Chapter Twenty-One

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 We ate while discussing the changes, keeping our conversation in Norwegian in case anyone could hear. Haugen sighed dramatically when we asked her how she was handling Soap's leaving, and she rolled her eyes. "I guess I'll just have to focus on my hubby back home."

"Excuse the fuck out of me. What?"

Haugen giggled, informing us, "Guess I never mentioned him before. We married last spring. He's not military; a German architect. He's in the process of moving to Norway. We've got an open relationship, so he'd be cool if I slept with Soap."

Our jaws were dropped. "Any other secret marriages y'all would like to share?" Larsen exclaimed, while Haugen laughed and flushed.

"Nope. Single as fuck," I responded, before nudging my head at the doorway. "For now?"

Andersen laughed at my answer, admitting, "I've got a boyfriend, but he's long-distance. Met him in Guatemala while we were stationed there for a few weeks. I...I miss him, but I'm lonely. Aksel's offered to help with my loneliness, but only temporarily. We've agreed to part ways after this mission."


Larsen chewed on her bottom lip, whispering, "I got back with Dante. But I'm not happy about it!"

"Your first husband? Are you kidding me?"

We laughed and argued, before I realized, "Gaz looks just like Dante. No wonder you're so bashful around him. Playing hard to get just like you did with Dante."

She shrugged, offering, "I could always use a third divorce."

I laughed and finished my food before declaring, "I think it's unfair that the only poly member of this team is single. I'm filing a complaint."

"Uh-huh. How much do you want to bet that those two are still guarding the door? Cause I'm about to go shower." We giggled and gathered our toiletries and fresh clothing, dawning our masks before carrying the trays with us outside. Sure enough, Ghost was leaning against the wall, his eyes emotionless as he observed us. König stood rigidly on the other side, his expression soft as I offered him a small smile in return.

They followed us to the mess hall, watching us drop off our dishes, before standing guard outside of the female bathrooms. This building was far smaller than the alternative, with only one available shower. We took turns and Larsen went first, quickly washing before switching with me. Once clean and dried, I slipped on my boxers and sports bra, strapping my long pants over my shorts.

Larsen used the hair dryer while I sat on the counter, kicking my feet while I waited patiently. A knock at the door drew our attention, hearing Soap call, "We're leaving. Wanted to say goodbye and wish you luck!"

"One sec!" Andersen stepped out of the shower, quickly drying and dressing. I slipped on a fresh gaiter before we opened the door, seeing the four departing men waiting patiently outside. They'd redressed in their heavy gear, holding their sacks on their shoulders.

We lined up and they said their goodbyes, shaking our hands or bumping our fists. Soap pulled me into a chest bump, his arm slinging over my shoulders as he told me, "Give them Hell, Storm."

"Wouldn't have it any other way." We chuckled and finished our goodbyes, watching them leave while I crossed my arms over my chest. "Shit, it's cold."

"You're in your bra, you fool," Andersen informed me, and I groaned, heading back inside to dry my hair and slip my shirt on. "I swear, we get too comfortable sometimes."

"Fo sho."

"I think your two boyfriends' heads nearly exploded when you stepped out," Larsen teased, and I shrugged, having not even looked their way. "I thought Ghost was going to break Soap's arm when he pulled you to him like that."

"Ghost seems to be possessive. Protective? One of those."

Haugen nodded before entering the shower, calling, "I think König is more on the caring side, although he seems to have the same shift you do. Nice half the time, serious and lethal the other."


I braided my hair while everyone finished up, masking up before leaving. Glancing back at the men, I met Ghost's intense gaze, nudging my head in the direction of a nearby building. König hesitated while we stepped aside, watching us from a distance. Leaning my gloved hand on the wall above my head, I told him, "I became angry when you didn't respond to my question. I'm not used to people not responding."

Ghost's eyes narrowed as he thought, remaining motionless and unresponsive, and I sighed, dropping my hand. "Keep it up," I informed him, before following after the rest of my unit. He expended a humored breath, his shoulders slumping slightly in relief.

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