Chapter Eight

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We warmed ourselves by one of the fires after returning our items to the cot, our boots added to the organized section on the floor. The two Captains, Ghost, and König continued their private discussion outside while Fender waved us to the fort. "Come on! It's all ready. Hopefully, it meets your all's standards."

We took turns crawling inside, impressed with the structure. They'd used vertical cots to enforce the walls, covering the floor in mattresses, additional blankets, with pillows organized in a circle. "Impressive," Andersen determined as we gathered together on one side, covering ourselves with a blanket as we warmed beneath the fort.

"Why are you all wearing shorts? It's going to get cold tonight," Hutch asked as he made himself comfortable across from us.

"It's going to get warm in here. Far better than if we slept individually," Larsen explained with a wave of her pointer finger. "It's kept us warm in the Norwegian winters, as well as the Russian. Using thinner, cooling blankets, we do better in deserts too."

"Huh. I would have never guessed, but it is already getting warmer."

The others made themselves comfortable as we sat in a circle, the four outside still conversing. "Well, while we're all here, let's get to know each other," Gaz decided warmly. "Who does what jobs in each task force?"

We took turns answering, and Larsen explained, "I'm the brains, Storm's the brawn and weapon's expert. Fly's our fast moving hand-combat fighter, and Skater's our sniper."

"Sweet. How long has everyone served?" We ran through the same order, with my experience in the military being fifteen years. Further discussions on individual histories were shared, and we talked for what felt like hours before the four finally stepped inside. They hovered outside of the fort, likely listening to our conversation. "Alright, let's try a silly question. What's everyone's favorite kills?"

"That's silly?" Aksel exclaimed with a humored huff, and Gaz nodded. "What's silly about that?"

"Well, has anyone killed anyone with a strange object? Something unexpected?"

"Storm killed a man without touching him or using weapons," Larsen informed them, and I huffed in protest.

"Okay, that wasn't my fault!" I protested, and the women giggled. Aksel insisted on hearing the story and I groaned, explaining, "We went to a pub to blow off steam after an intense mission and this old jerk kept trying to grope us. I might have done something that gave him a heart attack. No drugs, no touch, no weapons."

"He had it coming," Andersen added smugly. "Plus, he wasn't exactly upset when they loaded him on the gurney. Kept singing 'glory, glory, what a helluva way to die.'"

"Okay, what? You killed a man and he was happy about it? I'm going to need to see what you did!" Hutch exclaimed.

I sighed heavily, deciding, "Fine. Everyone, out of the fort. I'm going to need a volunteer who has a healthy heart."

They argued over who would volunteer while we filed out of the fort. When I crawled out, I spotted Ghost leaning against the closed barracks door, his gaze heavy on mine. König quietly offered his hand and I smiled nervously, taking the gloved hand as he pulled me effortlessly to my feet. Everyone gathered in the open space while the men argued and I rolled my eyes, telling them, "I need someone six foot or less. Preferably less, because I'm too sore to do any higher."

"The mystery just gets more mysterious," Aksel declared with a laugh.

"Alright, I'm choosing you. Come here." Aksel grinned and I adjusted him to one of the walls, in a section where there weren't windows. The curtains had been drawn, but I didn't want to accidentally break the glass. "Alright. Let me set the scene for everyone. Pub in Brazil, lights flashing, music shaking the sketchy floorboards. We're wearing masquerade masks, and I'm in...three inch heels?"

"Yup. Three. You were a giant," Haugen confirmed.

"And a skin-tight black dress, cause that's all that was available for me," I continued, seeing Aksel's cheeks flush with the image. "Old man comes up, grabbing at our rears, trying to offer us drinks that he'd spiked. The whole shabang. He was really pissing us off, so Larsen gave me the green light to have a little fun with him."

"Green light, please, for me," Aksel pleaded with Larsen, who rolled her eyes. I watched the man pale as his gaze met Ghost's, seeing that he was seething at the comment. "Uh, nevermind."

"Back to storytime?" He nodded and I explained, "So I pull him aside with some Spanish...inappropriate suggestions. Without touching him, mind you. Got him alone on the far side of the bar, asking him what he looks for in a woman. Apparently, he likes long legs and flexibility. So I," I kicked my leg upward, pressing my foot against the wall beside Aksel's head, "showed him some flexibility. Then he grabbed his chest and fell over, preventing me from actually having any fun."

The gasps in the room made me giggle while Aksel's eyes widened with a threat of bulging. Holding their hand's over their chests, everyone but the women, Ghost, and König sang, "Glory, Glory, what a helluva way to die!" I laughed and withdrew my leg, watching Aksel sink to the ground in shock.

"Where's the nearest pub?" Hutch teased and I laughed again, stretching my leg with a painful pop of my knee.

"You guys can join our yoga sessions," Andersen announced with a cheeky grin beneath her mask. "We'll fold you boys like laundry."

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