Chapter Twenty-Six*

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 König began to eat after a long moment of watching me, his gaze warm on my face. I peered at him in the corner of my eye, seeing him lift the material so that the food could go behind. "Want some bobby pins to keep the material out of your way?" I offered. When his eyes revealed his confusion, I reached into my largest braid, pulling out the pins I used to keep the hair against my skull.

I saw the heavy debate in his gaze while he stared at the objects in my hand. Slowly, he took them from me, folding the material before pinning the cloth out of the way. I tried not to stare, but his lips were more full than I expected. They looked soft and inviting, his stubble a light brown. After he swallowed his next bite, I asked quietly, "Better?"

He nodded and glanced my way, watching me while I ate. Shaking the energy drink, I popped open the can and took a long swig. I always finished my meals quickly, having learned from my years in the service that meal times were limited. Setting aside I tray, I leaned against a tree, adjusting my gaiter back into place. I gasped when König caught my wrist, stopping me as he pleaded, "Not yet."

My brows furrowed in confusion before I released the material, watching him set his now finished meal aside. His green eyes held mine with an intensity unfamiliar to me, his hands guiding me to lie on my back as he shifted above me. "König," I whispered, seeing him experiencing the same shiver every time I said his name.

"Keep saying that. My name. I love the way it sounds in your soft, sweet little voice," he murmured happily. I smiled before his lips gingerly met mine, his kiss soft and warm. I kissed him back, my hand lifting to stroke his exposed neck, while the other slipped beneath his layers to caress his back.

Beneath my fingertips I would tell that König was built entirely of muscle, the strong wall surprisingly delicate above me. He shivered at my touch and leaned his face further forward, pressing me against the blanket while our lips molded together. My lips parted when his tongue begged for entrance, allowing him inside while the long muscle tickled the roof of my mouth before exploring in hungry digs.

I moaned despite tasting the same disappointing breakfast on his mouth, becoming quickly addicted to his touch. His kiss shifted, becoming hungrier and harder, while still maintaining the passion. My eyes rolled into the back of my mind when he pressed his lower body against mine, separating my thighs while his large form fit between. My hands greedily explored what I could grasp on his body, our passion shifting into heavy desire. Need.

A throat cleared nearby and we quickly separated, my fingers tugging the bobby pins from his mask while he slipped the gaiter onto my face. Pulling me upward, we searched for the source, spotting Ghost leaning against a nearby tree. He was glaring at us, his anger increasing when I stroked my swollen lips beneath my mask. I could still feel König's lips on mine, my skin tingling from his stubble.

"Plane's here," Ghost stated as his angry expression relaxed, returning to his emotionless state. I could tell from his shallow breathing that he was furious, masking the emotion with a cold, unfeeling presence. Sighing as I stood, I grabbed the blanket while König carried the trays, heading back to the base to drop off the items.

We separated at the mess hall, the men heading to their barracks while I headed to mine. I sighed as I watched them leave, my chest heavy with emotion. Hurrying to pack my remaining belongings, I saw that the other women were breaking down the fort, having changed clothing and prepared for the day. "Off playing with your boy toys?" Andersen teased when I entered, her brows furrowing when she noticed my expression.

"I think I messed up," I grumbled anxiously, shoving my belongings messily into the sack before dawning my gear. I saw them hesitate, watching me curiously while I explained, "They're both interested in me, but neither is happy about the other. This...isn't how a poly relationship should be."

"You're either going to have to break it off with both, or choose," Larsen decided sternly. She knew all too well that polyamorous relationships were built on trust; that her ex-husband had violated the trust between both of us. That she never wanted a poly relationship, but he pursued one without her consent.

I finished packing and leaned back on the cot, resting against the wall behind me while I shifted to watch the fading fire. "We're going to die," I muttered bitterly. "They know it, we know it. We've got maybe two months, between training and traveling, before it's over."

"We could all step down," Haugen offered. "Sure, it'll destroy our careers backing down from direct orders. But we'll live."

"This mission is going to save a lot of lives," Andersen whispered. "More people will die if we don't take action. This mission might end the war. We have to do it."

I sighed and grabbed my water bottle, toasting, "To the last remaining weeks of our lives."

"To saving lives by sacrificing ours," Andersen announced bitterly.

"To our loved ones having a fast recovery," Haugen muttered, tears forming in her eyes.

"To Valhalla," Larsen determined. This was our war cry; while most of the women in the unit were Christian, we were still linked to our Viking ancestors. We echoed the declaration and tapped our bottles together, taking a long swig. My eyes met Larsen's and I observed the calculations behind her gaze. She was figuring out another plan of action.

The HuntersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora