Chapter 31 - Sophie (SMUT)

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Hi guys! This chapter has smut, swearing and nudity in it. The first part doesn't have anything bad in it so I'll write in bold when the smut starts if any of you readers want to skip it. Also thank you guys for over 900 reads!!

I was lying in the hospital bed, holding my beautiful baby girl tightly.

"I... I can't believe it..." I whispered and Keefe gently stroked my shoulder. 

"Look at that amazing girl you're holding. She's going to be smart... pretty... awesome... and, most importantly, will take THE HAIR DNA from her daddy." Keefe admired and I laughed lovingly.

"What should we name her, Keefe?" I asked and Keefe actually used his brain for once in his life.

"I was thinking that Calla might be nice," Keefe suggested. 

"I actually love that name, how did I not think of that?" I wondered out loud. 

"Middle name?" Keefe asked and I thought for a moment.

"I was thinking Edaline could be her middle name," I smiled, thinking of my adoptive mother. "My mom has been an amazing person in my elf life and she helped me when times were tough."

"Oh my god, Sophie, that is actually perfect!" Keefe said excitedly, kissing my cheek softly. "Calla Edaline Sencen." 

"That's perfect. Calla Edaline Sencen, welcome to the elf world."

                             *** 2 months later (if any of you call me lazy in the comments...)***

I was lying in bed, trying to relax, when I heard Cee Cee crying from her crib again. Fuck, she must have woken up from her nap. 

"Coming, Cee Cee!" I yelled as I ran over to her crib and picked her up gently and decided to sing her a song. "Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur, happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr." 


I watched Cee Cee slowly drift back to sleep. I sighed softly as Keefe walked into the room. 

"Two months old already, wow," Keefe whispered to not wake the baby, "Calla is so beautiful. Seriously Sophie, I'm actually not joking, Cee Cee looks just like you. Apart from the hair, of course."

"Keefe, I know her hair is growing, but we can't know for sure just yet if she's got your hair! I've told you already!"

"I know, I know, but I swear that I can see some traces of Keefe in her hair. Like, come on, who wouldn't want my genetics?" Keefe smirked and I giggled softly. Suddenly, we heard a loud knock on the door. I quickly, and gently, put Cee Cee back in her crib. Keefe and I quickly rushed to the door to see Biana, Linh, Marella and Maruca waiting to see us.

"Hey guys! How's the parenting going?" Biana asked excitedly.

"It's tiring," I mumbled, "Cee Cee is a crier for sure. I put her to sleep 20 minutes ago, and then she woke up again and I had to put her back to sleep now."

"That sucks, I'm so sorry," Marella said empathetically as she pat my shoulder.

"Plus, we don't have a house or anything yet, so we have to make space in Sophie's room in her parent's house for the crib and the rest of the baby stuff alongside all of Sophie's stuff." Keefe groaned and Biana lit up.

"Okay, so we were thinking, the other day we noticed how tired you guys are. So, we booked you guys a getaway weekend today at a beautiful hotel! We also booked you guys massages and a spa day. We'll take care of the baby!" Biana squealed excitedly and I gasped.

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