Chapter 35

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"AHHHHH.. I.. I WON'T ALLOW IT. IF NOT MINE, YOU ARE NOONE'S.", Namjoon screamed and took the dragger which he had hidden under his dress and ran towards Jungkook.
"JUNGKOOOOKKKKKK..", the crowd gasped and halted their hands which were clapping as Mrs Jeon screamed. Jimin's and Mr Jeon's eyes bulged out in horror. Hobi rushed towards him. Jungkook's eyes widen as he saw Namjoon pacing towards him. Taehyung pulled Jungkook to side. Everything happened in a slipt second. But as of hit by lightning Namjoon's body stiffed, the dragger in his hand fell down as his hands started jerking non-stop, he slowly fell on the ground shaking and shivering uncontrollably as his eyes rolled back, and white foams started coming out from the corner of his lips. "Joon, Joonie.. my son.", Taehi ran towards him and hugged the twisting boy and took his head on her lap. Everybody gathered around looked at the scene unrevealing in front of them in horror. The village doctor rushed towards them along with Daehyung and Taejoon. He bent down and sat on the ground before checking his eyes. He firmly started squeezing the muscles around those that are twitching to halt the attack. "Epilepsy. He is going through epilepsy, give me a key or iron rod.", the village doctore said loudly. Daehyung immediately took a bunch of keys from his dress and gave to doctor, who immediately kept it pressed on Namjoon's palms tightly. Namjoon started shaking vigorously holding the keys and slowly started falling unconscious as his left side of the face dropped in numbness. "Doctor. What? My Joonie, why isn't he opening his eyes.", Taehi whimpered and asked him. He checked his eyes again. "I.. I think it's stroke. Let's take him to my clinic fast.", the village doctor stood up immediately and Taejoon carried Namjoon behind him. Taehi and Daehyung also rushed to the hospital.

"What.. what happened now?", Jungkook asked to holding Taehyung's forearm tightly in horror. Taehyung breathed out as he was also in shock. "Nam.. Namjoon.. he is will okay, right?", Jungkook asked with teary horrified eyes. "Haha.. Jungkook, are you asking the one who came to stab you is okay? Hmm.. you are too innocent for this world.", Yoongi asked laughing while looking at Jungkook. "It's.. I.. I don't know.", Jungkook whispered. "Haha. Don't think much. Maybe it's the punishment of his deeds.", Yoongi said. Jungkook nodded snuggling to Taehyung who smiled softly at him. "Jungkookie. At last you are free from that cursed marriage.", Jimin ran towards Jungkook with wide opened hands and hugged him tightly. Jungkook nodded his head with tears welled eyes. "My baby.", Mrs Jeon walked to him and took him in embrace and kissed his forehead. "I.. I don't know, I lost my entire hope at last when they decided to not give my baby divorce.", Mr Jeon said crying after pulling Jungkook to his chest when he stood beside Jungkook and Taehyung. "Let's.. let's go home, then.", Mr Jeon said. "Yoonginim. Please come along with us. We have already owe you a dinner.", Mr Jeon said. "Sure whatever you say. Let's go then.", Yoongi said smiling at them. "Younger master. We are proud of you. You.. you are a really strong mind person. You represent many lives like us.", one of the villagers came forward and bowed at Jungkook. Jungkook looked at Taehyung who is smiling proudly at him. "We want to reform those written laws. As Younger Kim said it's useless and meaningless bunch of rules.", another villager came forward and said. "We will consider it. Don't worry.", Yoongi said to them.

"Younger Master, Jeon Jungkook is our fighter.", "Younger Master Jeon Jungkook long live.", "Younger Master Jeon Jungkook our fighter.", "Younger Kim, Kim Taehyung is our saviour.", "Younger Kim long live.", the crowd cheered them making Jeon's proud. "My pride", Mr Jeon wrapped his hand on Jungkook's and Taehyung shoulder as the family walked back to the Jeon Mansion.

At the hospital, the doctor checked Namjoon who is lying on the bed like a log as numbness took over one side of his face, arm, or leg. He again tried to voice out but the words came as incoherent. "Don't stress Elder Kim. Sleep.", the doctor said again to Namjoon who is trying to speak since he got his consciousness back. The doctor stood up after patting his shoulder and went outside leaving Taehi and Namjoon inside. "Doctor. How is he?", Taejoon asked. Doctor looked at Taejoon and then, the person sitting on the chair lifeless. "Great Kim. It's. His one part of the brain dead. All I can say is its a long-term disability, means till.. d..death..", the doctor said and the walking stick Daehyung holding slipped from his hand and fell on the floor. "What? No.. no.. this.. this can't happened. My son. Joon. No.. his life is not to be wasted on some wooden cot. He is young.", Taejoon said wailing. "I don't know, elder Kim never shown a single symptoms before. Out of sudden, this. I can't believe it. There are something beyond our hands. Let's hope for the best. I will do the things I can do, the medicines can do. Let's hope he recovers soon.", the village doctor said before walking inside. " tell something.", Taejoon fall on the ground near Daehyung's leg and held it crying. Daehyung took a breath as tears fall drop by drop from his eyes.

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