Chapter Sixty-Eight

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 König left after releasing a string of curses, leaving me panting as I recovered from our sex. The experience of being held down by the mattress had heightened my enjoyment, and I was excited for him to return. He'd looked at his watch while dressing, his sniper mask back in place–he was over five hours late for training.

He'd left me with a variety of drinks and snacks, having carried the television I never watch into the room. The screen rested on the mattress in front of me, displaying the dramatic Spanish soap operas I'd requested. Despite the chains, I was easily about to move my arms, with one being brought closer to the headboard while the other extended ahead of me.

I wonder if he'd figured out what I'd do if I needed to use the restroom, before noticing that he'd left a bucket beside the bed. "Oh, gross!" I groaned, kicking the bucket aside before immediately regretting it. Hmm. Time to break free.

The chains and cuffs were heavy-duty, professional and nearly impossible to break. I giggled as I realized that the wood would be the easiest path to freedom. Putting my full weight on the chains as I extended my right hand, I heard the wood splintering behind me. Pressing harder, the wood snapped and detached from the chains, freeing me while I giggled.

"Didn't remove the cuffs–I'm still behaving!" I called to no one before running to the bathroom. Once relieved, I returned to the bed, quite content with the setup that König had given me. I remained on the bed while I snacked and rested, surprised with how much I could enjoy being lazy for once.

A knock at the door hours later made me jump in surprise, and König called, "Angerboda, I...accidentally locked the door behind me. Is there a key out here or something?"

I giggled and skipped to the door, unlocking it as I informed him, "Cuffs are still on. I'm behaving!"

König's eyes were tense as he quickly shifted inside, seeming to shield me from the cold. He nervously unlocked the cuffs, tossing the chains into the bathroom before slamming the door shut. "Go get dressed," he ordered, and the panic in his voice sent me running into my bedroom. He rushed behind me, neatening up the room and even tossing the laundry in the machine as he freaked out.

"Alexander, what's wrong?" I asked nervously, slipping on underwear and pants. I was still wearing his shirt, needing to know if I needed to change depending on what was going on.

"Uh, we're both in trouble," he muttered nervously. "Your...mother's outside."

"Mor?" I called, and she stepped inside. I peeked out the bedroom door, watching her shake the snow off of her boots before removing them. She was in uniform, like always, and shifted a glare at me that made me crumble. "Uh, hi, Mor. What'd I do this time?"

"Tre, kindly step outside while I have a moment with my idiot daughter," the Admiral grumbled, calling König a tree. He quickly rushed outside, shutting the door behind him with his head hung. "I'm getting real sick and tired of these soldiers going up the chain with my daughter's bullshit. You want to explain yourself?"

"Uh, Alexander and I are dating–" I began, only to have her shush me.

"I'm aware. The tree asked me for permission to propose to you. Although I'm mad now, know that I approve of him. I can tell he's good for you given that you're letting him call you by your first name," she informed me, smirking when I stiffened in shock. "I wasn't asking about him. I was asking about the rumors that you were running on the snowy mountain at night right after being told by your doctor to avoid both the cold and running!"

"Oh." I cursed under my breath, shrinking under her glare. "I'm...uh, doing better?"

"The Hell you are. You're staying in this cabin until you're cleared," she ordered, and I nodded in submission. "That doctor gave me an earful for your actions. He's not clearing you for a minimum of two weeks."

"Mor," I whispered in horror, meeting her stiff gaze as my jaw dropped. "The mission–"

"You're off the mission. And thanks to the giant outside, the two of you are under investigation. A fellow soldier was severely injured, and you two are the only witnesses," she continued, and I sank to the floor in dread. I'd gotten König in trouble too! "He's off too, and I'm placing him on strict house arrest. Because you're both in trouble, I'm assigning him here."

My wide eyes lifted to look up at her in shock. She was pulling us both from the mission, and having us live together what they investigate? "This investigation is going to be extremely detailed," she continued, smirking when she saw the wheels in my head turning. "Might be several months before we know anything. Your contracts will not be renewed if you're under an active investigation."

She was freeing us from future missions. My mother was keeping me and her apparent future son-in-law safe until our contracts ended. This was all she ever wanted–be to be safe and happy, especially with a partner in the picture. "There is no need to protest or fight me on this," she finished when I began to see how her plan had lined up perfectly; why she was so willing to let me go on this mission despite her fears. She knew my stubbornness would get me in trouble, as always.

"Yes, Admiral. I understand," I responded quietly, pulling myself to my feet as my eyes watered. She pulled me into a tight hug, squeezing me while patting my back softly.

"Good. Now, show me that book he mentioned. Something about a meadow?" While I went to retrieve the travel book, she called, "Tre! Come back in here."

König stepped inside, brushing off the snow as he bowed in submission. "M-ma'am–sorry, sir. Uh, my name is König, not Tre."

"Your name is Alexander König; I'm well aware," she informed him sternly. "Tre means tree, and you're going to marry my daughter, you better learn Norwegian."

"He's already been working on it," I informed her, and she sat on the couch beside me. She took the book with a soft smile, looking at the breathtaking meadow with a pleased expression. "He's also been teaching me German."

"This is perfect," she told König, flashing the image his way. "I agree with your decision."

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