Chapter Fifty-Three

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 I headed to my office after grabbing dinner and a beer. Dialing Rodriguez, I stripped my armor and mask, leaving them on a chair while I waited to be transferred to him. "Heard you got promoted, Kalberg," he greeted me warmly while I took my seat. "Congratulations."

"I appreciate that, Rodriguez. How can I help you?"

I interlocked my fingers into combined fists while I waited, my anxiety rising. Could I get in trouble for his complaint? Could I be demoted before this mission took place? "I understand that you are the direct commanding officer for Sergeant Keegan Russ."


"He...made a phone call to me yesterday, questioning the validity of your authority." I knew it. "I wanted you to be aware of this. Going forward, please alert me to any disobedience on his part. I know he can be a bit prickly, but he's a good solider."

I smiled softly at the description, informing him, "He's been late twice, and has certainly challenged my authority multiple times. I'll alert you to any future complications should they arrive. Based off of today's training, I don't think he'll have the energy to act out of line."

"I appreciate–"

A knock at the door alerted me and I sighed, apologizing for the interruption before calling, "Who is it?"

"Sergeant Russ, sir."

"Speak of the devil." Rodriguez laughed and I called for him to enter, gesturing at the empty chair while he carried his own tray of food. "Need to pass anything along to him while he's here?"

"Oh, absolutely. Put me on speaker." I grinned and placed him on speaker, setting the phone aside while Russ nervously took the seat with a pained groan. "Russ, I've talked with Kalberg about your call. Anything you want to add?"

Russ cleared his throat before leaning forward, answering tensely, "I withdraw my earlier complaints."

"Oh? Did she lift you in the air by your nuts too?" I snickered while Russ stared at the phone in confusion. "Oh, guess you didn't hear. Last guy who challenged Kalberg got his balls twisted into oblivion."

"Don't forget what I did to him in the med bay."

"How did I possibly forget that? I'm getting old. Russ, the ballless bastard and his brainless buddy tried to attack Kalberg after she ripped her stitches. One's paralyzed, the other has permanent brain damage. Both dishonorably discharged. I advise you not piss Kalberg off."

"That footage was glorious," I agreed, leaning back in my seat. Russ withdrew his complaints?

"Oh, I use it daily. Whenever someone gets out of line, I make them watch it on repeat. And threaten to sick you on them." I covered my mouth as I giggled, watching as Russ's eyes flickered to me before lowering once again. "Speaking of which, I've got a Private due for a movie night. Do you two need anything from me?"

"I'm good. Russ?"

"No, sir."

"Good deal. Russ, if you act out of line again, I'm withdrawing you from the task force myself," Rodriguez threatened sternly. "You know just as much as the others due that this is a career changer. If you leave, it's a career ender."

"Yes, sir."

The call ended and I returned the phone on the device before beginning to eat. Stirring the soup while I chewed, I looked up at Russ as he hesitated. "Are you waiting for me to dismiss you?" I asked curiously.

Russ shifted nervously in his seat before admitting, "I screwed up. I wasn't aware of your background or...ability to train at the time that I made that call. I'm sorry."

I shook my head before taking a sip of beer, reassuring him, "I'm not offended by you going above my head. If you question my authority or a judgment call, I want you to express your concerns even if it's not to me. Now, go eat your food while it's warm."

"May I eat here? I'd like to ask you some questions." I nodded and he stood, removing his gear as well before hesitating while his fingers gripped his mask. "You've seen my face. Can I...?"

"Remove it if you want to. I suggest you lock the door to protect your privacy from anyone who might swing by." He nodded and locked the door before returning to his seat, removing his mask slowly. This entire time, his eyes avoided me, and without the mask, I realized just how hard I'd worked him. His face paint was smeared with sweat, his hair messy and clinging to his head. After eating a spoonful of soup, he asked, "Can you tell me about...when you were a POW?"

The Huntersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें