Chapter 75 - Sophie (SMUT)

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Hey guys! I'm actually so sorry that I haven't posted - I've just had a lot going on in my life that I've had to focus on. Anyways, here's a smut chapter that I want to treat you guys with since I feel like it's been too long. Enjoy! ❤





Please feel free to skip this chapter as it is just an extra.

"Phew, that was a long day!" I said, tired, finally arriving back home with Keefe after spending a whole day on buying pregnancy gifts for Calla's baby shower in a few weeks. The house was calm, quiet, with nobody in it. Calla was out hanging with her friends.

"I know, right? Seriously - I don't get why girls need a whole party when a baby is in their stomach... like, I get it's a big deal, but what about us guys? Why don't we get a party when we get an overload in testosterone or something?" Keefe suggested, and I rolled my eyes, biting my lip to stop myself from laughing.

"You are actually too funny, Ke -" Before I could finish my sentence, Keefe was already coming closer to me. My breathing quickened as he pushed me against the wall.

"Do you know what I feel like doing now? Something we haven't done in a very long time?" Keefe smirked, biting his lip in a hot way. I blushed to the point where you wouldn't know the difference between me and a tomato.

"I - I..." I smirked, showing Keefe that I sort of - kinda - wanted to as well.

"We are still young, Foster... and plus, I have a very good feeling that you won't get pregnant here. I just know it... plus, I don't know if I told you this, but when my mom gave me my ability, I managed to figure out a way with my power to stop you from getting pregnant when we have sex, and it doesn't change anything, it's just my own mental command..." Keefe looked at me dead in the eye. He was serious.

I faked a sigh. "Okay, cutie, we can have some smut again, just for you... you're lucky I love you so much."

Keefe's face lit up with excitement. "Perfect! I already have this stuff out... and Dex actually made something for me for this occasion. I'll tell you about it in a second - I'll meet you up in our bedroom, okay?"

I licked my lips, ecstatic for what Keefe had planned. "Okay, hottie... I'll meet you there ~"

Keefe smiled again, just like that night where we first had sex. Oh, that nostalgia.

                                                              *A FEW MINUTES LATER*

I was lying in bed, patiently waiting for Keefe to arrive. When he did, it wasn't what I was expecting.

"What are you holding?" I asked, looking at the... item in front of me.

"Dex actually gave it to me," Keefe said majestically, marveling at the item in his hands. "It's sort of like a table, but it's soft and cuddly, like a bed, has a space for a person to be attached to and they can't escape, unless with a pull of the emergency cord of course, and it can be connected to a real bed. Also, Dex magicked it a little bit so that if you, for example, are stuck on the table, and I am trying to take your clothes off, your clothes will just slide off, and it won't get stuck anywhere on the table. It's perfect for sex!" 

"So you're saying it's like a little table for someone to lie on, and they can't move, while the other person... plays with them, if you know what I mean?" I asked, my excitement building. This would be fun.

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