Chapter Thirty-Five

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 We returned to the training grounds and I pulled Larsen aside, informing her, "I want to try terrain training. Mix up the groups to encourage them to learn cooperation. You cool with that?"

Larsen crossed her arms over her chest, contemplating my offer with a firm nod. "I'm starting to wonder if I'm the only one in our unit good at formulating plans. Our numbers are uneven; what's your plan with that?"

"Oh, I got one. Don't worry." She grinned and I addressed everyone after opening the storage shed, revealing the airsoft weapons and gear. "We're going to play a game of hide and seek. I will split you into groups of three. One will hide, one will seek. Larsen will assist the seekers in formulating the best plan of action for the first few rounds, then help the hiders. Any questions so far?"

Ghost seemed intrigued by my instructions, crossing his arms over his chest as he thought with a tilted head. König seemed uneasy; with his large size, hiding will be difficult. When no one spoke, I continued, "Excellent. Both the hiders and the seekers have the ultimate goal of shooting the other. We'll use airsoft guns; if you're hit, you're out. The team with the least out will win. The ultimate winning team gets first-dibs at dinner."

"Oh, should have led with that. I'm kicking the other team's ass," Andersen responded humorously.

"Glad to be of assistance. Andersen, you'll be with Gaz and König. Haugen, Ghost and Aksel." I specifically paired Andersen without Aksel, so that they would have to face off with each other. I wanted to test their ability to forget their attraction in the face of danger. "Larsen, I'm going to set up some fun little toys before you all begin. I suggest you plan accordingly."

"Shit." I grinned and grabbed the bag of gear, leaving them to prepare while I headed into the woods. I'd been raised in these woods; I knew exactly where to blend tripwires, or to hide strategic pretend IEDs. And I espeically knew how to hide my tracks when I wanted to. Returning to the group, I informed them, "The traps will set off an audio response. You're out if it plays, and anyone within...hmm, I'll be kind to you. Anyone within sixty yards is out too. Got it?"

Heads nodded and I smirked, gesturing at the large watchtower nearby. "I'll be up there. I expect only the best. Stay focused; do not lose position of your teammates. You've got the grenades; 15 yards away, you can stay in the game, but you must lose control over one limb. Within 5 yards, you're out. Use them wisely, and if you time it right, fuck up the opposition with their own gernades."

I enjoyed seeing each of them contemplating their plans, finishing off my instruction, "You've been given an orange vest. When you're out, put one on and meet at the watchtower. Hiders, you've got until I haul my pale butt up there before the seekers come after you. Happy hunting."

I smirked as the team I'd designated to be the hiders ran into the woods, Ghost briefly meeting my gaze before he disappeared into the trees. I could tell that he was enjoying this, his eyes sparkling with interest. This wasn't just another boring session of shooting at an unmoving target. This was war. And everyone from the Jegertroppen knew that I had more up my sleeves.

I climbed the watchtower and nodded at the seekers, silently approving them to begin. I didn't like to warn the hiders; they needed to prepare themselves with the knowledge that enemies don't blow a whistle when they start going after you. I waved at König when he looked up at me, blowing him a kiss before he seemed to enter his focused, war-ready mode.

I was impressed by how quickly he shifted emotional states. In an instance, he went from a giant teddy bear to a ruthless predator. I couldn't wait to see him in action, but unfortunately, I would have to. Not long after the hiders went in, the seekers following, did the alarms begin to ring. Curses echoed in multiple languages; everyone was out within a few minutes.

I giggled as they returned to the watchtower, having already brought myself back to the ground as I leaned smugly against the support beam. "That was quick. Ready to try again?"

"I fucking hate you," Larsen growled, her scowl intensifying when I giggled.

"I love you too." Returning my attention to the group, I saw that Ghost was furious. He didn't expect to lose that easily, and especially, that quickly. "Now, this is a good lesson on home-advantage. I know these woods better than even the Jegertroppen here. We'll be traveling to our enemy's friend door; they will know how to work with their environment. Research only gets us so far; experience in these situations is key. We're going to run this drill all day and all night if we have to, that way you all learn how to handle unfamiliar environments properly. You want Christmas Eve dinner, you get your act together. Understood?"

Ignoring the curses, I giggled and headed off to reposition the traps, smiling at the tracks that they'd created. They might not know it, but the more they walked, the harder it would be to track each other. Returning to the watchtower, I sent the other team to hide before I climbed the tower. Counting in my head, I started the speaker system, which loudly blared noises of sirens, explosives, and shouting. Gesturing for the seekers to go, I saw that they were thrown off; Larsen and Andersen forgot that I had that technology.

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