Chapter Thirty-Nine*

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"Wow. You two really think that's possible?" I exclaimed in shock, watching them nod in response. They were determined and I realized that they'd shifted the furniture in my absence, moving the table in front of the fire. Other than rebuilding the fire, they'd situated the space where I would sit with the fire behind me, facing them.

I watched curiously as they arranged the food on the table, offering them wine. "Are you having any?" Ghost asked, and I shook my head. "Then, no."

"Hot chocolate?" They confirmed and I left them to their work, warming the teapot on the stove while I prepared the mugs. I joined them at the table once the chocolate was steaming in the mugs, sitting down as I became aware of how high my anticipation had built. "I've never...had two guys at once," I admitted nervously, opening my mouth when König offered to feed me a pastry.

"Thought you were poly?" Ghost muttered curiously, and I nodded as I chewed.

After swallowing, I explained, "I am. But that doesn't mean having orgies. They've always been separate relationships between similar people, where everyone's aware of the other. Apart from Mr. Douchebag Larsen, but that's another story. I hope he's not my pilot tomorrow."

Ghost fed me the next bite and I squirmed in my seat, wanting to feed them as well. His glare when I shifted to grab some stopped me, and I sat back with a frown while I chewed. "Storm, are they...discharging you?" König asked softly, his eyes soft with regret and concern.

I shrugged, answering vaguely, "I won't be a Master Sergeant anymore."

"Are you...what are you have a plan?"

I ate while he stuttered, seeing his conflict, and after sipping the hot chocolate, I admitted, "I have a plan, or at least I'm working on one. But it's a temporary solution, so I'll work on the permanent plan later. I just...I'm not sure how I'll handle tomorrow."

"It's an honorable discharge, right?" Ghost asked while König mulled over my answer, and I shrugged. "Storm, you didn't do anything wrong. It has to be honorable."

I squeezed my eyes shut, hating that I couldn't tell them, but enjoying the image in my mind of their shocked faces–well, eyes–when they learned the truth. "Can we please let this go? For tonight? I...I don't really want to think about this right now."

Ghost cursed under his breath while König continued to feed me, his fingers gently stroking my lips each time. I offered him a small smile and he leaned forward, kissing my forehead through his mask. Sighing when I realized that neither of them could let this go due to their guilt, I leaned back to observe them, asking, "Say this mission is a success. What will you two do after?"

Ghost looked at König, the Austrian admitting softly, "I'm debating renewing my contract in April. I think...I'm ready to retire, with the right person."

I could tell that Ghost was frowning through his eyes. "I have two years left on my contract," he muttered bitterly. "Then, I'm not sure. Retirement's never been appealing to me apart from...recently."

I held up my hot chocolate, toasting, "To retirement." They echoed before returning to feeding me. I was enjoying their gentle sides, and while König lifted me to sit on his lap, Ghost began to lick at any crumbs that landed outside of my mouth. Between the two of them, I was melting, my heart warm and my inner thighs moistening.

As I chewed the last bite, Ghost grabbed the whipped cream, declaring, "Now it's our turn for dessert." My eyes widened and König twirled me on his lap with ease, his mask lifting as his lips captured mine. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, loving the sensation of his soft lips molded with mine.

Behind me, Ghost tugged my shirt loose from my belt, tossing the material to the side. My bra and belt seemed to disappear while König's kiss stole my focus. The cold whipped cream sprayed onto my spine and I jolted, having forgotten already about the can. Ghost chuckled and lined my vertebrae with the cream, his tongue soon following. I shivered at the sensation of his tongue mixing with the cold cream, twirling patterns on my flesh as he consumed me.

My fingers clung to König as his tongue dipped between my lips, his chest vibrating with approval as he tasted the chocolate pastries I'd eaten. My eyes rolled in my head as I moaned at the combination of their efforts, already beginning to lose my mind. König removed his tongue to nip onto my lower lip, tugging softly as I melted in his arms.

The HuntersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora