Chapter Fifty-Four

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 "Wow," I exclaimed in shock. "You go straight to the hard questions, don't you?"

Russ nodded slowly before explaining, "One of my companions from the Marines was a POW. He...took his own life after being rescued, and I just want to know..."

"If there was anything you could have done," I finished, and he nodded again. "I hate to break it to you, but there was very little that you could have done."

I could see the pain in his eyes while he ate, explaining, "I was requested to assist on a newly developed task force. Limited training, high responsibilities, and even higher risks. Thirteen people, including myself, went behind enemy lines for classified reasons. Unfortunately, one of those thirteen was corrupted and betrayed us."

Russ stiffened as he listened to me, and I continued, "It nearly ruined my ability to trust others. Believe me; I'm not happy about working with other task forces either after what I went through. But I know that I can rely on the Jegertroppen and my direct superiors. I'd addressed my concerns with the commanding officer of the previous task force, and it fell on deaf ears. Had I gone up the chain, we would have never been placed in that situation, and families wouldn't have lost their loved ones either as POWs or in the aftermath."

I returned to my meal while Russ took his time analyzing my story, finishing my beer as he glared at the bottle. "After the...incident, what did you do recover? Why are you here and they...?"

"I'm actively struggling," I admitted softly. Was I this honest with my therapist? Maybe I need a masked therapist. "The mandatory time off after healing made things worse for me. The sitting around, the normality of civilian life, drove me more insane than the fucking cave. But I had a team to support me even when they didn't understand what was going on."

"Do you have nightmares?"

I nodded as I finished my soup, leaning back as I answered, "Yes. But they're better when I'm not alone. Part of the reason I've managed to get this far is due to their ability to care for my needs, no matter how embarrassing. For instance, I felt vulnerable in open spaces initially and couldn't handle being alone for long periods of time. They decided that we would sleep in blanket forts, or, when in the field, share a tent. We all ended up liking the idea; it made us feel safer than the alternatives."

"You're staying in that cabin," he muttered, his eyes slowly lifting to meet mine. "Aren't you going to be alone?"

I heard the doorknob jiggling quietly, realizing that Ghost was trying to break in. Gesturing for Russ to put on his mask, he swallowed his last bite before quickly slipping it in place. "I've got two volunteers to help me," I answered, approaching the door with a grin.

I swung the door open quickly, seeing Ghost kneeling with two silver tools in his hands. His dark eyes looked up at me sheepishly, and I glanced around the hallway, asking, "Where's your buddy?"

König stuck his head out from around the corner, giving me an innocent look. "He's as stealthy as a heart attack," Ghost grumbled as he packed away his tools. "You're no better than him. I'm impressed with how well you snuck around today."

"I was fidgeting the entire time, but y'all were too loud to hear. Whatcha doing, trying to break into my office?"

I felt Russ stand behind me, his arm extending above me as he tried to appear taller. It trapped me between the two men, and I nearly fanned myself at the filthy imagery that came to my mind. "Came here first to try to find your notebook," Ghost admitted. "Then heard you yapping with someone behind a locked door."

"Nosy prick. My notebook's in the lockbox in here. Really want to try your luck again?"

"You're trying to break into your superior's office and steal her belongings? Do you have a death wish?" Russ grumbled, glaring daggers at Ghost.

"Death wish?" Ghost repeated humorously. "You think she's going to kill me for messing with her stuff? Kid, I've rearranged her organs."

"I recall that was König," I corrected, hearing Russ grunt in confusion and shock behind me as he realized that I'd slept with both men. "You were more of a pain in the ass."

Ghost chuckled, enjoying my description before his eyes returned to glare at Russ. While the two exchanged non-verbal threats with their eyes, König caught my attention. "Kalberg, are you all done here? Because we'd like to celebrate your promotion tonight before our legs give out from training."

I giggled and nodded, grabbing my things while Russ irritably grabbed his own. He stormed out while I locked up my office door, having taken my tray with his. "What's his deal?" I grumbled, walking with the two men to my cabin.

"He's a dick," Ghost determined, and I shrugged. While Russ wasn't the warmest, most personable person, I could understand his perspective. "Please tell me you aren't adding him to whatever we've got going on."

"I'd only add someone with everyone's consent on board," I answered vaguely. "You are barely tolerating König as it is."

"She has three holes..." König whispered, flinching when I stopped and spun to look up at him. "Sorry!"

"König, that was more inappropriate than I thought possible for you. Good job," I responded humorously, and his tension lessened. Ghost seemed to ponder the idea while images flashed in my mind, tightening my lower abdomen. Could I really do that with all three of them?

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