Chapter 25

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The moment car reached Kim Mansion, Namjoon pulled Jungkook from the car and dragged him inside. Jungkook with wobbly legs fell on the floor and he immediately encircled his dainty hand on the nearest pillar shaking his head vigorously. "NO..NO..Noo.. I won't come here. I am not coming.", Jungkook shouted. Namjoon tugged his forearm and pulled him to stand up and immediately heaved him on his shoulder and walked to the room. Jungkook thrashed in his hold, hitting his head and shoulder to leave him. Namjoon opened his bedroom door and threw him on the floor before locking it from outside. Jungkook dashed to the door but before he could reach, he heard the door locking sound. "Why are you doing this??? Please leave me..", Jungkook said keening. "Tae.. my Taehyung.. my hyung. Please..", he cried out loudly laying on the floor.

"How is he?", Daehyung asked the village doctor who stepped out through the wooden door. "He is out of danger. It will take some time to heal. Please give these medicines on time. I will come after three days to clean the wound.", village doctor informed and gave the paper packets to Taehi who is standing beside Daehyung with shivering hands wailing. Daehyung eyes moved from village doctor to the person laying on the cot unconsciously. Village doctor bowed at others and went out. Daehyung caressed his head softly and kissed his temple before walking out of the room, trailing Taehi and Taejon behind him.

"Ask him to come to my room.", Daehyung said to Taehi who immediately nodded and turned from the corridor to left and walked to the east wing. Daehyung and Taejon walked ahead to the living room.

Daehyung shifted his gaze from his own lap when he heard the other hasty footsteps and looked at the boy standing in front me. "I might have killed you, if something happened to him. How dare you are to stab him from behind? Ah..?", Daehyung seethed furiously at Namjoon who is standing with head hang low. "I.. I apologise.", Namjoon shuttered. "Chi.. shut up.. Apology. Who needs your apology?", Daehyung stood up rapidly and held his shirt collar daring at him with his grey orbs. Namjoon kept his eyes down. "Where is he?", Daehyung asked and pushed him by collar. "Room.", Namjoon said. "Don't give him a single drop of water until I say.", Daehyung said. Taehi nodded her head hesitantly. Daehyung turned and looked ahead through the open window caressing his walking stick handle.

Taehyung opened his eyes slowly and looked ahead with his blurry vision. He held his throbbing head and groaned. He tossed and turned but hissed instantly when a sharp pain shoot to his back, the side of his hip. "Ta..Taee..", Taehyung looked at the person caressing his head with teary eyes. "W..water.", he said in a hoarse voice. Taehi immediately took a glass of water and lifted Taehyung's head a little and placed the brim of tumbler on his lips. Taehyung took a few sip of the water and laid on the bed again. "Did you all kill him?", Taehyung asked in blank voice. Taehi shook her head tremendously. "Tae.." Taehi called him and extended her hand again to caress his forehead. "Don't touch me.", Taehyung said. Taehi's hands halted as she pulled back her hand slowly backward. "Your son. Tell him to count his days.", Taehyung said blankly looking at the ceiling. "Tae. It.. it was a mi..", "and if you all lay your filthy fingers on Jungkook. I am telling you I will burn this house. I don't care who is going to be ashed in it.", Taehyung said and closed his eyes pretending to be sleeping. Taehi looked at him again and walked out of the room slowly turning back, looking over her shoulder again and again.

In Namjoon's room, Jungkook don't know when his droopy eyes closed laying on that cold floor. Nobody came till now. Jungkook slowly sat up with dead eyes and looked around. There was a time when he considered this room as his heaven and his safe place. He stood up and slowly walked to the window. He pushed the window pallets to opened it and gazed the moon. "Taehyungie Hyung. You.. you are alive, right? Yes.. you are. must be alive. Otherwise m.. heart won't be beating.", Jungkook whimpered holding the wooden window. He leaned his head on the wooden wall and stood there, later slid down as his foot gave up and sat on that cold floor. Jungkook wetted his lips and wiped his eyes which are brimming with fresh tears. He lifted his hand up and looked at the emerald ring shining on his ring finger. "My only love.", he whispered and kissed it closing his eyes, the tears which were welled in the cornor of his eyes flowed down.

