Chapter Thirty-Six

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 One of them was going to shoot me. I just know it after the drills I made them do. I stopped the training when dinnertime was approaching, meeting everyone at the watchtower as the last few slinked out in defeat. "We'll stop for now," I informed them. "Go enjoy a nice shower and a warm holiday meal. Tomorrow at 0800, report back here. Understood?"

They looked terrible. After hours in the forest, everyone was coated in snow and natural debris. Larsen was in tears; her plans were proving ineffective. I was changing the circumstances with every round, calculating her next few plans to make sure that I'd counteracted her. While she knew plans best, I knew her better.

A traitorous sob escaped from her as we headed back to the base. I pulled her aside, gesturing for the others to go ahead. Pulling her into a hug, I squeezed her against me, resting my chin on her head while she cried. "I'm pushing you because I love you," I whispered as I rubbed her back. "If you're leading everyone into battle, you need to be prepared for anything and everything. I know you've got this; otherwise, I wouldn't be so hard on you."

After several minutes of her sobbing into my armor, she conceded with a nod of her head. Pushing away from me, she wiped her face and whispered, "You're right. Let's go eat. And drink."

"Especially drink." She giggled and we headed back, hitting the showers before joining the others at the mess hall. Tables had been neatly covered in black and red cloths, the napkins gold and folded. Larsen shook her head when I gestured for her to take the chair at the head of the table, urging me to sit down instead.

Sighing, I fell into the seat, seeing that Ghost and König had willingly joined. Once everyone was settled, the family-style dishes were brought out, along with the Gløgg and Juleøl. "No one won," Haugen realized with a frown. "Who goes first?"

I grinned, instructing, "You each have a dish in front of you. Grab it, dish out what you want, and pass it along to your right. We're a team; we win and lose together." After thanking the cooks, we began to exchange the options. Feeling Larsen's gaze on me, I asked, "What are you thinking?"

"I'm just realizing something," she admitted vaguely. My brows furrowed and she didn't explain, declaring, "I'll say grace, because Kalberg's a heathen." I laughed loudly and the Christians took hands, bowing their heads in prayer. I winked at Ghost and König, seeing that they seemed to be getting along better. They'd chosen to sit across from each other, and as we began to eat, I heard them debating plans. Strategizing on tomorrow's training.

Larsen sighed after glancing at her watch, informing me, "I have to step away to call the Admiral. I'll get you when I'm done; she'll want to speak with you next."

"I can just go with you." She shook her head and took her plate with her, leaving me confused and curious. Putting aside the conversation, I ate while contemplating what else to throw at the team with the training.

Larsen was gone for quiet some time, our plates emptied and our bellies full before she returned. Tapping my shoulder, she gestured for me to leave, and I nodded as I stood. Chugging the rest of my drink, I headed to the office, answering the line on hold, "Merry Christmas Eve, Mamma."

I could hear the smile in her voice as she responded, "Same to you, darling. I heard you were quite the drill sergeant today."

I nodded as I sat down, grinning while I admitted, "Without a doubt. I want everyone prepared. I'm not going easy on them."

"Larsen described the training to me. She's incredibly impressed with you."

"I think I pushed her more than she expected," I responded softly. "I upset her."

"It's okay to upset your fellow officer if it keeps them alive. Per her, you not only pushed her, but you helped calm her afterward. You're quite the trainer." I was nervous to admit that Larsen had already talked with me about becoming a trainer. Would she be in trouble if I told my mother the truth? When I remained silent, she informed me, "I know Larsen told you. I'm not the only one concerned about your focus after what you went through. You becoming a trainer on base is a good idea."

"I...don't know what I'd do if I weren't in the military," I admitted softly. "I'll do the therapy. Every day if that's what is needed. Maybe not with that same old creep, but I'll do it if I have to."

"I'd appreciate that. The day after Boxing day, I'd like for you to start therapy twice a week. You're going to need it with what's in store for you."

"In store for me?"

While my anxiety rose, she hummed her confirmation. "Larsen made some phone calls before reaching out to me. That swine went over my head, and I'm saying that in a place of love."

"She...did what? How could she do that?"

"If she's questioning a commanding officer, she's within her rights as Sergeant Major to go up the chain. And she went to the very top."

"She's questioning you? Since when?"

"Since 0530, apparently. She's made her opinion clear, and after my conversation with her, I'm in agreement. Angerboda, you aren't off of all called it the Hunters? You aren't being pulled. You'll be leading them."

I forgot how to breathe, sitting in rigid surprise without the ability to formulate a response. As if understanding my silence, she explained further, "You're going to fly out to Olso Christmas day at 1400. Morning of Boxing day, you'll receive a promotion to Command Sergeant Major. It's been in the works since you returned from that God awful save, coming from a higher power than me. Then, you will lead the training and preparations for this mission. You'll receive further details at that time."


"Larsen's recommendation has been taken extremely seriously. Angerboda, you will be stationed at a command center, away from the battle. Watching and directing them on screen. They need a strong leader, and based on the reports I've read from your fellow Hunter Troop, that's you."

"But Larsen's...?"

"She's a good leader, but she's seen you grow since that terrible cave. You've changed; you've become more strategic and caring. Yes, your anger gets the better of you, but that's the story of your freaking life. You've got this. Then, after this mission is over, you'll return to base and decide your next steps."

When I began to protest in my doubt, she interrupted, "This isn't up for negotiation. The King's made his decision."

"The King?"

"No higher power than God. Now, go eat some dessert and enjoy yourself. You've apparently got a challenging day planned for your team tomorrow morning."

My team? Is this really happening? Did I drink too much?

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