Chapter Seventeen

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 Larsen locked the combat training room door before approaching where the rest of the Jegertroppen were resting on the bleachers. Tossing down a full duffel bag, she grinned sinisterly at me, flashing a glance at Haugen and Andersen. "Today, we're teaching Storm how to not, well, storm. Here are the rules: you cannot hurt her, but you are within your rights to hold her down."

I snorted, looking at the other two women. Neither of them was strong enough to hold me down, even when I was injured. "Oh, keep up that smug look, Kalberg," Larsen taunted me. "Cause we're starting this training session by tying you up."

"Say what now?" I watched with a wide, nervous gaze while she unzipped the duffel bag, revealing a thick, black rope. "I'm quickly realizing this is going to be a struggle for me."

Haugen giggled while Larsen stepped forward, ordering me, "Give me your wrists." I sighed and placed my hands together, allowing her to bind them with a tight knot. "Kalberg, I need to push you," she informed me softly, lowering to tie my ankles next. "This is going to trigger you. This is going to put you back in that Russian, freezing, miserable cave. They couldn't break you, but I'm going to. For your own good."

"Larsen, you know I don't do well being triggered," I reminded her as I shook my head in desperation. "I-I lose control. I might seriously injure you all."

"I know you can get out of these ropes if you try hard enough. Heck, I saw the footage. But I need you to rely on your trust in me." Tears swelled in my eyes as she shoved something in my mouth, realizing that she was planning on making me scream. Dragging me by the knot on my wrists, I fell onto the floor with a hard thud, already feeling defenseless and angry.

"Deep breath. Focus on your breathing," she instructed me. "We're going to do some simple training exercises. I need everyone prepared on how to move your big, pale ass if you're incapacitated in the field. This is not going to hurt you."

I nodded while my tongue fought with the material in my mouth. What was this? Please tell me these aren't my freaking boxers. While I worked on getting the object out of my mouth, Larsen addressed the other two, "Kalberg's downed in the field, and you're the only one with her. We're receiving heavy fire and we need to get her to a medic on the other side of the room. I'll go first."

Haugen looked at me with a smirk, telling me, "You're going to die."

I choked when I tried to insult her before my eyes widened as Larsen gripped me tightly. I yelped when she hauled me upward, her body groaning with my weight before I was slung over her shoulder. When I hummed my surprise and approval, she spanked me in warning before crossing the room. Dang; she's been working out.

I groaned when she lowered me to the ground, taking great care not to injure me. "Shit, you're heavier than I remember," she whispered to me while she stretched, bending over with a groan. "Weren't you starved?"

I shrugged; I like to eat. I'd regained most of the weight through exercise and eating higher fat and protein meals. To be fair, I'd been rescued over a year ago. "Andersen, you're up!"

Andersen approached me with a narrowed, calculating expression as she observed me. While she was taller than Larsen, her background was in agility and quick movements, not lifting heavy objects. I held up my middle finger while she contemplated, smirking when she grumbled an insult. "You sure I can't hurt her? Just a little?" she called to Larsen, who confirmed. "I seriously don't know how I'm going to do this. Dragging her might kill me."

"Think of Haugen doing it next," Larsen reminded her. I met Andersen's frustrated gaze, shifting my eyes between hers and her jacket. I instructed her to use the material to help move me, and she nodded wordlessly in understanding as she stripped the material from her body. "Uh-uh! No helping them, Kalberg! You're supposed to be unconscious. Now, I gotta punish you."

I winced when she stomped forward, wrapping another piece of cloth around my eyes and blindfolding me. My anger spiked; the darkness reminded me of the caves, and I struggled against the rope. "Kalberg," Larsen whispered, and I flinched when she placed her hand on my shoulder. "You aren't in danger. Deep breath. Count each breath for me. Five seconds in, hold for two, release for five."

I followed her instructions, counting the steps of my breath as I slumped onto the floor. This was working; the thick fog that coated my mind whenever I was threatened was reducing. I could focus on her words; I wasn't in danger.

Regardless of how calm I was becoming, I still jolted when Andersen began to roll me. Her touch surprised and frightened me, and she muttered an apology as she placed me on her jacket. Her pained groans humored me as she dragged me across the room, her boots occasionally slipping. I could hear her knees popping when she lowered, using the stronger position to move me with less struggle.

"Haugen! What's your plan?"

Haugen shifted nervously on her feet; I could hear the movement, locating her as she stepped closer to me. "Uh? Can I shoot her?"

"You want to injure her more?"

"I'm only good at shooting! Can I ask the enemy for help?"

"Haugen," Larsen warned, and her tone was enough to stop Haugen's joking. Andersen rolled me to retrieve her jacket, leaving me to lie on my side while I waited for their next move.

"I'm going to have to roll her," Haugen decided. "I can't drag her." I heard her shifting beside me, feeling her gripping my ankles as she groaned and moved me ninety degrees. She then laid on the floor, using her boots to push me. Her legs were her strongest body part, rolling me with a struggle. It was working.

After nearly ten minutes of grunting and strained breathing, she got me to a point that Larsen approved of. "Perfect! Haugen, I'm so darn proud of you. Lie down beside Andersen and catch your breath. This next one's going to be a struggle."


Haugen crawled over to the bleachers while Larsen leaned down to me, whispering, "This is helping them too. You should have seen Haugen's face, figuring it out. You're training them, Kalberg, by being in this position. Just...keep that in mind with our next exercise. Know that I'm doing this in a place of love."

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