Chapter 26 - Sophie

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"Can you guys please just tell me where Keefe has been? I know that you guys are lying about the council emergency." I asked impatiently as we continued to play rock, paper, scissors over and over again.

"N- no, Keefe is actually with the council right now! Come on, how about we play some of your favourite human game, Mon... Mono... uh, how do you say it again?" Biana tried.

"Monopoly, and yes, let's play." I giggled and Maruca got everything set up. Suddenly, as we were about to start playing, I heard a knock on the door. Everyone else gasped and Marella quickly packed the Monopoly away.

"Sophie! Wait here! Do not move!" Biana squealed as all of my friends rushed downstairs. Before I could question the situation, they were all gone. What? 

A minute later, everyone came rushing back into the room, lastly followed by Keefe. I stood up, unsure what to do, when Keefe walked up to me. The whole room was quiet. 

"Sophie, you are the most beautiful person I have ever met. Not just your face, but your heart, too. You care for everyone and you make sure that everyone is going to be okay, no matter the situation. You have always been a leader to all of us. The first day I met you, I immediately fell in love. Everything about you was perfect, and even now, after so many years, you still are. I will always love you and I'm so happy that our child will have you as his or her mother.  So, Sophie Elizabeth Foster, will you marry me?" Keefe said with tears in his eyes, now on one knee, lifting the ring up for me to slide on my finger.

I stopped for a moment, unable to process the situation. 

"Sophie?" Keefe asked worriedly. "What -"


Hello everyone! After 26 chapters, Sophie and Keefe are finally married! Woooooo! Stay updated for new parts coming soon!

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