Chapter Twelve

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The journey down the mountain was agonizing as the wounds ripped further open, my legs numb from the cold. Sliding in the snow, I stopped to catch my breath, before quickly realizing that I couldn't easily get up. My head spun from bloodloss and my extremities burned with the beginnings of frostbite. "Kalberg!" I heard Larsen call, and I sighed in overwhelming relief.

"I'm okay," I called back, before groaning in pain. "Well, I'm alive."

"You tore your stitches again, didn't you?" I groaned and she quickly came into view, having dressed in her full winter gear before looking for me. "Shit, you're paler than usual. Let me have a look at you."

I laid down in the snow while she peeked under my shirt, cursing at the sight. "We need to get you to the med bay stat," she determined, lugging my arm over her shoulder as she pulled me to my feet. We limped down the mountain, sliding occasionally in the snow, while I shivered all over.

"The General here?" I asked through my chattering teeth, relying on her support more than I would like.

"Yes, but he wasn't the first to arrive. Your fucking Mor flew from wherever she was and beat the American here. She's probably flipping the base in her anger."

I winced, but this time in concern. "How mad is she going to be with me for running again?"

"Kalberg, we understand what you're going through. Well, we don't, but we're trying to," she answered softly. "Your Mor's worried sick about you. She got no less than forty additional wrinkles while you were a POW. We aren't going to take this out on you. But should consider stepping down."

"I'm contracted until the end of next spring. Only a few more months to go, then I'll decide," I reminded her, and she huffed. There were loop holes that I could find, but I refused to admit defeat. Admit weakness after they spent months trying to break me. "I'm sorry I ran again. Everything was becoming too much."

"I'm not mad. But could you please be lighter next time I have to rescue you?" I laughed at her comment and nodded, reaching the base with a sigh of relief. We limped to the medical bay, the crowd having gathered at the office building and the mess hall to leave our journey unnoticed.

A nurse jumped to her feet when we stumbled inside, her eyes widening as she led me to the closest cot. "What happened?" she asked nervously, beginning to gather supplies after peeking at my wounds.

"Tore some stitches doing something I shouldn't have," I grumbled, and Larsen helped remove my blood-soaked shirt. She adjusted my gaiter back into place before leaving me in the hands of the medic, going to fetch a clean shirt and update the others that I'd returned.

The nurse surrounded me with a pre-warmed blanket, tucking the material below my lowest wound. I warmed with the additional hand warmers, enjoying the sensation as she rummaged for additional materials. Slipping gloves in place, she cleaned the multiple stab wounds on my waist, stitching it closed after applying a numbing cream that didn't help. Resting my head on the pillow, I tucked my hand beneath, my palm supporting my chin while I sighed. When was I ever going to feel normal again?

I could smell my mother when she arrived, the door opening to reveal a waft of cold air and her jasmine fragrance. "Angerboda," she greeted me softly, crossing the room to sit on a cot where I could see her. I peered up at her tall, narrow form, seeing that she'd lost another inch of height with age. Her once strong, wide body built of muscle had begun to deplete with age and, due to me, stress. She's lost weight while I was held captive, losing her once powerful stance.

I sighed as a wave of relief overcame me despite the frustration of knowing that I was the source of her decreasing health. She was the only one who referred to me by my first name, bringing me further from the void of suffering as I resurfaced. "Mamma," I whispered, and her pale blue eyes softened. "I'm sorry I ran."

She shook her head and leaned forward, taking my hand in hers. I felt the wrinkles on her skin, noticing how dainty her digits now felt, her grip soft. "I'm not upset, Gullet mitt. I know how hard you're struggling. I see it in your eyes."

I nodded, my emotions forming a knot in my throat, and she sighed heavily. Switching to Norwegian, she encouraged me, "My gold, I know how hard you're working to recover; to get back to where you were and more. You lost your power and you want it back. But please remember what the therapist said. To get your power back, you have to be willing to release control."

"I can't do that. I can't release control when I'm surrounded by people I can't trust, I muttered, and she squeezed my hand.

"Not everyone is going to betray you. Believe me, I practically dug to the center of the Earth pulling every piece of dirt I could on those men you've been assigned to work with." I giggled at her description and she offered a small smile. "I wouldn't have let you and your unit come here if there were red flags. None of them show the signs that...that the bastard who left you for dead did."

The nurse adjusted to my shoulder, stitching the wound left from the bullet carefully shut. "You didn't look into Fernsby, did you?" I whispered, and she shook her head.

"I didn't. I thought a man of his rank would have more sense, but I was clearly wrong. Your next base will be better, I promise. Filled to the brim with people you and I trust."

My eyes widened as I leaned upward on my elbow, whispering, "We're being transferred to Norway?"

"Laksefjordbotn. My favorite little hidey-hole. You're flying out as soon as the Hercules arrives. It won't likely be until tomorrow or late tonight, but I've taken care of Fernsby. General Rodriguez is taking over for the time being, and he seems decent. Especially after I threatened him with the way I treated your Far if he upsets your unit."

I giggled and she patted me on the forearm, glancing at my nearly finished stitching. "I have to go," she admitted softly. "I flew out here in a fit of rage, but I'm technically supposed to be at a conference in D.C. I'll try to swing by Laksefjordbotn while your new unit is training and preparing for this mission. Teamwork is going to be essential. Got it?"

"Affirmative." She smiled warmly and hugged me goodbye, heading into the cold while the nurse finished the stitches and covered everything in additional bandages. "Thanks," I muttered, and she nodded, leaving wordlessly to clean up her supplies.

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