Chapter Twenty-Two

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 König walked beside me, his presence large and warm, and I glanced up at him to see him observing me. He quickly diverted his gaze ahead, seeming embarrassed to be caught staring at me. "Ever been to Norway?" I asked softly, wanting to reassure him that I wasn't upset with him looking at me. I wanted to hear his surprisingly gentle voice again.

He shook his head, not verbally responding, and I asked over my shoulder, "What about you?"

"No." The response from Ghost was direct and short, and I nodded.

Unphased by his quick answer, I explained, "We'll arrive the day before Christmas Eve, so expect a feast for the first two days we're there. Mor likes to go all out."

König's lashes fluttered in confusion before he quietly repeated, "Mor?"

"Mother. The Admiral is Christian and likes to make sure everyone's spoiled when they're away from their families during the holidays. She likes to lay on the guilt for me not being Christian."

We reached the barracks door and I sighed, observing the limited remaining light. "What's the plan for the sleeping arrangement tonight?"

Ghost looked at König before answering, "Aksel and Gaz are resting; they'll patrol tonight as ordered by Rodriguez. We'll stay with you all."

"More spooning?" Ghost remained silent while König visible face flushed, and I decided, "König's turn tonight. Come on; you can help us build."

I heard Ghost's humored breath as we stepped inside, assisting the others in the fort's construction. The loudspeaker called for Larsen to the main office and she groaned, slipping her coat back on before leaving. "What do you think that's about?" Andersen asked, and I shrugged.

Sitting down on a cot, I untied my boots and removed my belt, organizing my belongings that had been brought from the other barracks. I felt the men's warm gaze while I removed my pants, revealing my shorts. Tossing my hat onto the folded clothing, I crawled inside, facing the blanket wall while I sipped from my water bottle. Haugen watched me before asking curiously, "We hardly wear our masks in Norway. Do we have to this time? With...them?"

I shrugged, deciding, "We'll make that Larsen's call." Returning my gaiter in place, I turned to face the center, realizing that the men were conversing quietly outside of the fort. "How do you think the men are going to handle the Norwegian food?"

"Oh, no clue. I don't know their pallets. That's a good question."

Andersen's eyes widened as she remembered, "We're getting Aquavit!"

"Yes!" We high-fived, excited at the knowledge that we'd get the opportunity to drink alcohol on the holidays. "Let's play drinking games again."

"Hmm. Which one?"

"Cheesy American romance movie," Haugen suggested. "Drink every time they say something cliche."

I nodded, suggesting as well, "Could do a competitive drinking game. Involve the others."

"Let's do it!" We laughed and conversed, wondering how each man would act while inebriated.

Larsen returned nearly an hour later, her face red with anger. Ignoring the men, she stormed into the fort, our eyes widening while she removed and threw her boots out of the opening. "L-Larsen?" Haugen asked nervously, shifting to lean behind Andersen.

"Plane's delayed until 0500," she grumbled, ripping her hair out of her neat bun. "Lieutenant fucking Larsen's the pilot."

"No!" I whispered, feeling my chest tighten in panic. "No no no. Not him. Anyone but him!"

"Haugen, you're a good shot. What's the likelihood that you can get him before he lands?" Andersen demanded while I shoved my face into my pillow, hoping to suffocate.

"Very good, but I can't shoot your alls ex without permission from a commanding officer."

"I give you permission!" Larsen grumbled, before falling onto the bedding beside me. She mirrored my actions while screaming into the pillow, punching the nearby cushions.

Groaning, I lifted my head, declaring, "I'm walking to Norway."

"Me too," Larsen echoed.

"Quit being so dramatic," Haugen muttered, grabbing the back of our shirts and willing with full force. We sat upward as she choked us, begrudgingly complying. While we glared at her, she admitted, "Okay. You're justified in your reaction. But we're going to get through this without murdering."

"Murder," Larsen and I agreed, smirking at each other behind our masks. Haugen groaned loudly before flopping onto her pillow in defeat, Andersen whispering about us needing the Aquavit now.

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