Chapter Thirty-Seven

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 I was in a daze after ending the call, returning to the mess hall without recognition of actually walking there. "Kalberg! Want in on this?" Haugen offered, gesturing at the card game on the table. I shook my head, crossing the room to fall into the wooden rocking chair in front of the fire. Resting my feet on the stool, I rocked myself while glaring into the fire, processing the information carefully.

Larsen joined me, sitting in the other rocking chair while she placed a bottle of beer in my hand. "I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it," she whispered, beginning to rock as well. I glanced at the bottle before deciding not to drink, placing it on the floor between us. "You're passing on beer? Are you dying?"

"I need to think clearly right now," I answered thoughtfully. While Larsen was a strategic person, she wasn't afraid of hurting someone's feelings. She knew psychology backwards and forwards, but prioritized telling the truth over anything else. She meant what she said at all times. "Do you really think I can do it?"

"There isn't a doubt in my mind," she responded warmly, taking the bottle to drink it herself. "You've got this. With you behind the screen, I know we're going to make it."

I nodded slowly despite how conflicted I felt. Peering over at her, I decided, "Tomorrow, I'll lead them in the game. Show them how to handle the terrain, then leave them to practice. I'll need you to set everything up. Have no mercy on me."

Larsen giggled, nudging my shoulder as she cheered, "There you go! You've got this." She stood and leaned over to me, whispering in my ear, "You make me cry again and I'll shoot you in the butt. Bye!"

I roared with laughter at her threat, tears forming in my eyes as I settled to continue watching the fire. I listened to the game behind me, enjoying the giggles and friendly competitive conversations. Sighing in contentment, I decided to leave my conflicts aside. If I was recommended for the position, then I'd do everything in my power to prepare them. To make sure that not a single person dies.

I smiled at Ghost when he took the rocking chair beside me, his boots lifting to rest on the stool. He took my hand in his gloved fingers, his brown eyes warmed by the fire. A pair of hands touched my shoulders, beginning to massage, and I let my eyes shut while König worked skillfully on the knots. "You two seem to be getting along better," I murmured, enjoying the moment.

"Getting our asses handed to us all day got us talking," Ghost admitted, his words irritated while his tone hinted at humor. Admiration. "And we've formed a plan to get you back for kicking our asses so hard."

I giggled, looking up at König with a grin. "Tomorrow, I'll be leading you all initially. It's for your own good." The gloved fingers adjusted my head so that I was facing the fire once more, beginning to work on my neck as I sighed in enjoyment.

"I...look forward to it." Ghost's gaze finally lowered from mine, glaring forward as he muttered, "You're handling the news better than I expected."

My brows furrowed; how did he know about the call I just had? "W-what do you mean?"

"Okay, you're playing ignorance. That's fair. The team hasn't been told officially, so that's for the best." I watched him closely as he adjusted to lean forward, his elbows digging into his thighs. "I appreciate that you aren't taking it out on us. We made those calls with only the best intentions."

I brushed König's hands off of me, leaning toward Ghost as I repeated sternly, "What phone calls?"

König cursed in German while Ghost's eyes narrowed, his thumbs fidgeting with surprising nerves beneath my glare. "This morning, we reached out to our superiors," he answered tensely, my glare only intensifying with his words. "You aren't fit for this mission. Not with your anger, your injuries, and your...not with the way you ignored your therapist. It's for your own good, Storm. We care about you."

I covered my face with my palm, trying to hide my smirk. So Larsen's call this morning with the Admiral was in response to their recommendations. They got their wish; I wasn't going to be in the field. But did they know that I would be leading them? "Did you both show up at my cabin to further prove point?" I demanded, speaking through my hand.

"N-no," König protested immediately, his voice trembling with anxiety.

"The Admiral sure knew about you two," I grumbled, analyzing their reactions closely. They were either phenomenal at lying, or they were truly surprised by my declaration.

Ghost looked at König with a stern expression, analyzing him before confirming my theory, "Neither of us intended to be spotted. Heck, I took the long way to get there. And König was...well, he's not stealthy, but I think he genuinely tried."

"I hit my head on the front gate," he muttered, and my feigned seriousness broke. I laughed at the admittance and his shoulders relaxed.

Sucking a deep breath, I reassured them, "I'm not upset with either of you. It's fine; I'm glad they're aware of our relationships, however complicated they may be."

"Are you...upset about the...?"

I looked up at König when he stuttered, wrapping my fingers around his wrist. "Not in the least. It just further proves how caring you two are toward me. How do you two plan on getting me back?"

König looked at Ghost for help. Sitting back in the rocking chair, he smugly responded, "You'll see."

I rolled my eyes before stating, "It'll have to be soon, because I'm flying out tomorrow at 1400."

"W-wait, they're sending you somewhere else? Y-you live here!" König gasped and I nodded, seeing Ghost's brows furrow with concern.

"Yup. I guess I'll see you two when I see you."

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