Chapter Sixty

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 I woke in the med bay, unaware of how I got here. A mask was tucked over my nose and mouth, filling my lungs with fresh oxygen–lungs that still burned, but the liquid within was reduced. "Hey, Storm," Ghost greeted me softly from where he sat beside the bed. My fear reduced as he squeezed my hand, having already been holding it. "How are you feeling?"

I wasn't quite conscious enough to respond, heavily sedated with pain medication. "You've got a pulmonary contusion," he informed me when I didn't answer him. "And some nasty bruising on your back and tailbone."

My brows furrowed as I tried to remember what pulmonary meant, and as if knowing my confusion, he explained, "You bruised your lungs. The right side's the worst; it was bleeding pretty badly. But that's all stopped. You've been out for three days, Storm."

I groaned, shifting to glare up at the ceiling as I finally regained the ability to speak. "Longer than I've led the team. Great fucking job I'm doing."

Despite his obvious overwhelming concern for my wellbeing, he chuckled. "The team's been training while you're recovering. Haugen's out; she fractured her foot in two places, so they've sent her home to recover. Soap's a little pissed to find out she's married; guess they didn't prioritize consent."

I laughed dryly before coughing, and his other hand shifted to stroke my face. "I might have broken into your safe," he admitted, and I rolled my eyes. "I've bought you a replacement, and König and I got you a new bed frame and a replacement chair. It doesn't match the others, but I figured you wouldn't mind."

I shrugged before wincing at the movement. Stroking my face, he continued, "We've been practicing those drills you created. Holy shit, those are genius."

I giggled before beginning to check out the wires that were attached to me. "How long?" I asked, groaning as I tried to sit up. His arms were immediately around me, helping me sit up after adjusting the pillows behind me.

"One week, minimum," he answered, kissing my forehead through his mask before returning to his seat. "Considering you fell several hundreds of meters, it's impressive that they're expecting you back on your feet in four days. But, you won't return to the field until they release you to the wild. Probably two weeks and some change in total."

I groaned loudly and he chuckled, enjoying my reaction. "Why aren't you training?" I grumbled.

"It's 0200," he informed me. "König, Russ, and I have been watching you in shifts at night. König should be here any–oh, there he is."

I shifted to look at the doorway as König ducked within, his eyes moistened as they met mine. "You're up," he whispered, quickly crossing the space while Ghost kissed my forehead goodbye. "Kalberg, how are you feeling?"

"Like shit," I admitted, and he took Ghost's seat before cradling my hands gingerly. "How are you all doing?"

The moisture in his emotional eyes answered for him, and he crouched over me, kissing my hands through his sniper mask. "You fell so far, Kalberg. You were coughing up blood and we couldn't get a word out of you. I-I thought I was losing you."

I tried to smile, the expression a grimace due to my agony. "I'm tougher than that, sweetheart. You know that."

"If it weren't for your sack, the doctor said you would have died," he muttered bitterly. "Broken you back and at best been paralyzed. I'm wrapping you in sacks for now on. And bubble wrap."

I giggled at the imagery before coughing, feeling him stroke my face and body to comfort me. "I'm done with the military," I decided, while he cradled me loosely to not injure me further. "After my contract ends, I'm moving. Don't know where, but I'm done with this. Done scaring people whenever I'm hurt."

"I'd come with you in a heartbeat," he vowed, and I managed to smile. "My contract ends before yours. I-I think I'm done as well."

"Let's get a place together," I offered, and I could see the joy in his eyes. "Ghost can come too, when his contract ends, if you two want. Hmm. But where should we move?"

"We can stay in Norway," König offered. "Although I hate how much you all eat fish."

I giggled, having noticed him disliking the fish meals we'd been offered. "I don't mind leaving Norway," I answered humorously. "Sky's the limit."

"I've got money saved up. How about we travel the world until we find the perfect place?" I blushed at the idea; it sounded so darn romantic and perfect. While my heart fluttered in my chest, he chuckled, gesturing at the heart monitor. "Seems you like that."

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