Chapter 55 - Scarre (THIRD-PERSON POV)

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Once attatched to the cold, metal table, Scarre felt a chill run down his spine as he watched Lady Gisela and Fitz approach him. Something like this has never happened to Scarre before, but he already knew that this definitely was not going to end well.

As Lady Gisela and Fitz took their positions, Scarre could feel his heart racing with fear. He knew he had no chance of fighting back, as he was tied up and unable to move. He wanted to yell for help, but he realized that this was an enclosed space where nobody would be able to hear him.

Lady Gisela produced a small vial filled with a clear liquid, which she injected into the Scarre's arm. He felt a sharp pain as the liquid entered his veins, causing his body to shake uncontrollably. The pain was so intense that he thought he was going to pass out, but he managed to stay conscious.

Scarre continued to feel a burning sensation as Lady Gisela injected the clear liquid into his arm. He knew that the pain was only going to get worse as the chemicals took effect.

As Lady Gisela finished injecting the liquid, Scarre looked up to see both maniacs smiling at him. They were both enjoying the pain that they were causing him, and they knew that Scarre couldn't do anything to stop them.

Scarre tried to move his arm, but it was too heavy for him to lift. He could feel his body getting weaker as the chemicals began to take over. The pain was so intense that he could barely breathe, and he was beginning to see spots in his vision.

Lady Gisela and Fitz began to discuss the results of the experiment, as they observed Scarre's body reacting to the chemicals. Scarre could hear them talking about how long he might last before collapsing, and they seemed to be enjoying the fact that he was in so much pain.

Despite the unbearable pain, Scarre continued to struggle against his restraints. He needed to try and escape, if only to get away from Lady Gisela and Fitz, who were torturing him. But the more he struggled, the more weak he felt, and he knew that he was running out of time. He needed his friends to be here with him.

Scarre didn't want them to go through the same pain as he did, though. What he went through today would traumatize him forever.

"You can stop trying to escape," Lady Gisela smirked as Scarre trembled before her. "Whatever you try, it isn't going to work."

"I need to get back to my friends!" Scarre exclaimed helplessly, twisting and wriggling away from Lady Gisela as she slowly walked in closer towards him, followed by Fitz right behind her.

"Oh, no you don't." Lady Gisela snarled, and before Scarre could react, she pulled his mouth open, while Fitz poured a steaming hot liquid down his throat. Scarre screamed, the pain unbearable. His blood boiled, his head reeled, and it feeled like death was about to take him at any moment. Yet he stayed.

"Impressive," Lady Gisela noted. "That was supposed to do much worse, but obviously it didn't. Well, that's everything I need to know. Let's get back to your little friendship group."

Scarre quivered as Lady Gisela and Fitz worked to untie the painful, tight ropes tied around Scarre's wrists, ankles, and neck. A minute later, Scarre was free and the group teleported back to the quiet hotel.

Scarre felt free, finally rid of the experiment, but before he could enjoy these few moments, he was already tied back up to the normal metal table when they first got here.

Yet, Scarre smiled, still traumatized, but at least he was with his friends.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter; I definitely loved writing it! More chapters are coming out soon, I hope you all enjoy them!

- KOTLC_MonBon_

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