Chapter Thirty-Eight

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 I was punishing them for going behind my back, even knowing that it was from a place of love. Leaving them to mull over my words, I smugly returned to the table, joining the card game at the next round. During each person's turn, I analyzed them, recalling their skills and weaknesses. Gaz was a marksman; arguably as good as I am. Aksel was more charismatic than Gaz; he had developed skills in observing people and places. He'd proven himself to be good at spotting my traps after several rounds; he'd catch on quickly in an unfamiliar environment.

I already knew about the women, and was quickly learning the skills of the two masked men. While they seemed to be arguing–likely debating their actions, or where I was headed next–I worked on my plan. Leaving the mess hall to grab a notebook from one of the offices, I sat alone in the desk chair, writing down a variety of alternatives in a playbook-style.

While Larsen's background was built heavily in education, I'd grown up studying both military and athletic strategies. I highlighted everyone's strengths, blocking their weaknesses with their companions. I was used to one plan; to stay in one position at all times: the front. However, I wanted the team to switch based on the circumstances. König was the one most like me, but he didn't need to be in the lead during stealth or visual sections of the mission. I needed to be strategic about every single step they made.

After creating a plan for every scenario I could think of, I have each a memorable code name. I'd have them study these until they were engraved within their minds, so that I could say a mere word during the operation and they've reposition perfectly. We'll have to practice these over and over.

I knock at the door drew my attention from the book, looking up as Ghost peeked the door open nervously. "We've been looking for you," he admitted tensely. "Are you hiding in here?"

I slammed the notebook shut with a shake of my head, tucking it in the crook of my arm as I responded, "Nope. Just working on something."

Ghost's eyes narrowed on the notebook as I stepped out of the office, glaring when I didn't provide explanation. After grabbing my gear, I slipped the book beneath my armor, zipping my coat shut around it. "Are you going to explain or...?"

"Nope. Above your paygrade."

Ghost huffed, reminding me, "I'm a Lieutenant. You aren't over my paygrade."

I smirked, realizing that he wasn't aware of my rank. "I know we've both served about the same time, but I'm a Master Sergeant. You're in my home turf, so you're classified as lower rank. But you're cute to think otherwise."

Ghost's eyes narrowed at my taunt and König joined us, jogging over to see the interaction curiously. "Everything...okay?" he asked softly.

I nodded and Ghost grumbled, "She's hiding her work from us."

I rolled my eyes while we walked through the snow, reminding them, "I told you I was leaving tomorrow. I can't exactly share the details, now, can I? Come on, Ghost. This isn't your first day on the job." He huffed once more and I giggled, knocking the snow off of my boots before entering my cabin.

After hanging my coat in the closet, I began to remove my gear, feeling their heavy presence as they did the same. I locked the notebook in the lockbox in my closet, shutting the door behind me so that they didn't see the code I used. Or know where the key I also needed was hidden.

Returning to the living space, I saw that they'd both stripped to their cargo pants and tight compression, long-sleeved shirts. My abdomen tightened despite my nerves, leaning against the doorframe to my bedroom while I crossed my arms over my chest. "Ghost wanted to try being gentle tonight," I reminded them while observing their expressions closely. They were focused with an intent unknown to me, their posture not indicating hostility between them. "Is the two of you being here part of the plan to get back at me?"

Ghost nodded firmly and I smirked, informing him, "I'd advise making your next moves carefully. Because we're training more tomorrow, and I don't mind kicking your asses all day long."

"Until 1400," he reminded me bitterly, his gaze dropping. He felt guilty for me having to leave. "We...actually want to make it up to you. We don't want revenge anymore. We make you happy, during our last night together."

"How exactly do you plan to do that?"

König shifted on his feet before revealing a can of whipped cream from his pocket. My eyes widened as he pulled several napkins filled with desserts in the other large pocket, and Ghost did the same. "You didn't have dessert," he informed me softly. "We're feeding you, then we've agreed to share you. One night, we aren't going to get competitive or possessive over you. It's all about you tonight."

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