Chapter Twenty

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 "What's our plan?" Andersen asked while we continued to stare up at the sky, our exhaustion hitting us hard. We'd tried to stand, slumping back in defeat.

"Freeze to death," Haugen decided. "If Kalberg can't move, none of us can."

"I'm hungry," I declared, and she snorted. We heard the mess hall doors opening as the soldiers were released, with the side door opening as well. "Do we call for help?"

"And look pitiful after that badass footage was played on repeat? I think not," Larsen responded sternly. "Just...give me a little longer. When I get moving, I can get you all moving too."

"Uh-huh. I can hear the pain in your voice," I commented sarcastically, hearing her huff in response. "And in your breathing."

"Making snow angels?" Aksel called when they spotted us, the men approaching to observe us. "You're not doing a good job."

"Shove it," Andersen grumbled. "We're sore, okay?"

"From laughter?" Hutch teased, before nudging my foot. "That was badass, Storm. I'm looking forward to seeing you in the field."

"Uh-huh. Mind giving us a boost?"

Gaz laughed while he helped Larsen to his feet, Aksel helping Andersen while she flushed, and Soap's strength practically launched Haugen into the air. I extended my arms lazily in the air, my wrists grabbed by both Ghost and König. Sighing in relief once on my feet, I brushed off the snow, stretching my aching joints. "What sort of training did you all do to wipe yourselves out like this?"

Larsen nudged her thumb my way, responding humorously, "Wrestled that one. Nearly killed us several times even with her hands and feet bound."

We walked as a group back to the mess hall, grabbing the slop they'd made for us while I shrugged. I was offered extra food and I gladly took it, heading to the female barracks to eat without our faces seen. "Eat then rest. We'll get you all when the plane arrives," Price ordered, before flinching when Larsen glared at him. "Please?"

"That's better," she grumbled. We tried to hide our soreness while we limped to the barracks, closing ourselves within. Gathering around the fire, we ate wordlessly, too tired to converse. Tossing our trays aside, we mumbled being too tired to build a fort, separating to sleep on the cots closest to the fire.

I slept so hard that I was dead to the world, probably snoring loudly, while the others did the same. A knock at the door forced me from my slumber and I growled, yelling, "Fuck off!"

"We have food!" Aksel called back, after taking a long moment to laugh with the others.

"That'll get you in the door," Larsen determined, verifying that we'd slipped our gaiters on before she allowed them to enter.

I yawned while I sat up, my body groaning painfully, and the men entered carrying trays of steaming slop. König and Ghost weren't present, and Price handed me a tray while the others were handed theirs. "We have a bit of an update," Price informed us as he hovered away from us, and I set my tray aside. "Some of us are being pulled from the mission. We're needed elsewhere."

My brows furrowed in confusion while he explained, "Myself, Soap, Hutch, and Fender are being pulled. There's been concern that too large of a presence in the Middle East will raise a stink, so we're reducing our numbers. Keeping only those the Admiral deemed necessary. Oh, and the Admiral is now heading this."

I wasn't surprised in the least that my mother had elbowed her way into command. My controlling issues came from somewhere. "Are any of us being pulled?" Andersen asked curiously, while Haugen seemed disappointed that Soap was leaving.

Price shook his head, answering, "No. Female soldiers are invaluable in the Middle East, because of their ability to work with women and children when we aren't. You four were deemed priority."

Soap nodded, adding, "Our flight will arrive within the hour. The flight to Norway will arrive at 1100. Eat, rest up; whatever is your preference."

The men dismissed themselves and filed out of the room. I peeked out the door as they left, spotting a towering form leaning against the wall. Was Ghost standing guard while we slept? Was König on the other side?

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