Chapter Nineteen

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 We chugged water before limping to the mess hall, our gaiters firmly in place. Haugen leaned against my back while I carried her, her arms loosely wrapped around my shoulders. "Are you okay?" she whispered in my ear. "That was...rough."

I nodded, murmuring, "I think I really needed that. I'm still unsure if I can ever release control, but I know now how to focus my anger."

"Hmm. That's an improvement. Cause you kicked our asses." I giggled and Larsen held the door open for me while I ducked inside, being careful not to bump Haugen on the ceiling. The tables had been rearranged, and a projector displayed the U.S. flag on the wall. The chairs had been organized in rows, quickly filling with the soldiers as everyone filed inside.

Gaz gestured for us from where the other members of the Hunters sat on the far side of the room. We slumped into the seats reserved for us, Haugen leaning against my shoulder weakly after I sat down as well. "You all look like shit," Gaz muttered under his breath. "What happened?"

"Training session," Larsen answered vaguely, while Andersen leaned against my other side. They took my hands, squeezing to provide me comfort. Reminding me that I had their love and support. My heart warmed and I shut my eyes, resting while listening to the hushed conversations in the room.

I felt the hot gazes of Ghost and König when they entered, opening my eyes to meet theirs briefly. Ghost's eyes were tense, analyzing me carefully, while König seemed to recognize my exhaustion with a look of sympathy. I looked away, dropping my gaze to the intertwined hands on my thighs.

The men took the seats behind me, with König leaning forward to whisper, "Are you okay?" I nodded, the movement stiff with soreness. He seemed to recognize the pain, wordlessly reaching forward to massage my neck and shoulders. His fingers felt long and strong on me, making quick work to remove the knots in my muscles.

My lashes fluttered until my eyes shut, my lips parting behind my gaiter. This felt incredible. How did he know exactly where to touch, even with gloves on? I relaxed beneath his strength, letting him control the weight and movement of my head. Was I...really giving him control over me? That easily?

General Rodriguez entered the room, dressed neatly in uniform, with medals and pins crowding his overcoat. His cap was neatly tucked into his arm, his hair short and curled on the tips. I watched him march to stand in front of the projected screen, his tan skin coated by the American flag. His dark eyes surveyed the crowd before landing briefly on me, and I stiffened as König quickly withdrew his hand.

The General wasn't upset with the touch, or he didn't notice. Instead, his gaze expressed admiration before he continued to survey everyone. The room fell silent in his presence, and he cleared his throat, stiffening as he addressed the crowd, "It has been brought to my attention that this base was not operating in a manner deemed appropriate by the United States military. I received a call at 0100 from President Obama, if that gives you a proper indication of how seriously these accusations are being taken."

"The Admiral," Larsen whispered to us, and we nodded. She'd go to the top to protect us, before tearing down everyone below.

"Since arriving, I have discovered dozens of violations," he continued while the soldiers stiffened. The Hunters seemed unphased, resting comfortably in our seats while I thought about lunch. It was 1300, and after the exercise, I was starving. "I anticipate the investigation to reveal hundreds of additional infractions. Before I continue my investigation, I wanted to make it clear. Violence between your fellow soldiers is strictly not allowed. Violence, bullying, intimidation tactics, and even violation of gendered-assigned places will be met with immediate reprimanding."

Heads nodded in submission and he smirked, gesturing at the screen behind him. "I was alerted to a highly unacceptable act early this morning. Two Privates entered the med bay armed with a knife, attacking an injured soldier. As you all surely heard the helos, it didn't go so well for them. They are currently being treated for their injuries, and will likely never recover. Regardless, they are being dishonorably discharged and will have to pay the full price for their mistakes."

Larsen and I looked at each other in the corner of our eyes, smirking behind our masks. "I have carefully observed the footage of the attack and would like to use it as a prime example. Protected classes, such as gender, religion, and race, are protected for a reason. Those two Neanderthals thought that they could bully their way into control because the other soldier was a member of those protected classes, and it did not go well for them. I want each one of you to keep what you are about to see in mind going forward. Because I will not be gentler than the soldier was to the Privates."

Larsen placed her hand on my shoulder with a squeeze while the General stepped aside. The screen shifted to display the med bay, where I was lying facing away from the door. While I disliked being shown in my sports bra to the entire base, I wasn't mad about their reactions. The audience winced with each of my attacks, Larsen's shoulders bouncing as she tried to stifle her humor. Mine did the same before a treacherous snort escaped, and my fellow female soldiers lost control.

The audio was what got us the most. The sound of their confidence quickly faded into agony, their threats becoming my promises. While we tried to remain quiet while tears streamed down our cheeks, I whispered to them, "Do I usually look so...aggressive when I fight?"

Haugen confirmed with an adamant nod as she sucked in a shaky breath, trying to calm herself. The General glared at the disturbance, his eyes humored, pausing the video before rewinding to the beginning. "You four, go outside and cool off. Meanwhile, we're going to watch this footage again and again until I can confirm without a doubt that the message was received. No one is to attack their fellow soldiers, regardless of differing opinions. Otherwise, they might end up paralyzed or with an empty skull broken in two."

We hurried out the side door, my hand dragging Haugen as she struggled with her exhaustion and laughter. Once we were as far away as we could make it, we collapsed into the snow, releasing our laughter loudly. "Why was that so funny?" Andersen asked as she rolled in the snow, clenching her sides.

"The way Johnson folded! I'm dying!" Haugen agreed, curling in a ball as she wept in humor.

I struggled to catch my breath, my body aching from head to toe. "I cannot believe he's forcing them to watch that!"

Larsen chuckled, muttering, "Serves them right. Mess with us, and get the smackdown."

We laughed and cried before beginning to settle, our gaze above as I whispered, "I have no idea how I'm getting up."

"Me too!"

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