Chapter 30 - Keefe

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Hi guys! Finally, after 30 chapters, we finally have arrived to the BIRTH OF THE SOKEEFE BABY! Wooooo! Get ready for it readers!!


                          *** 7 months later (roughly the time of the due date of the baby) ***

Sophie and I were sitting on her bed, rubbing her tummy softly. 

"I can't believe nine months have gone by already," Sophie breathed excitedly and worriedly. I smiled at her cuteness.

"I know, they've flown by," I agreed. I can't believe we're going to be parents soon!"

"I know, right? I can't wait to meet the beautiful baby - wait, hold on a second, I just realized that we forgot to find out about the gender!" Sophie exclaimed.

"Oh shit! Dang it. Eh, it's okay, we'll find out when he or she is born. Isn't the due date coming up in 3 days?" I asked and Sophie nodded.

"Yep, it is!" Sophie squealed with excitement as she gently laid on the bed, facing to the ceiling.

"You're going to be a wonderful mom," I whispered as I leaned in to kiss her. I softly pressed against Sophie's lips and she began running her hands through my hair. Suddenly, I feel Sophie jerk in her spot. I quickly pulled away. 

"FUCK!" Sophie screamed, clutching her stomach.

"What's wrong?" I yelled worriedly as I looked at Sophie in pain.


                                                             *** At the hospital (lazy, I know) ***

I, along with the rest of Sophie's family, watched Elwin and some other doctors lay her on a hospital bed and began to wheel her into the delivery room.

"Is Sophie going to be okay?" I called out to Elwin, and he turned towards me.

"It is going to be painful, but she'll be fine. As you are the father, you may come into the delivery room with your fiance." I smiled as I walked beside Elwin, waving goodbye to Sophie's family.

"It's going to be alright," I whispered in Sophie's ear.

A minute later, Elwin had positioned the hospital bed for birth and had arranged everything accordingly.

"Sophie, you are going to have to have a natural birth," Elwin said softly.

"What?! Isn't there some elf thing where you can just teleport the baby out?" Sophie said, shaking with fear.

"We wish, but even though us elves are pretty smart, we haven't advanced to that point yet."

"Seriously?" Sophie asked.

"Yep, and also, you're going to have to take your clothes off." Elwin mumbled and Sophie groaned.

"Okay. Do I need to take off... everything? Even my top?"

"Everything." Elwin mumbled as I turned towards Sophie. I feel so bad for her, she has to have her privates inspected by Elwin and a bunch of other doctors she doesn't know as well. I quickly helped take Sophie's clothes off. A minute later, all of Sophie's clothes were off. She was blushing, looking at the ground. I drooled at the sight of her breasts and her pussy, wanting to fuck her so bad. I'd have to be a patient boy, though. Do it for Sophie and the baby.

"Okay, ready?" Elwin asked, closing and locking the door. 

"Just one question, is this going to hurt?" 

"Yes. A lot. You're probably going to be screaming in pain."

"Fuck. O - okay, I guess I'm ready."

"Alright. All the doctors will be on the other end, and Keefe will hold your hand while watching. Got it?"

"Okay..." Sophie mumbled worriedly.

"Ok, start pushing!" Elwin called out as Sophie pushed. She gripped my hand tightly, feeling the pain immensely, trying to get that big baby out of her. Sophie screamed in pain as she pushed harder, forcing the baby out of her womb.

"KEEP GOING! WE CAN SEE THE HEAD!" Elwin called out as I watched Sophie's pussy stretch apart to push the baby out. Sophie screamed in pain again, clutching my hand, as she began to push more and more.

"Keep pushing through the pain! It's okay!" I said to Sophie as she pushed more of the baby out.

"Almost done, just the feet now!" Elwin yelled as Sophie gave it one final push. Suddenly, Sophie and I heard a loud cry on the other end. Sophie lifted her head and I turned around to see Elwin holding the baby tightly, checking it's state and gender. Elwin smiled as he looked down at the baby's privates, then looked up at us.

"Do you guys want to know the gender?" Elwin asked excitedly.

"YES!" Sophie and I yelled excitedly.

"It's a girl!"

Hi guys! The baby is finally born! I can't believe it! This is super exciting! Stay updated for more parts as I have a lot more planned. :)

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