Chapter 46 - Calla

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We had teleported again. My group, alongside with the Neverseen, was now in a completely different area, which apparently, according to Lady Gisela, was a hotel. I looked out the tinted window. We were on the very top floor. 

"This is where all of your parents first had sex," Lady Gisela told us as she closed the window I just looked out of. I rolled my eyes. 

"How would you know that?" Scarre asked with confusion. I looked at him and he nodded. I smirked, realizing that he was trying to get some information out of my grandmother.

"You kids are too young to understand, don't worry about it," Lady Gisela sighed as my friends called out,

"WE'RE FIFTEEN!" I would say that with them, but I'm eighteen, so... well, yeah.

"Too young, too young still!" Lady Gisela called out as we all sighed. "Anyway, today's the day!" 

"Today's the day for what?" Juline asked and Lady Gisela angrily turned towards her again.

"If you let me finish my SENTENCE, you IDIOTIC CHILD, I would have TOLD YOU BY NOW!" Lady Gisela yelled, then took a deep breath, then finally turned towards all of us, glaring, one last time, at Juline.

"As I was going to say, if one of you hadn't rudely interrupted," Lady Gisela snarled, glaring at Juline again. "Today's the day you all are going to be experimented on." 

We all gasped and tried to stop her. "There's no way we're getting experimented on! We're just young children, like you said, right guys?" Shadel called out to us and we all nodded in agreement. 

Lady Gisela frowned. "Stop trying to use my own words against me, it's not going to work, but, obviously, since you all are still young little kids, you wouldn't understand what I mean, anyway." 

We all gasped at that. "She literally just roasted us -" Scarre pointed out and Lady Gisela looked at all of us once again.

"Who wants to go first?" Lady Gisela asked with a menacing voice as we all looked at each other. No one spoke up.

"Nobody's talking because nobody's getting experimented on, we already told you, Lady Gisela!" Juline said confidently and my grandmother just rolled her eyes. 

"If nobody's going to speak up, I'm just going to choose FOR YOU!" Lady Gisela cackled and we all sucked in a breath.

"I-I'll go first, Lady Gisela," I said, trying to pick up some leftover confidence from yesterday, when I asked all of our parents what the Neverseen was. 

"Aww, how brave!" She said with a cute, yet mocking, voice. "I can't believe you would do that for your little friendship group." 

"Calla! No!" Everyone called out as I quickly opened a telepathic conversation with all of them.

'It's for the best,' I told everyone telepathically. 

'Alright, if that's what you want to do, we all love and support you, Calla,' Shadel thought and I smiled. How nice of him!

I quickly closed the telepathic conversation and turned towards Lady Gisela. "Take me first, just spare my friends. You can do extra on me if you spare all of them."

Lady Gisela laughed evilly. "Oh, I'm obviously not going to spare your friends, but thanks for the permission to do extra on you!"

"What? No! If you're going to do that to Calla, then at least take me first!" Scarre called out and I smiled at his sacrifice. 

"Oh, child, I was already going to choose Calla to be first, even if none of you spoke up anyway. Plus, I know you all had your little telepathic conversation to discuss this. How petty. You're decision has already been made. Say bye to Calla, for all you know, she might come back a little differently!"

"NO!" Everyone screamed as I got dragged out of the room.

A few seconds later, I was in a tiny room with Lady Gisela and another random girl.

"Before I start experimenting on you, we need to teleport back to the room we were in before we came to the hotel. Do you remember that?" Lady Gisela asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Of course I remember it, but if I may ask, who is she?" I asked and Lady Gisela turned towards her. 

"Oh, that's Linh, another one of our recruits. She's a little hesitant and is normally angry when we try to use her, but now I've gotten her to... listen." Lady Gisela said.

"How did you get her to 'listen', and can you tell me a bit more about her, please? I like knowing stuff about people so that I know them better." I asked and Lady Gisela snarled.

"Of course not, and also, that's all you need to know, anyway. Linh, let's teleport." Quickly, Linh silently took both me and Lady Gisela's hands as Linh counted down from 3.

"3... 2... 1... Go." She said quietly. On the word 'Go', we teleported through the void, then back to a similar room to what I was in yesterday. It was probably the same building, just a different room in it.

"How did she..." I asked, but Lady Gisela quickly cut me off.

"There's a rare ability called a 'Teleporter' that only a few people have. Luckily for us, our new recruit, Linh, has that ability."

Suddenly, Fitz walked into the room. "Hello, again, Calla." He said with a hint of anger in his voice. He was probably still angry about the 'wanting to be my dad' incident yesterday when I first met him. "Ready to be experimented on?"

"I..." I began, scared. Was this the right decision? 

"Okay, so, what we're going to do," Lady Gisela started as she handcuffed my arms back to the room's wall. I looked left and right to make sure that this wasn't the cave from yesterday. I was right. I couldn't escape. " - is experiment what you're able to handle. I want to give you the same abilities as your dad." 

"NO! I WON'T AGREE TO THAT!" I yelled angrily, but Lady Gisela just chuckled.

"Oh, yes, you will, and do you know why?" Lady Gisela asked and I shook my head.

"W-why?" I mumbled worriedly.

"I'll get you to agree with that by threatening you with your biggest fear, or, well, your TWO biggest fears." Lady Gisela cackled as she pulled out two things from the draw behind her, firstly, a gleaming, sharp knife, and secondly, one of the most ginormous, most painful looking needle that I have ever seen.

"I keep track of things, so I know that your two biggest fears are, for some reason, losing your family and friends, and secondly, injections. Probably got that from your mom because of all those incidents she had, but... eh, it's fine. Works for me." Lady Gisela smiled.

"What incidents?" I asked and Lady Gisela rolled her eyes.

"Your mom will tell you another day. Anyway, this injection over here, it doesn't have anything in it, but because of its size, it will feel like something extremely painful is entering your body, even though nothing is. This needle is the small punishment." Lady Gisela smirked.

"I'm sure you know what the big punishment is," Fitz smiled evilly as Lady Gisela held the knife up.

"This knife is capable of slicing you in half," Lady Gisela laughed as I started shaking with fear. Lady Gisela slowly dragged me towards a metal block, which she ordered me to lie on. I quickly did what she asked and she immediately handcuffed me to it so I couldn't move.

"I-I'll be good, you can start the experiment now," I said with fear running through my veins.

"Let's get started." 

Hey there,  guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I know I ended on a cliffhanger, it's just that this chapter would be way too long if I kept going, plus, I definitely need to add another chapter on the parents as well. Nevertheless, more chapters will be coming out soon so make sure to stay updated! 

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