Chapter Forty-Six

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I chewed on my inner cheek while the military vehicle drove us from the ramp to the base. My anxiety was high as I feared that Ghost and König wouldn't react well to the news. Afterall, they made phone calls to get me pulled from the mission, and now I was leading it. Would they question my capabilities as a leader too?

The Hunters had gathered to greet us despite how late it was. I stepped out of the vehicle while scanning the crowd, not spotting the two masked men. Approaching them, I took my military stance, my fists tucked behind my back as I addressed them, "Good evening. You have all been updated on my rank and role in this mission. Know that I take this position extremely seriously and expect the same in return. At 0400, you are to meet here to begin your training. We have twenty-one days to become the best soldiers in all of history."

Andersen and Haugen giggled, their heads dropping when I glared their way. "Where are the two masked knuckleheads?" I asked, and Larsen gestured at a nearby building.

"They're under confinement after fighting each other," she informed me, and I nodded firmly.

"Excellent. I'll deal with them next. Everyone, you have already met Captain Soap MacTavish and Captain Price. Joining us is Sergeant Russ from the G.H.O.S.T. unit. I expect everyone to give our additions a warm welcome. Larsen, please give our guests a quick tour." They nodded in confirmation and I stated, "You are dismissed."

We dispersed and I headed to the building Larsen gestured at, stepping into the makeshift prison with a frown. I'd been here many times before; this was my mother's favorite way to put me in time out when I was displaying anger issues as a child. The guard stood at alert, declaring for the rest of the building, "Officer on deck!"

I heard the shuffling of the two men as they stood at attention, strolling inside to see that they'd been locked within a jail cell each. König's eyes threatened to burst from his head as he spotted me, and I stopped between them, observing Ghost's expression as he released a humored breath. "I understand that you two fought each other. Explain," I ordered, and König sank onto the bench as his eyes remained wide in shock.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Ghost demanded, before his eyes narrowed in the additional ranks on my formal jacket. "Shit. You got a promotion? To officer?"

"Affirmative. Command Sergeant Major. I will be leading the Hunters through this mission. Now, answer me while I determine if the two of you will be remaining on the task force."

"He started it," Ghost grumbled. "Whining all day long after you disappeared on us. 'I didn't get to say goodbye. Will I ever see her again? Darn it; I think I'm in love'." He poorly mimicked König's voice as he grumbled, my heart warming at the statement that he might be in love with me.

"König, what was Ghost's role in the argument?"

"He was picking a fight with everyone," König informed me. "And I got tired of it."

I nodded before asking, "Injuries?"

"Nothing permanent," Ghost grumbled. "Mainly bruises."

"Bruises," König agreed. "We...were stopped pretty quickly. The whole team saw it coming and brought reinforcements."

"Do it again and I will kick both of your asses. Am I clear?" They nodded and I could tell that Ghost's smirk was growing. "At 0400 tomorrow, your training begins. I expect you in front of the main building on time."

Ghost nodded and stepped forward for the door to be opened, grumbling when I turned and walked away, "Aren't you going to open this?"

"Consider it your punishment for trying to break into my safe. Toodaloo!"

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