As the time flew away, Jungkook sat there motionlessly looking ahead at void without knowing what to do and how to escape from this dead pool. After a few more minutes, he heard the sound of the wooden door opening. He immediately crawled a little more back shrinking his body as his held his both legs tightly close to his chest. "Jungkookie. My bun.", Jungkook looked at the lady limping to him with a place and a glass of water after closing and locking the door behind her.

Grandma placed the plate and tumbler beneath Jungkook's toes and slowly sat there. She looked at the boy's lifeless brown orbs which once contain a whole milky way galaxy, then at his face, which were always adorned with crismon red hue but now white as a corpse, then at his lips, which were always stretched to a beautiful smile like the Jasmine flower but now appeared to be a cracked dryland.

"Jungkookie.", she called him with teary eyes and caressed his cheeks slowly. She wiped her overflowing eyes and took the plate in her hand. He took a handful of rice and held it in front of his lips and gestered him to open his mouth. Jungkook looked at the hand then at the teary wrinkled eyes. "Is it poisoned?", he asked blankly. Grandma gasped to take a heavy breath and shook her head vigorously. "Then, why?", Jungkook asked. Grandma lower her hand which is holding the rice and put it back on the plate. Grandma gently held his bare toe and caressed with hiccuping with head bent down and took up hastily and walked to the door and went out after locking it again. Jungkook exhaled the breath he was holding so far and wiped his eyes and took the plate in his hand and started eating it greedily, choking in between. He ate the whole meal, licking the plate as he doesn't remember how long he was starving. He took the glass and gulped down the whole water and leaned his back on the wall burping. After a few minutes, he stood up and walked to the bathroom and washed his hands and face and then disregarded his clothes before walking into the batharea. He took the wooden tumbler and poured the cold water from the tub on his head a few times. He didn't shivered a bit even though the water was freezing. He dried his body before wearing the dress back and walked out of the room in that damp wet hair. He didn't go to bed instead walked straight to the window and sat on that wooden seating looking blankly ahead, eyes fixed on that huge metal gate that secured the whole deeds of Kim Mansion. He sat there as if he was expecting someone's arrival.

Days passed as snail, Jungkook doesn't have any single idea which day it is. All he did in the past few days was to seat near window looking at the metal gate being opened and closed. Neither Namjoon nor grandma came to that room after the first day. Every once a day, a maid will come with a plate of meal and water and will leave by keeping it on the doorstep after locking the door from outside. He doesn't know if Hobi hyung is alive, if Jimin hyung is safe or also being killed by their hands as others and if Taehyung hyung is alive or being sent back to other country. He doesn't know whether he should be crying pathetically or be waiting for them boldly. What is his need to be alive if all others have been killed. But, all he did was hoping, hoping for the day to come when he could finally meet Taehyung again, to live with Jimin, Hobi and Taehyung as a family in that small house which they started to build as their cozy and warm home, to start their school, to fulfil his dream to study. He wiped his tears welled eyes desperately with both palms and again fixed his gaze on that stone paved path.

In other parts of the mansion, the scenario is not different. He was laying on bed for past few days without being able to stand, sit and walk without the help of another person. He cursed and groaned whenever the stitches stretched. Twice the village doctor has visited and cleaned and redid his wound. He doesn't know how Jungkook is. All he know is he is alive. Maybe inside the mansion or somewhere else. Every day, grandpa visited him and caressed his head but he didn't pay a single attention to anything. He growled thinking where are others, Jimin and Hobi, as he doesn't remember any single thing other than that shooting pain which caused when the dagger teared his flesh apart. And when he opened his eyes, he is here, in this bed on the attic of the Kim Mansion. Only a few maids knows this place apart from his family. This place was long forgotten and was used to keep worn out, old, worn and torn items. He wonders if Jimin knows this place as this place is on the shallow end of their huge mansion compound. 'If Jimin knows this place, he might have visited him by now, right?'. Taehyung thought looking at the attic ceiling drawing circles on his bare chest and he smiled slightly, when a certain person invade his wavering thought. "Where are you Jungkookie? Wherever you are hold on. Be brave and bold. I will reach you.", Taehyung said to noone and diverted his hazel orbs from the wooden ceiling to the lantern which is enlighting the whole room. be continued...

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