Chapter Fifty-Two

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 König stepped into view below me and I dropped, wrapping my legs around his neck as I squeezed him with my thighs. His gloved fingers grasped onto me as he gasped and choked, gripping my belt as his strength flung me against a nearby tree. The impact stole my breath and I barely had time to roll out of the way when he charged forward.

The thin tree collapsed under his force, nearly hitting the others while I cursed and rolled to my feet. I'd dropped my pistol in the process, as had he, and his eyes made it clear that he intended to do this without weapons. How do I take out a giant?

König thundered forward and I dropped lower, remembering the textbook on pressure points. Hitting his peroneal nerve with my straightened fingers as I dodged his fists, I watched in shock as his leg gave out from beneath him. Sucking in a sharp breath, he reached for me, grasping onto my braids to throw me onto the ground.

He was over me in an instance, his fists around my throat as he choked me. "Yield," he ordered, his eyes narrowing when I smirked. Jabbing upward, I hit the jugular notch, his hands releasing me as he wheezed for breath.

Adjusting my weight, I flung him off of me, rolling to my pistol. König was already up and charging, his endurance endless. I fired two shots at his chest before we collided, his large form knocking me to the ground while Larsen shouted, "König, you're out!"

König lifted himself off of me, hovering above me as he whispered, "Did I hurt you?" His sweet side was back in an instance, his hand on my cheek while we both wheezed for breath.

"Oh, for sure. Good job."

"Kalberg," he pleaded, his eyes soft and moistening.

"Since when did you learn pressure points?" Haugen called while the team gathered to help us to our feet.

"Found a book on it."

"That's where my book went. You thief!" Andersen accused–rightfully so–before lunging onto me and knocking us both onto the snow.

I laughed despite the growing pain from fighting König, my back becoming sore as I felt the forming bruises all over, including my neck. She threw fistfuls of snow onto me and down my shirt, giggling when I cried out that it was cold. "This is...really how you all treat an officer?" Russ muttered, observing us in confusion.

"Alright, you know. Break it up," Price ordered, and Aksel lifted her off of me when she continued.

I laid on the show in her absence, exhausted and sore. Ghost and König walked over, one gripping my chest armor while the other grabbed my belt. Lifting me in the air, I giggled as they carried me. "Put the stuff up for her," Ghost called over his shoulder while König led us through the snow.

"König, I think you broke my back. Jeez." He apologized once again and I smiled, calling to the others, "That reminds me to focus on using the opponent's weight against them. Andersen! You're up for that. Teach pressure points too."

Andersen giggled from where she'd been flung over Aksel's shoulder, describing the possibilities while we walked. "I want to eat dinner with the others!" I protested when Ghost and König began to walk to my cabin and they turned, carrying me until we reached the front lobby.

"Command Sergeant Major," a female voice called while I stretched and brushed the snow off of me. The soldier jogged over to me, saluting before informing me, "General Rodriguez called for you approximately two hours ago."

"Thank you. I'll grab some food and call him back. Did he state his reasoning?"

She briefly looked at Russ before returning her gaze to me. "I am unable to disclose at this time, sir."

Russ complained; the bastard. Was that why he was late for the car yesterday, or this morning? Or another time? "I appreciate it." 

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