Chapter 32 - Author

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Hi guys! I just wanted to give a shoutout to somebody today as they were the first person to comment which TV Series the Kitty song came from. (It was the song that Sophie sang to Calla) The answer was Young Sheldon by the way! 

👍👍👍👍👍👍 to:   @the_cruel_princessa  !!!!!! (Amazing work if that's you!)

Also guys it's about 7:40 in the morning for me right now (AEST) so I won't be posting for a couple hours. I'm secretly writing this chapter and I'm risking getting caught 🤐🤫😂

One last thing, I thought this might be a good thing to add to this chapter:

You are enough

You are worthy

You are beautiful

You are loved

You are perfect the way you are

(Just in case if anyone needed to hear that today ❤)

See you all soon and make sure to stay updated for when I do post!

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