Chapter Seven

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My eyebrow rose as I repeated, "Highly motivated? What does that mean?"

Aksel glanced at the closed door before shifting to look out the windows, muttering in Norwegian, "It's childish, but we're stupid men at heart. We wrestled to see who could call dibs on one of you, because you all are like the sexiest group of women in the world. It got really messy and I'm not proud of it. Plus, I lost." I snorted in laughter and he relaxed, adding, "Those two ended up calling dibs on you, and with how much they kicked our asses, we can't exactly protest. But it means nothing. Just childish male behavior. Please don't be upset."

My heart was surely going to break through my ribcage it was beating so powerfully. They...called dibs on me? Sure, it's childish, but I did the same to them as a joke. Or was it? Did they sense that I couldn't breathe when I looked at them? While my gaiter hid the way I blushed when I felt their gaze on me, did they see my attraction to them in my eyes?

I giggled anxiously and gestured to the door, beginning to leave as I informed him, "I'm not upset. We played the same game, minus the violence."

"Wait, what?" he exclaimed, and I stepped out into the cold while adjusting my hat. I hesitated, seeing that Ghost was leaning against the wall, his back against the cold concrete surface with his left leg tucked to rest his boot behind him. König hovered nervously by the corner of the building, both men tall and silent as they followed Aksel and I to the female barracks.

I shrugged at Aksel, feeling like I had two personal guard dogs behind me. "Which part was confusing? Me not being upset or the game?"

"The game!" he nearly shouted, and I giggled at his frustration. "Okay. I don't want to know who called who...okay, yes, I do. But hear me out: Price is in a relationship on 141, and Hutch and Fender are in relationships on KorTac. Does that affect any dibs?"

"Nope. But I'm remembering that we did get a little physical over one of you all. Not telling who." Aksel groaned loudly and bumped my shoulder, his eyes pleading with me for an answer. "Fine. Yes, your name came up. One of us called dibs on you. Congratulations."

"Yay!" he cheered with a jump in the air. "Wait, who is it? Is it the tall one? Fly?"

He'd guessed correctly, but I wasn't going to tell him that. "It's a mystery."

As we neared the barracks, Aksel grabbed my hand, begging, "Please tell me! I think Fly is really hot and I know we aren't actually supposed to date or anything because it'll compromise the mission, but–"

Ghost snatched Aksel's hand from mine, twisting as the Norwegian man yelped in pain. "No touching," he ordered while tears formed in Aksel's eyes, and my eyes widened in surprise. His voice was deep like König's, equally thick with a heavy accent, and dripping with possessive rage. My inner thighs warmed as I quickly shook my head, ducking into the barracks while they fussed outside.

The cots had been returned to their original places, the fire put out while Larsen organized her sack. Haugen and Andersen chatted politely with the other task forces, their sacks packed. Crossing the room, I packed my own belongings, hearing Larsen grumbling as she double-checked and arranged everything with OCD precision. "Kalberg!" Haugen called, smiling behind her mask as I paused. "We're debating on what we should call our combined forces. Any comments?"

"We're going after some big bad, right?" I muttered, sitting down to pack the remainder of my belongings. "Why not the Hunters?"

"Oh, I like it. Better than the combined names we've been making," Soap agreed with a firm nod, and others added their own approving comments. "The Hunters it is!"

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