Chapter Ten

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Ghost tapped my shoulder gently, pulling me from what had become the dirtiest dream of my life. Groaning awake, I lowered my gaiter, hearing his deep, English accent in my ear, "Fernsby is on his way here."

König was missing and I realized that he'd switched places with Aksel, who had managed to tucking himself beside Andersen as they snuggled. Quickly stretching myself awake, I then crawled out of the fort, hearing Ghost wake the others. I shifted nervously on my feet while adjusting my gaiter, unsure of what was approaching.

"Step aside!" Fernsby demanded, and I heard König scoff in protest. "Do not challenge me, you giant German freak."

"He's Austrian," I called through the door, verifying that the others were spilling out of the fort before I twisted the knob. The old Lieutenant General showed visibly signs of being exhausted this late at night. Early in the morning? Glancing at my watch, I saw that it was 0230. His gang of soldiers surrounded him, barking insults and calling me a transgender monster.

"You've decided to sleep beside your own kind," he growled in response, and I leaned against the doorframe, feeling Ghost's heavy presence at my back. "The other three need to return to their barracks. I will not tolerate pregnancies on my watch."

"You spoke with Admiral Bakke," I addressed him irritably, wondering how Larsen always kept herself so calm in front of opposition like this. "Call her again; ask her my gender. I shot out of her womb, after all. Had a big head then and now, according to her. She can tell you without a doubt my body parts I was born with."

Fernsby's overgrown, ungroomed brows furrowed as he muttered, "You're the Admiral's son?"

"Daughter. Keep up. These," I smacked my breasts, "are all natural. And a pain in the back."

"We've seen her vagina," Haugen called smugly. "We can confirm she's female all over."

I pointed at Haugen, grumbling over my shoulder, "Thanks for reminding me. If you kick my cooter again, I'm sending yours into orbit." She roared with laughter while Ghost leaned his elbow on the doorframe above me, seeming to tower over me as he glared at the Lieutenant General. König blocked the doorway with his large form, making it difficult for me to glare around his enormous body.

Fernsby scoffed before readjusting his stern stance, informing us, "The Jegertroppen ladies are being placed under arrest. Crucial military information has gone missing from my office, and Larsen was the last one present."

"Under arrest?" Larsen exclaimed as she stepped forward, standing beside me as she glared at him around König. "If you wanted to see us in cuffs, you could have asked."

"Kinky," I added, and Haugen laughed again. "You know we can break out of cuffs, right?"

"We're searching your barracks, and if we don't find the thumb drive, we're searching each of your person's," he informed us irritably. "Full cavity search, if necessary, to find what's been stolen. Then you'll be brought to the proper authorities."

"Only a female officer can search us," Larsen stated sternly. "And that's not just a preference, it's a rule per your military."

"Fine. Then I'll get a woman to search you bitches," he barked in response. "It'll keep you in custody longer. Your choice."

Ghost leaned down to my ear, whispering, "The General is arriving in a few hours."

I nodded firmly and Fernsby began shouting additional orders, ordering the men to step aside for our arrests. "We'll watch them," Price announced as he pushed his way through the crowd, with Soap remaining at the other barracks to watch for additional suspicious activity. "As the best of the best soldiers, per your words, I think we can handle them."

A vein in Fernsby's forehead began to bulge as his face reddened, preparing to yell back. König stepped forward, intimidating the far shorter man, until he finally conceded. "Fine. If one of those women or that weird freak get away, it'll be your career."

As he turned to storm back to the barracks, I gestured at my crotch, wordlessly telling him to suck it. Ghost huffed beside my ear, muttering, "You're trouble."

"Yup. Regretting your declaration that I belong to you?" I challenged, hearing him huff once more. The soldiers slowly began to file behind their leader, exchanging nervous or furious glances with each other. König nodded at me silently, his eyes surprisingly tense. Although I hadn't known him long, I'd never seen him this stern. It was like his shy, kind personality shifted into a furious weapon, ready to unleash at any point.

König shut the door, standing guard with Price while Ghost tugged me away from the entrance. "Where did you put the USB, by the way?" I whispered to him while the others began to tear down the fort, not wanting to give him an excuse to enforce an actual problem.

"His desk," Ghost responded, watching as I helped fold the blankets.

"What if he found it and plans to hide it again?" I asked softly, stacking everything messily on a cot while Larsen grumbled at my work.

"It's locked in a drawer." Ghost removed the velcro from his left glove, slipping a key out from within. I snorted at the sight, collecting the pillows while I realized that he was refusing to stray from the door. Protecting everyone stoically, just like König.

"I'm starting to think I'm not the only troublemaker here."

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