Chapter Thirty-Four

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 We spent the morning working on rifle training, improving our sniping skills. As I practiced, I mulled over the idea of being excluded from future missions. I lived for missions. However, they were always a risk. The thought of terrifying my mother further filled me with dread, so I accepted the change.

My mind shifted to Ghost and König, wondering how they would take the news. Would they get in trouble for going to my cabin? Ghost explained his rough treatment of me as his attempt to get me ready for the mission. Was he interacting with me only because he worried that I'd be the weak link?

On the other hand, König seemed to share an emotional connection with me. I'd felt his gloved thumb stroking my face while I slept, hearing him whisper in German. He was so sweet toward me that my heart ached. Neither man liked the other being with me, and right now with the way Ghost is treating me, I'd pick König if I had to. But what if they both die on the mission?

As we left the range to head inside for food and to thaw our freezing bodies, I jogged to catch up with Ghost. His gaze remained firmly ahead as we walked and I sighed, whispering, "I need you to switch up your tactics. Cause what you're doing makes me want to be a brat to you."

I watched his reaction closely, seeing him tilt his head as he seemed to smirk. "Maybe I like brats," he decided quietly, and my lower abdomen tightened. "I'll switch it up, but don't you dare stop being so stubborn."

I giggled and he reached behind me, resting his hand on my side as he nudged me to walk closer to him. Reaching the expansive, towering main building of the base, we ducked inside, dropping off our gear before heading to the mess hall. Breathing in deeply, I exclaimed, "Ribbe! Oh; I can smell them cooking the Pinnekjøtt. This is going to be great!"

Ghost watched my reaction with a humored breath, tugging at my waist so that I followed him to the counter. We each grabbed a plate of pork ribs, sausages, and potatoes. The soldier behind the counter smiled, leaning forward to whisper to me, "I know it's a little early, but how about I sneak you some Juleøl?"

I giggled, telling her, "Tore, you're officially my favorite!" She laughed and met me at the end of the counter, where the silverware was wrapped in cloth napkins. She snuck the bottle in one of the napkins, slipping the silverware into my pocket, while Ghost watched suspiciously. Turning me to the side, she slipped a second bottle into my pocket, gesturing at him. "Thanks!"

I verified that König was preoccupied with Aksel as the Norwegian man talked excitedly about the training. Bumping Ghost's hip, I nudged my head to the back door of the mess hall, leading him to a private conference room. Shutting the door behind us, I placed my tray on the table, pulling out the drinks with a grin. "You never saw these," I informed him, using my utility knife to open both before taking a seat beside him.

Ghost watched me thoughtfully as I organized my utensils on the cloth napkin, deciding, "I'm going to feed you."


He shrugged, responding sternly, "I like the idea of taking care of you."

"Fine. But I get to feed you!"

"Nope. Open up." While I began to protest, he shoved a forkful of mashed potatoes in my mouth. He refused to give me the opportunity to argue, following one bite with another, seeming to smirk behind the mask. I hated to admit it, but I was enjoying this. I especially loved whenever food landed on my lips or around my mouth; he'd removed his glove to wipe the crumbs away, lifting his mask to lick his fingertips each time.

"Good girl," he whispered as I further complied. He seemed to enjoy the way I shivered at the words, finishing feeding me before using the napkin to delicately wipe my mouth clean. Once satisfied, he began to eat his own food, lifting the mask only high enough to to fit the fork or spoon in his mouth.

While I sipped my malt beer, I watched him curiously. "Why do you wear the mask?" I asked softly. When he disregarded the question, I continued, "I know I wear mine to hide my identity whenever needed. Do the same thing?"

Ghost nodded firmly, swallowing before answering, "Hide my identity."

"Thank you for telling me," I responded warmly. "I told König I'd never remove his mask; same applies for you."

Ghost began to stab at his ribs, asking bitterly, "Did you sleep with him?"

I tilted my head, observing his eyes closely. He was still wearing the same outfit as yesterday, beneath his armor. Either his clothes were all similar, which I'd noticed different variations before, or he didn't return to the dorms last night. "I think you already know that answer. You didn't go back to the dorms when you left, did you?"

Ghost didn't answer my question, muttering instead, "He's gentle with you. Caring. You seem to like that."

"Very much. I need the gentleness as much as I need the roughness."

"After tonight's celebrations, I'll show you that I can do both."

I smiled, nodding in agreement. "It's a date."

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