Chapter Fifty-Eight*

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 Ghost went to get me clothing while I demanded, "Russ, what are you doing here?"

His eyes flashed with anger as he glared at Ghost, watching him duck into my bedroom before returning his attention to me. "I wasn't done with our conversation earlier, and stopped by to ask additional questions. To my surprise, I learned you've got two of your inferior soldiers in your personal cabin, making awfully suggestive noises with one of them."

"Don't call them inferior," I ordered. "My change in title doesn't somehow make me better than any of you. I serve you all, not the other way around."

Russ rolled his eyes, grumbling, "Yeah, yeah. You're the officer of the year. Do you not realize how many rules the three of you are making? Storm, this is how you get dishonorably discharged!"

"I'm going to stop you right there," I interrupted when he tried to continue. "If the roles were reversed and I was a man sleeping with two women, the military wouldn't say a thing. At least not your military, 'cause men get priority regardless of their rank. My superior is aware of the arrangement and activities the three of us do–"

"You told your mother...?" König asked in shock.

"I got drunk in front of her," I answered. "Moving on. She's not only aware, but has encouraged it. Something to do with her daughter finally settling down. If it really bothers you what we do behind closed doors with full consent, then report it to Rodriguez or Bakke. 'Cause I'm not scared of you."

Ghost returned, fully dressed, and slipped one of König's shirts over my head before stripping the towel from beneath. He brushed Russ out of the way as he guided me to the kitchen table, sending Russ to stand by the fireplace as he glared and debated his next response. Meanwhile, Ghost grabbed one of the waffles, coating on the hazelnut spread before beginning to feed me.

I gasped when König shifted behind me, his large hand pressed me over the table as I felt his other hand beginning to stroke my intimacy. My face reddened as I tried to protest, my head falling forward in anticipation as I lifted myself on my elbows. "If you're going to stay, you're going to watch," König announced, and I realized with a gasp how possessive he could be.

I was surprised that Russ remained firmly in place, his eyes narrowing as König positioned himself at my entrance. Ghost continued to feed me, enjoying my struggle to focus as König's thick member moved within me with overwhelming force. When my face dropped to the table, the Austrian's fist gripped my cheeks, forcing me to maintain eye contact with Russ.

"Watch me fuck her," König ordered, my cheeks red as he blew my mind. "Think she doesn't want this? Think your whining and complaining is going to stop me from getting what belongs to me?"

I gripped the edge of the table, in awe of König's shift in personality. He'd entered his stern, fighter mode, using the intimidation of his size and fury to not only fuck me harder but also challenge Russ. "Aren't you worried about impregnating her?" he finally spoke, his voice surprisingly heavy with arousal. Did he like watching?

"Tubes tied," Ghost responded firmly, nudging my lips with the last few bites of waffle as he urged me to eat. My lips trembled as I took a bite, struggling to chew while König pounded me into the table. The table creaked and groaned beneath the effort, the legs wobbling beneath me. "We're clean as well. Do you want to join?"

I looked at Ghost in shock. Why did his opinion suddenly change? Russ shifted on his feet before taking a seat on my couch, deciding, "I'll watch. But tomorrow, after training, I want to try something with her."

"Hmm. Seems we're adding a fourth to our relationship," Ghost practically purred, seeming to enjoy the way König was treating me. "Everyone consent?"

Russ lifted his chin with pride as he watched me reach orgasm, declaring, "Yes."

König grunted as he neared his own orgasm, lasting far shorter than usual in his more forceful mode. "What do you plan to do to her tomorrow?" he demanded, grabbing a fistful of my hair. I yelped at the force before spilling forward, losing control as the orgasm overtook me.

Russ's voice revealed how horny he was, smirking behind his mask as he watched me cum in front of him. König made sure to hold me firmly still, maintaining eye contact with Russ. "My version of hide and seek," he answered, and my eyes widened. "I don't mind other participants."

König's member twitched within me as he nearly orgasmed, declaring, "Oh, fuck yes, then!" His last few thrusts were deep and filling, scooting within me before he spilled inside of me. Holding himself within me, I felt our mixed arousal dripping down my thighs while we both panted.

"Storm?" Ghost asked, and I struggled to look up at him through my heavy eyelids. "Use the word we just learned."

"Yes, please," I responded, my eyes widening as Ghost lifted the bottom of his mask to eat the final bite before he released himself from his pants.

"König, get the blindfold from the bathroom. I left it by the sink," Ghost ordered as I stuck out my tongue, letting him fuck my mouth while Russ continued to watch.

Ghost finished down my throat, seeming equally aroused by the audience. While he stepped back to let König slip the blindfold on me, I licked my lips, muttering, "I might need to start being nicer to you all during training."

"Don't you dare," Ghost ordered. "I need to survive this thing because I'm never going to be done with you."

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