Chapter Fifty

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 We ran through the training for hours until I finally called for lunch, returning to the meeting point with a frown. "We will break for lunch, then meet at the environmental training grounds at 1300. Based on today, we'll be repeating the endurance training every morning at 0400 until you can learn to get along. Larsen, Ghost, Russ: meet me in my office."

"I'll get you some food," König offered, and I thanked him with a soft pat on his shoulder. Everyone slumped inside while I felt Russ's glare on the back of my head. I ignored his attitude while leading the three to my office, offering the two seats while I removed my gear and took a sip.

"Mind getting this over quickly?" Russ grumbled, choosing to stand while the other two sat. Ghost was visibly tired, pretending not to be, while Larsen leaned her cheek against her face for support.

"I want you out of my office as much as you want to be out of it," I informed him sternly. "Larsen, quit pulling rank. For this mission, you are all equals. Am I clear?"

"I'm the next in charge, after you," she protested, standing as her face reddened.

"Not in this mission," I corrected firmly. "We will be partaking in a series of manuevers depending on the environment and task at hand. The leader will change so that the highest skilled in that area are reflected best."

"Wait, what?" she asked, her brows furrowed as she shook her head and sat back down.

"You're familiar with sports. Well, hockey. I'm designing an operational playbook based on the individual skills, that way we're always hitting at our best. For instance, Ghost and Russ are our best at stealth; they will take lead during the stealth portion of the mission if they can get their act together and be a team. Andersen and König are the best at up close combat; they will lead in those situations."

"Shit. That's a good idea," Larsen exclaimed, and I smiled behind my mask.

"I'm full of surprises. Ghost, Russ; this isn't a competition over whose is biggest. I can guarantee König's is." Ghost rolled his eyes while Russ's eyes shot wide open in surprise, still glaring at the floor between us. "You two have to get along, or you both will be removed from the operation with reprimanding from your task force commanders. Am I clear?"

Ghost nodded firmly, and I determined, "Ghost, Larsen; you're dismissed. Russ, have a seat."

"I'll stand," he retorted, stepping out of the way for the others to leave.

I ignored his defiance, lowering my mask to take a quick drink before informing him, "I have asked you not to be late. This isn't basic; you're expected to know how a clock works by now. The success of this mission relies on each team member holding up their end of the bargain. I will not tolerate a single casualty, and if you're to blame, I will spend the rest of my days ruining your life. Am I clear?"

"Fuck you," he cursed, his eyes lifting to glare at mine.

I smirked, gesturing at the desk. "Okay. Drop-trou." I watched as Russ's brain malfunctioned, his eyes wide with shock as he looked at me in horror. My smirk increased as I told him, "Your file indicated that you were a reliable, strong team player. I expect to see evidence of that soon."

"You...have access to my file?" he muttered, his eyes narrowing on the floor.

"I do. I'm your commanding officer for the time being; knowledge on your background is critical."

Russ shifted on his feet, still glaring at the floor as he whispered, "Did it include my..."

He trailed off, but I knew what he was asking. "Your image was within, along with a list of identifying markings. That information is to be used only if I'm identifying your body after you've pissed off your teammates or failed to listen to reason in the field." His blue eyes were so darn expressive that I could see the conflict and questions behind his gaze. Shaking my head, I continued, "I'd like to not use that information. Go get some lunch and rest up. This next training will be equally challenging."

Russ didn't say a word, his movements slow as I realized that there was a growing bulge within his pants. Did he like it when I bossed him around? "Oh, and Russ," I called as he gripped the doorknob for dear life. "Quit being an ass. Ghost's into anal."

A knock at the door caught my attention, ripping Russ from his shocked state as he threw the door open to leave. "König," I greeted warmly. "Russ was just leaving. Thanks for grabbing me food."

König glared down at Russ as the man remained in a zombie-like state, walking out of the office while he seemed to be in another world. Ghost soon followed König, joining us as we ate and conversed at my desk with the door shut. "I'm knocking Russ's lights out if he glares at you one more time," König warned me darkly, revealing his irritation with a stern frown.

"Same," Ghost agreed.

"You two are adorable. Think you're going to have energy to visit my cabin tonight?"

König and Ghost exchanged a look before confirming, "We'll pound some energy drinks if we have to. Then pound you on the table."

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