Chapter 66 - Calla

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I was listening to music on my mom's old iPod, until I got a call on my Imparter from Juline.

  (Do elves get calls on Imparters? I seriously can't remember because Shannon Messenger is busy with her new baby and can't write the next KOTLC book 😭)

I quickly answered the call. "Hey Juline, what's up?"

"Calla, we're all old enough now, you're 24, and Shadel, Scarre and I are all 21, so I decided we all are going to have a group sleepover with drinks, food, and games! It's going to be hosted at the big hotel that we were trapped in, remember?" Juline said excitedly and I smiled.

"Okay, I'll come over. Just two questions, is it just us two or with the boys, and my second question is, what time do I come over?" I asked and Juline nodded.

"Yes, the boys are coming, I already asked them and they all said yes. I'm already at the hotel, waiting in the first apartment, and I told the boys to come now." 

"Okay, so you want me to come to the hotel now? Right now?" I clarified and Juline gave me a thumbs up.

"Yep! That's perf - oop! The boys are here, quickly, come over and we can get the party started! I have everything set up! Come on, Calla!" Juline exclaimed and I laughed. 

"Coming!" I said and ended the call. I quickly light-leaped over to the hotel where Juline, Scarre, and Shadel were all waiting for me.

"Hey Calla!" Scarre said and I blushed. Shadel waved as well and I waved back. I quickly sat down next to Scarre.

"Okay guys, before we start the games, is there anything you want to say or do?" Juline asked, and weirdly, the two boys looked at each other.

"Yes actually, we both do," Shadel said, motioning to Scarre. I wasn't sure, but I feel like I saw Shadel mouth 'You go first,' for some reason. Weird.

With that, Scarre turned towards me and took my hand. "Calla Edaline Sencen, I know I'm being a little risky right now, but will you be my girlfriend? I've had feelings for you since we were freed from Lady Gisela and Fitz kidnapping us..."

I gasped with surprise. Scarre? Me? Us? I had wanted this since the day I met him... I can't believe it was coming true!

"Yes! Definitely! Of course!" I said lovingly and kissed Scarre passionately on the lips, not holding back.

"Awwww," Juline said sweetly as Scarre and I pulled away. I looked at Shadel as he turned towards Juline, asking the same question as Scarre asked me. Juline obviously said yes, and they kissed on the lips. It was like a dream come true.

"You know, instead of playing games and all that, how about we celebrate our relationships with some alone time?" Scarre suggested and Juline nodded eagerly.

"That actually sounds nice," she said, turning towards her new boyfriend. "I'm sure the boys like the idea too!" 

Shadel nodded. "That does sound like fun!"

We all agreed that was perfect. "Okay then, let's split up! Couples will go together. Go wherever you want." Scarre said and we all nodded.

This was going to be fun.

Hey guys! I know this chapter isn't much, but more will be coming out soon! Stay updated!

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