Chapter Twenty-Seven

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 We loaded up in a HUMVEE while the rest of the unit rode in another, being driven through the rough, snow-covered path to the airstrip. Larsen and I exchanged a long look, silently preparing each other to face our ex. Grabbing our bags, we stepped out of the vehicle, observing the large plane with frowns behind our masks.

The rear door was open and a man dressed neatly in uniformed stepped out when we arrived. The lower half of his face was covered by a steam-punk style mask; a functional gas mask, or so he claimed. "Jegertroppen," he called as we approached, and I heard the other vehicle doors closing behind us as the men followed. "Looking incredible as always."

We ignored him and walked around his outstretched arms, disregarding his request for a hug or handshake. While we situated ourselves on the benches, strapping our sacks into place beneath our feet, he greeted the men without missing a beat, "Welcome to Royal Norway Air. I'm Sergeant Larsen; I'll be your pilot, alongside Corporal Alfson."

I didn't hear the men respond, seeming to be equally annoyed by his presence. Sergeant Larsen grumbled while we walked through the plane, glancing at us as he passed. The door soon closed and we locked our safety belts into place, my eyes rising when I spotted Ghost glaring at the empty seat beside me. He and König seemed to be silently arguing, and I rolled my eyes.

"You two need to knock it off," I grumbled to them, seeing their intense gazes shifting to meet mine. "I won't stand for this competitive nonsense any more. My relationships are built on trust and consent. If you two cannot find a way to agree, we're done. You've got a twenty-hour flight to make your decisions, sitting over there." I gestured across the plane and König's gaze softened, pleading with me. "No. You aren't going to guilt me. I won't have you two acting like possessive children, threatening to kill each other at te first opportunity. Go."

König nodded and slowly slinked away, his shoulders slumped as he fell into a seat. His large body took up two seats and I watched him knot the two seatbelts together, having obviously done this before. Ghost stepped forward, his fingers catching my chin with surpringing gentleness as he urged my eyes to meet his. The plane engine shook beneath our feet while he muttered, "If we cannot come to an agreement, will you be choosing between us?"

"You think I'd choose König," I responded sternly, and his eyes flashed with anger. I was right. Swallowing the mass of emotions forming in my throat, I informed him, "I won't choose. All or nothing."

"Affirmative." He released my chin and crossed the plane, strapping himself into his seat, leaving two seats between him and König.

Ignoring their threatening gazes on each other, I focused instead on the others, watching them settle while the plane began to move. Sergeant Larsen slid a basket of snacks from the cockpit, using the plane's momentum to allow the food to reach us with ease. Taking the offer, we dished out the packaged food.

Once we were in the air, we removed our seatbelts, settling on the floor in a circle. Aksel and Gaz joined us, their eyes widening when we lowered our gaiters to eat. "Y-you're okay with...?" Gaz asked nervously, his eyes dropping respectfully when he tried not to stare at Larsen.

"Yep. We're with our own people now, much as we hate the Sergeant," Andersen answered, flashing a cheeky grin at Aksel.

"Admiral's going to force us to do team building exercises," I informed the men while we snacked. I grabbed a bottled juice, unscrewing the lid as I continued, "We might as well use this time efficiently."

"Now you sound like me," Larsen teased, and I giggled when she bumped my shoulder. I began to relax while we exchanged stories and information about ourselves, playing card games. We were having such fun that I nearly forgot the two towering figures in the corner, arguing silently with each other.

Hours passed while they fell silent, glaring ahead as they mulled over their conversations. "Storm," Ghost called when there was a pause in our game, Aksel reshuffling the cards. I sighed as I stood, seeing him nudge his head for me to come over. Approaching them, I crossed my arms over my chest, unsure of what they were going to say. Had they decided that neither of them wanted me?

"Counter offer," Ghost informed me when the silence began to make me fidget. "We don't know much long it'll be before our training is complete. We've determined that we're okay with a schedule with you. I get you one day, he gets you the next."

"No thoughts of killing each other if that's the case?"

"Oh, we're definitely going to have those thoughts. But we've agreed not to act on them," Ghost responded in a deadpan tone.

I mulled over the offer; it wasn't a bad idea. Nodding sharply, I determined, "It's a deal. We will start the day after Christmas. Ghost can go first."

König stiffened as he asked, "And for the...two days until the twenty-sixth?"

I shrugged, admitting, "I want to celebrate the holidays without two grown men hindering my fun. We like to drink and party Christmas Eve night, so I plan on dressing up. Doing a certain leg technique if needed."

"It's needed!" Aksel called, and I realized that everyone was listening to our conversation humorously. I giggled, seeing the glares quickly land on the man as he sank nervously onto the floor. "Sorry."

I rolled my eyes and returned to the circle, playing the game until I began to feel tired. König seemed to notice my shift when I became quieter during the game, standing to sit behind me as his hands moved my braids out of my face. He softly lowered me backward, my head resting on his folded lap with a soft sigh. I peeked over at Ghost as I struggled to pay attention to my surroundings, seeing him cleaning his pistol while glaring at König.

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