscape was indeed dominated by curious violet vegetation.

As Ethan examined some of the unusual alien flora, he suddenly heard a loud growl behind him. Turning slowly, he came face-to-face with a large furry beast baring rows of sharp teeth.

"Nice...critter," Ethan said nervously. "Just passing through, don't mind me!" He tried to sidle away but the creature pounced, ripping off Ethan's helmet before he could react.

"Whoa, girl calm down!" Ethan yelled as he grappled with the monster's strong jaws clamped dangerously near his face. "I taste terrible, promise!"

Just then, a shrill whistle sounded out. The creature's ears perked and it backed off Ethan. An armored figure emerged from the trees, riding some kind of reptilian mount.

"Our apologies off-worlder," he said in a strange accent, indicating the now-docile beast. "Grimbark here is our guard. We rarely receive visitors."

"No problem, I love making new friends!" said Ethan amiably as he pulled himself up and dusted off his damaged armor. "I'm Ethan. What is this place?"

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