Chapter Twenty-Eight*

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 The plane landed and I grabbed my sack, hearing Sergeant Larsen declare, "Made it here in record time. I'll see you all during the festivities."

"You were always good at finishing too soon," Larsen muttered, and I laughed as I followed her out of the plane. Switching to Norwegian, she instructed, "We'll give them a tour then unpack our things. Meet you at the training grounds at 0500? We're overdue for firearms. You and Haugen lead."

"Affirmative." I greeted the familiar faces who gathered to welcome us, shaking their hands firmly before separating. My cabin wasn't far from the base, tucked within a nearby mountain surrounded by a thick forest. The building was small and square, with a pitched roof coated in snow. Tapping the side of the metal, I triggered the snow to collapse before ducking inside.

The kitchen space greeted me and I sighed in contentment, checking the fridge and pantry: my mother had everything stocked with food. Appreciating her kindness, I dropped my bag of toiletries inside the long, narrow bathroom before tossing the sack onto my bed. Hanging my clothing and tossing my dirty clothes into the laundry machine, I unpacked fully. I organized my weapons and armor on the dining room table, knowing that any meals I had here would be eaten on the small loveseat in front of the fireplace that peeked between the living space and bedroom.

Logs had already been stacked beside the fireplace, organized on a rack, and I stepped outside to check the nearby shed. The firewood was running low; I needed to chop more and get them dried out. Checking the time, I determined that the tour would still be taking place; the main building was quite large. Grabbing my axe, I headed to a nearby fallen tree, beginning to work on separating the pieces.

Once the chunks were small enough to roll, I brought them to the stump I used to created usable pieces. Removing my coat, I chopped everything before organizing the stack in the shed. I paused as I exited the shed after stacking the final piece, hearing the snow crunch. Peering in the directions, I spotted Ghost approaching, his eyes surveying me closely.

"Done with your tour already?" I called as he walked forward, grabbing my coat and dusting off the snow.

"Skipped it," he responded simply, crossing his arms over his chest as he tilted his head. There was something in his expressionless face that drew my attention to him. Was he aroused? "Worth it, too."

"Like what you see?" I extended my arms in the air sarcastically. He didn't respond, and I didn't expect him to. He followed me into the cabin, observing the building curiously while I started the fire. I began to cook dinner, baking some salmon while he returning to the kitchen. "Beer?"

I looked over my shoulder, observing his response. He nodded once, a firm motion, and I pulled two bottles out of the fridge. Cracking them open, I offering him one, and he looked at the Norwegian label with a furrowed brow. "Am I feeding you as well?" I asked, focusing on the seasonings before I switched to making the unique, smoked butter.


Ghost leaned against the counter, watching me closely while I worked. "You're a different person here," he determined, and I met his gaze curiously.

He didn't offer an explanation and I sighed, returning to my work as I admitted, "This is my safe place. All traumas, drama, disagreements. They have to stop at that door. If you try to fight me in here, I'll kill you."

"Understood." I smirked at his response and finished my prep work, taking my beer to the couch. Ghost slowly followed, sitting beside me while I propped my bare feet on the coffee table. "Coaster?"

I handed him a mosaic-style coaster, appreciating the consideration. After placing his bottle down, he leaned into the couch, shifting his body to face mine. I placed my bottle down, seeing in his intense gaze that he was preparing to make a move. The moment the glass left my fingers, he grasped onto my chin, angling my face backward while I gasped.

Ghost's left arm surrounded my shoulders while the right hand pinned my face, his body shifting to tower over me. "G-Ghost," I whispered in surprise, amazed at how firm his touch was. Ignoring my voice, he slipped his mask upward, revealing his lips before they smashed onto mine.

Ghost's lips weren't as full as König's, but they were curved with a breathtaking cupid's bow and surprisingly soft. He pressed into my mouth with overwhelming force, stealing my breath. The left hand knotted in my braids, jerking me roughly against the couch to give him better access. I trembled beneath his force, grasping onto his armored chest plate.

I gasped when Ghost shifted his hold, grasping onto my hips as he lifted me from the couch. My back slammed into the wall beside the fireplace, my legs wrapping around his hips as he pressed into me with full force. His lips smashed into mine once again, his eyes open as he watched my reaction closely. I struggled to maintain control over myself, melting in his hold while my eyes shut.

Ghost's tongue plunged into my mouth, roughly forcing my lips apart. I gasped before my eyes rolled, overwhelmed by the way he stroked within me, imitating sex. He separated only to remove his glove with his teeth, tossing it aside before his fingers grasped firmly on my intimacy. When did he remove my pants?

His strong, long fingers made quick work within my moistening intimacy, sliding between my folds to briefly stroke my clit. I yelped in surprise when his fingers forced their way inside of me, pumping inside of me as my thighs clenched and trembled around his hips. Ghost released my lips, trailing kisses and bites down my neck as I moaned, clinging to him in desperation.

I moaned loudly as the heat built, my head smacking into the wall behind me as I begged for him not to stop. Just as I was about to lose control; to melt into a state of writhing euphoria, he stopped. I whined when he withdrew his fingers, landing unsteadily on the floor when he dropped me. "What the hell?" I demanded, his lips smirking before he lowered his mask.

"You aren't in control," he responded sternly. "Tell me I'm the one in control and I'll make sure you finish. Multiple times. Until you're begging me to stop."

I stiffened, realizing that Ghost intended to follow through with his declarations: he was going to teach me to release control. The knowledge angered me; who did he think he was, trying to teach me about myself? I know what I need, not him! Pushing him away, I slipped my pants back on, ignoring his humored breath while I locked my belt into place. "Fuck you," I growled, returning to the kitchen when the oven beeped.

"Let me tie you down and you sure can," he taunted me, enjoying my irritation as I threw the steaming pan onto the stove. I debated letting him eat, considering kicking him out while I ate the warm meal and watched him slink away into the cold. A smirk crossed my face as I formed a plan, serving the meal while his brows furrowed at my expression.

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